Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 51: Green snake (middle)


"Where is Tang Shuo?"

"Where did Tang Shuo go?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it."

Seeing that there was no one there, He Shan hurriedly groped in the rest area, and then took out her phone to contact, but no one answered. She is the leader of the team, and she can't take responsibility if something happens, so she will call the police on the spot.

Gu Yu stopped him and said: "Don't panic, there are many patrols on the mountain, I will ask them for help."

As they spoke, some stayed and waited, and some followed. This mountainside is a key area, and there are many people, so I quickly found a group.

When He Shan explained the situation, the leader was also worried, and asked: "Is there a general direction, so many of you don't know where you are?"

"Uh, he seems to say that the scenery over there is very good, and he wants to take some photos to take back." A girl thought about it for a moment, and pointed in a direction uncertainly.

"Grass! Isn't this nonsense!"

The leader glanced at the deepest part of the mountain, cursed immediately, picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "Attention, the lunch break is cancelled! The lunch break is canceled! A tourist is missing, probably in the northwest of the rest area, northwest of the rest area..."

He Shan and the others were a little embarrassed. Seeing that he had finished giving orders, they hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, but if we can help you, just tell me!"

"It's good if you don't make trouble, just wait here!"

The leader was making all kinds of troubles and was about to leave, but he heard a sentence from the side: "I'm from Phoenix Group, Lu Shu, can you take me with you?"


He turned his head and took a look, vaguely impressed, and said, "Follow, don't fall behind!"

He flashed away after he finished speaking, and Gu Yu had to ask a few more words: "Sister He, if there is no news for a while, you all go down the mountain, and I will contact you again."

"Xiao Gu, thank you so much!"

"It's okay, I'll go first."

Gu Yu wiped his body and ran to that side. He Shan and the others were watching eagerly, when suddenly a figure flew out and also went to the depths of the dense forest, he couldn't help being horrified: "Xiao Zhai, what are you doing?"

"Go back and wait for me!"

Jiang Xiaozhai didn't even look back, he just waved his hands high.

She was very fast and caught up with Gu Yu in the blink of an eye. The guy was taken aback and said, "What are you doing here?"


She took it for granted, smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't cause you any trouble."

"Yes, yes..."

"Come on, let's go!"

She took the lead, and Gu Yu grinned his teeth in worry, so he had to carefully guard behind.

The two arrived at the team's location, and the leader was assigning tasks. Seeing this, he frowned and asked, "Is she also from the Phoenix Group?"

"Uh yes, we are neighbors."


The other party looked at Jiang Xiaozhai, feeling displeased but didn't say anything, and continued: "Xiao Zhang, you take this route with someone. Xiao Li, you take this route..."

Gu Yu glanced at it, and couldn't help but said: "There is a small path here, if you push it flat, it will be easy to form a closure, which can save a lot of time."

"Oh? That's even better!"

The other party is not a narrow-minded person, after hearing this, he decisively rearranged. There are three groups in total, and the third group has the least number of people, so they are assigned to help.

The two mixed a pair of stab-resistant gloves, and then set off with the group.

It is said to be northwest, but it is actually just a vague direction. This area is huge and the depth is even more terrifying. The trees are layer by layer, dense and heterogeneous, seemingly endless.

Jiang Xiaozhai was dressed in a standard mountaineering suit, with his hair tied in a ponytail, looking sharp and sharp.

Gu Yu walked behind, looking at the ponytail swaying, he was quite suspicious: This girl is not impulsive, why is it so strange this time

At this time, he didn't have time to think about it, so he suppressed his mind and carefully sensed the movement around him.

The three people in the same group were very silent, but their faces were obviously anxious. The leaders patted their heads, and the people below were exhausted. If you still can't catch the snake, that's fine, but now that the tourists are missing, you have to blame yourself for the blame.



The forest is silent, only the crackling sound of stepping on the weeds. The five of them walked for a while, Gu Yu paused suddenly, as if hearing an extremely weak electronic sound, he waved his hands quickly: "There is a situation over there!"

"Huh? No, right?" Someone also listened.

"That's right, it's over there."

He was confident in his five senses, so he walked to the left as soon as he raised his foot, and his friends had to follow.

After pushing aside a few bushes, sure enough, there was a mobile phone lying in the haystack, the screen was still on, displaying a text message reminder. The first person stepped forward to pick it up, examined it, and said, "It should have been dropped in a panic."

"Didn't the snake bite to death?" Someone was puzzled.

"Maybe he found out in advance, so he ran away. Well, don't worry about it so much, be careful!"

Now that you see your belongings, it means that the person is not far away. After walking around the various fine marks twice, one person suddenly shouted, "There!"

Everyone hurried over, only to see a man lying unconscious on the ground, it was Tang Shuo. Ya was wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt, and there was an obvious wound on his arm. Judging from the degree of discoloration, he had been in a coma for a while.

At this time, saving lives is the most important thing. The two buddies cooperated and planned to carry Tang Shuo on his back. The other one took a look and saw a SLR camera thrown not far away, so he wanted to go and get it.

The man approached step by step, just as he was about to bend down to pick it up, he suddenly saw a blue light attacking him.


He subconsciously wanted to hide, but the opponent was so fast, he screamed and fell to the ground clutching his neck. Everyone didn't respond, and the murderer disappeared with a whoosh.

"Little Wang!"

The two colleagues watched helplessly, their fingers almost cracking. They really didn't expect that the green snake had been lurking here all this time.

"I'll go after it!"

Gu Yu finally found the green snake, so of course he didn't want to give up, so he hurried into the dense forest with the next sentence. But Xiao Zhai blinked and followed behind as usual.

"Come back! Come back!"

The two buddies are going crazy, and here are the injured, who need to be treated as soon as possible. There are two bastards over there, don't help Jingte to make trouble. Seeing that they disappeared, there was nothing they could do, so they had to report the situation:

"I found a tourist, found a tourist, was injured and unconscious, and another colleague was injured. Those two went to hunt down the green snake, asking for support, asking for support!"

The green snake fled extremely quickly, and had a natural advantage. It rubbed against the ground fiercely, doing all kinds of tricks and slippery tricks.

Although Gu Yu knew how to perform illusions, he had to be at a certain distance to cast them, and the snake scrambled back and forth, no matter where it went, it disappeared immediately.

He had to stop and observe carefully.


At this moment, there was a sound from behind, and then the branches and leaves flicked, but it was Xiao Zhai who came after him.


Gu Yu was rarely angry, but today he was really angry.

He is absolutely sure of meeting the snake one-on-one, but with a girl, the winning rate is hard to say. Especially that girl didn't realize it, she had the virtue of coming out for an outing with a bright spring face.

"Don't make trouble, can you? This is catching snakes, not playing around!" He couldn't help shouting.

"Oh, then you let me go back by myself?"

"you… "

Ya was choked to death in an instant, what a joke, a little girl walked back by herself, and was wiped out in minutes. Gu Yu held back for a long time, and finally sighed: "Anyway, be careful, that snake is very dangerous."

"I've said it all, and I'm sure it won't cause trouble."

Xiao Zhai pursed his lips, and smiled again: "However, I'm quite curious."

"What are you curious about?" He was taken aback.

"Where did you get this support to catch snakes?"


One sentence seemed to freeze the time, the two young men stood in the dark and closed forest and stared at each other, a strange and subtle aura slowly escaped.

It has to be said that based on his perception of the girl, it is impossible to think of the bad side, let alone be on guard. But this question made his hair stand on end again, looking at those clear eyes, he didn't know how to answer.


At the moment of stalemate, Jiang Xiaozhai smiled suddenly, like the clear sky covering the mountains and plains, and said: "Forget it, you are looking for you."

Count it as wool!

I really want to ask to understand!

Gu Yu wanted to complain, but he also knew that the situation was special, so he should not be careless.

Perhaps with that sentence as a base, the two of them felt a faint sense of embarrassment, and in the embarrassment, there was also a hint of gay honey feeling of "ah, I found out your little secret".

So he walked for a short distance, seeing the messy traces, he simply squeezed his fingers:

"call out!"

"call out!"

After a while, there was the sound of running and jumping, and then, a fat squirrel popped out miraculously, and pia pounced into his arms.

"Oh My God!"

Gu Yu couldn't understand why it was so dexterous when it climbed trees, but it was so heavy when he hugged it



Brother Fat hadn't been summoned for a long time, and he kept screaming excitedly and complaining. When it subsided, it turned its head and looked at Jiang Xiaozhai in surprise. This was the first time when someone else was present, Gu Yu called it out without any scruples.

Similarly, Xiao Zhai was also very surprised and asked, "Is this your pet?"

"No, it's my friend."

Gu Yu rubbed the squirrel's neck and said with a smile, "You can call it Brother Fat."

"Brother Fat?"

Looking at this spiritual squirrel, Xiao Zhai seemed to mean something, and said with a smile, "Oh, I want to catch one too."