Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 511: The rivers and lakes are wild


Night, Baisha County.

Song Qilian was sitting on the roof of the building, sitting quietly with his eyes closed, practicing sword qi.

He doesn't have any foundation, but to be selected by the sword class, his aptitude is naturally beyond ordinary people. At this stage, his strength is not high, and basically the sword species directs his cultivation. At this moment, he uses the unique method of the Youxian School to temper his body and accumulate sword energy.

Black Water Hidden Killing Sword, Hidden Wushuang, No. 1 in Assassination!

Song Qilian knew that there were seven divine swords, one of which was in the hands of Gu Yu of Phoenix Mountain, this was almost a well-known fact. As for Heishuiyin Killing Sword, because Lushan is to be opened, the government's secrecy work is very strict.

That woman was naturally Du Hong's subordinate, and with their penetrating power, they didn't get any accurate information. So I don't know that the sword has been scrapped and was hidden in the mountain by Gu Yu.

After he got the sword species, he obtained a lot of information in it, but was disappointed that there was no matching sword weapon. But soon he turned the corner, the sword species was the most important thing, and the sword weapon was just icing on the cake. When one's cultivation level improved, it was also possible to refine a divine sword.

Before he knew it, Song Qilian had been sitting all night, a gleam of light appeared in the sky, gradually coloring the ink-like sky.

He closed his eyes and opened his eyes, took out a ten-centimeter short blade, and shot it out with luck. When the short blade was released from his hand, it immediately hid in the void, like Duan Yu's six-veined sword, only heard a pop.

A thick tree trunk was pierced in an instant, and then continued unabated, piercing through several big trees. The short blade couldn't bear the force either, and it shattered into pieces.

"Oh, it would be nice to have a decent sword."

Song Qilian shook his head, ordinary weapons couldn't withstand the sword energy, so he had to use a disposable throwing knife to make do.

He has three so-called masters under his command, and they all got the small magic weapon that flew out from Yushan. Although he can use it himself, he must have a good look to lead the gang, and he must not win people's love.

"I heard that the government has a standard long sword with good toughness. I will have one next time."

Song Qilian thought of that woman, and a coldness flashed in his eyes, both sides took what they needed, without any real feelings. The other party has provided him with a lot of help. Since the White Wolf Society was established, it must do things for it.

In fact, he was very afraid, that woman practiced the kung fu of harvesting yang and nourishing yin, but her inner breath was pure and deep, without a trace of evil, not like the wild ways of the people. However, he made indirect remarks many times, and the woman made a fuss on the bed, but he kept his mouth shut about such things and did not leak any information.

Song Qilian collected his mind, got up and walked to the edge of the roof, looking at the eastern horizon, the first sun jumped out of the clouds, the morning fog dissipated, and he was full of pride.

This era is exactly the era I like!

Freud said: The wind starts at the end of Qingping and ends in the grass. Although I started in Qingping, I will never die quietly, and I will soon break out of the small Baisha County, making a splash and becoming famous all over the world.

A small town in the north.

The streets at night were deserted, with few pedestrians, and even the patrolling police were invisible. There was only one police car driving around in circles on the street.

After sweeping the street about twice, a car stopped on the side of the road. Old Wu, the captain and driver, rolled down the window, lit a cigarette and smoked slowly. A young man was sitting in the co-pilot, playing with his mobile phone, and behind him, an old policeman who was about to retire was lying on his chair, sleeping.

Three people are the entire police force of this team. Just a few months ago, the van could fill up.


Old Wu took a puff of cigarette, looked at his watch, it was almost time. He rubbed his face and looked around carefully. After a while, he saw a black shadow appearing in the rearview mirror, and it was getting closer.

"Team Wu!"

The black shadow greeted in a low voice, and stuffed a package through the car window. Old Wu pinched the outer skin and said, "Don't go too far."

"Don't worry, we know what to do."

The black shadow left quickly, Old Wu stuffed the package under the seat, and drove away. Young people are still playing with their mobile phones, and old policemen are still sleeping.

Not long after, a few voices came from a certain room in an alley.

"Today there are new church members joining us, we are here to welcome..."

"I heard that you teach exercises, is it true?"

"Of course it's true. Our leader is a descendant of the ancient immortals. The authentic Taoist magic..."

A mountainous area in the south-central region.

In the dense forest, blood spattered and screamed again and again, and the two groups each held sharp weapons and were engaged in a fight.

There are more than 50 people on both sides, all of them have internal energy, and their moves are quite regular. They were strangers a few days ago, but today they are fighting for life and death here, and they will kill each other without holding back.

"Fuck them to death, follow me!"

"Kill, kill them all, the mine is ours!"

The two leaders took the lead, while boosting morale, while frantically consuming each other's numbers. Soon, the two met together, one wielding a sword and the other wielding a knife.

After fighting for a while, one side stabbed the other to death, and the defeated men knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Hahaha, Jinji Ridge will be our territory from now on. With this mine, we can live comfortably, get rich together, and cultivate immortality together!"

The mine he was talking about was one of the mountains. It was formed in the later stage of spiritual recovery, and there was only one small vein, but it was very easy to mine.

Scattered small mines like this have already blossomed all over the Xia Kingdom, and they are constantly being discovered.

The ones that are close to the city will naturally be taken down by the authorities. But the government will not take care of it for a while, so it gave these people an opportunity to take advantage of it. No matter what kind of mine it is, as long as it is alienated ore, there will be people buying it at a high price on the black market.

All the gangs are staring at this piece of fat, and you are vying for it, one step to heaven, one step to hell.

The so-called rivers and lakes emerge from the grass, and the grass rises from the rivers and lakes.

Regardless of Xia Guo's environment, the West is actually even worse. With the disappearance of Germanic leadership and the discovery of several ancient magic relics, all forces are fighting to the death.

Government authority is almost gone. Except for those large and medium-sized cities, the situation in other areas is getting worse day by day. Folk magic, witchcraft, astrology, alchemy and other various groups have sprung up one after another, swaggering through the market under various banners to attract people.

Officials were powerless, so they had to close the mess and preserve their strength in order to survive this tormenting recovery period.

In comparison, Xia Guo is much better. The eight million Sword Immortal Soldier Kings are not just playing around. These people are full of blood and energy, and they all have internal energy. They have successfully survived the riot of soul power, so the power of the big frame has not been weakened.

The worry is that local maintenance, education, medical care, public security, and even city cleaning can't find enough manpower.

Because the people are suffering too much, the aura has been stabilized, but the Gnostics have another wave of AOE, which instantly crushes their confidence in life.

Many people don't want to work, don't want to go out, and would rather wait to die at home. The whole society is filled with pessimism and depression.

Many folk forces have also been born, but they are far less daring than in the West, and most of them hide in abandoned towns and develop secretly. These organizations bloom everywhere, with varying strengths.

Like the White Wolf Society, there are advanced exercises, which belong to the first-level potential. What's more, only with the method of nourishing qi in the day after tomorrow, they dare to pull a few people to set up a mountain, and do mischief in places that the government has no time to take care of.

Ox ghosts and snake spirits, pitting the country and the people, that's all.

And in this general environment, Phoenix Mountain and Taoist Temple, as well as the Shengtian and Qianzhou regions they cover, are like two incompatible paradises, attracting people's longing and longing, but also resentment and hatred.

The whole world is recuperating.

Days are like years outside, and years are like days in the mountains. In the blink of an eye, it is the early spring of the next year.

This is the real early spring, with a slight chill, the peach blossoms are in bud, the grass and trees turn from yellow to green, and people no longer need to wrap themselves in thick cotton-padded clothes.

On Phoenix Mountain, in front of Xuantian Hall.

Zeng Ke'er, Zheng Kaixin, Rong Zhi, and Lei Xiao sat in the front row, and the rest of the disciples sat neatly in the back, listening to the master's instructions respectfully.

"I've already taught you the basics, and the rest is for you to comprehend on your own. I don't know when I'll be back. You have to practice hard and don't slack off. The affairs of the palace are handled by Ke'er, Rongzhi, and Lei. Xiao handles it. If there is anything I don’t understand, I have to ask you, Senior Uncle Jin.”

The expressions of the disciples were different, but they all showed reluctance. Long Qiu looked calm and said, "I have discussed with your Uncle Jin that the competition will be held every three years. Last year was the first time, and next time will be The next year, I will come back at that time anyway, I hope to see your progress... well, you go to practice yourself, don't pay attention to my movements."


Everyone bowed down in unison, and when they looked up again, the master was gone.

In fact, Long Qiu felt very guilty, went down the mountain by himself, but left all the affairs to Xiao Jin.

And then, when she bid farewell to Xiao Jin, the other party laughed carelessly, then became inexplicably serious and sad, "This time it's you, next time it's me, you can't become a fairy, I It's still innate, so shameless."


Xiaoqiu didn't know what to say, for eight years, both of them were growing and changing.

She said goodbye to Jin Jin and went to look for Gu Yu again.

Gu Yu was much more insipid, and only asked: "Do you have a plan for the itinerary?"

"I want to go to the snow field first. There is still a disciple in exile, and the time is almost up. Then I will walk around from north to south, from east to west. If I still have energy, I will go to the west."

"Well, with your current strength, I have nothing to worry about, remember to send a message occasionally, go."

After he finished saying this, Long Qiu's reaction was a bit strange, he actually gave a big salute in an upright manner. It's not the younger sister to the elder brother, but the highest etiquette between monks and fellow Taoists.

Gu Yu was startled for a moment, then smiled, watched her walk out of the quiet room, and did not speak.

It was not until Long Qiu left for a long time and the sky was dim that he sighed softly, sat cross-legged on the rush mat, and began to practice under the bright moonlight.

His current spirit is becoming stronger and stronger, with a clear outline, showing a phantom in the shape of a human. And the subdued bird soul also regained some energy, and nestled in a corner of the mysterious orifice, looking around in a daze.

Its shape is much more complete than before, with a very small head, a slender neck, a slightly wider back, and especially large tail wings, which look like flowers blooming all over the screen—it was a big peacock when it was alive.


Gu Yu looked at the soul body, and suddenly felt a movement in his heart, and penetrated a ray of consciousness into it, and then the scene changed, and he entered his own domain space.


Immediately afterwards, an unpleasant call sounded in the void, and sure enough, the bird also brought in. When it entered here again, it was startled, but it didn't dare to move rashly, looking at its owner quite pitifully.

Lao Gu didn't care about it, and waved it to make it bigger, while he lay on the wide back and flew freely in the field.

The peacock flapped its wings, like a giant interstellar spaceship, passing through the dark and misty void. Gu Yu looked up, as if he was in chaos, when the world had not yet opened.

With my own mana, I can only create this dead silence. I don't know if I can make it colorful in the fairyland


Lao Gu's brain hole continued, whether it can make flowers and trees, mountains and rivers, and even the sun, moon and stars, heaven and hell, six reincarnations... to form a complete world.

Then pull people in, transform yourself, upgrade the main god, forcefully break through the sky, and be happy!

Oh no no, main god flow is not fun.

He instantly denied that the law that the main god must fight in the end is not a joke!

And then, he thought of Dongtian Paradise again.

Earth Immortals can touch the Qi Realm, where there are all basic elements such as time, space, feng shui, earth fire, etc. Dongtianfudi is to use these qi to open up a stable and eternal realm by itself.

Earth Immortals are immortal, and domains are immortal.

What about Wonderland that day? It is infinitely close to the Tao, but it will never become the Tao. Maybe he no longer has his own body, or in other words, everything in the world is his body, turning into a void universe...

He lay on the back of the big bird and flew for a long time, until the magic power was exhausted before he left automatically.

As soon as he returned to the quiet room, Gu Yu was taken aback. There was another person in his room, and it was Xiao Zhai.