Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 57: Make friends


After the first batch of Xingshen incense and incense pills were sent out, someone tried them out of boredom. They didn't take it seriously at first, but it turned out to be a big surprise. Before, it was to see Zeng Yuewei's face, but now everyone is very positive.

In just two days, Gu Yu received another ten orders, and today he was busy preparing materials all day, and only came here in the evening when he was free.

In fact, in his heart, there is no label of a rich man, he just depends on his own feeling. He had a good impression of the Zeng family and wanted to make friends.

Just like what I said to Xiaozhai, no matter ordinary people or ascetics, as long as you need resources and communication, you cannot do without a group environment. He has just stepped on the road of cultivation, and he can't see any needs for the time being, but what about the future

He does not underestimate worldly wealth and power, which can sometimes play a big role.

Just talking about Zeng's house, when the fragrance dissipated, the five people were still immersed in the image of heaven and earth and couldn't extricate themselves. Then, they watched Gu Yu stepping towards the moon.

The sense of the picture at this moment is like a banished fairy alive.

After being in a trance for quite a while, the old lady came back to her senses first and got up to greet her: "Xiao Gu!"

"Grandma Zeng, I really have something to do, so I'm a little late." Gu Yu apologized slightly.

"Not too late, not too late, just right!"

At this time, the old lady also had a childlike heart, took his hand into the side room, and said quite proudly: "Come on, let me introduce you to some friends."

"This is Old Lei."

"This is Old Sun."

"This is Old Xiao..."

Gu Yu saw them one by one, with a plain posture, but the four of them were more miraculous, they were completely different from before, and each was more enthusiastic than the other. After they retired, they were all keen on incense and Taoism, but their standards were about the same as Grandma Zeng's.

Grandma Zeng was amazed at the beginning, not to mention that they were unprepared, and the impact was almost doubled.

"Little Gu, come here..."

With a big face, old man Lei dragged him to his side, and asked, "How do you make that incense? The incense I bought cost eight hundred if not one thousand. It's never been like this, so..."

"Transparent!" Old man Xiao continued.

"Oh yes, it's transparency!"

Lao Lei tasted it, and felt that the word was more appropriate, and said happily: "Your fragrance is really evil. I feel the cool breeze all over my spine. The smell is gone and the taste is still unfinished. How did you do it?"

He may be in a hurry, or he may be pretending to be stupid and ask people for the formula directly.

Gu Yu knew who he was, but he just smiled and didn't answer. Old man Zhang felt ashamed, interjected: "Xiao Gu, I heard that this is called Ban Yuexiang, what's the origin?"

"Oh, there was a scholar named Xu Xuan in the Five Dynasties, who was a master of incense making. Every moonlit night, he would sit alone in the courtyard and burn a stick of good incense. Over time, he called the incense he made by himself as the moon incense. This incense was scattered among the people. , and later it was passed on to my grandfather, and he changed the prescription a bit to make it more gentle. Speaking of which, I also count it as a family heirloom."

Gu Yu didn't pull it on himself, but pushed it on his late grandfather. Sure enough, the five people sighed after hearing this:

"Oh, what a pity, what a pity!"

"I don't have a chance to see you!"

"Just by hearing you say that, I know Mr. Gu is a master, alas!"


He lowered his head slightly and pursed his lips mischievously.

The so-called Banyuexiang is made of Guanxiang, Suhe, Chicken Tongue, Cardamom, Rue, Imperatae, etc. The fragrance is far away, and it can nourish the gods. It is generally used in the study, the piano room, and the pure house of the meditation room.

The recipe was in the hands of the grandfather, and the old man thought it was too neutral and not elegant enough, so he added silver osmanthus.

When it was in my own hands, I felt that it was not enough, so I had a feeling of "people today don't see the moon in ancient times, but this month has illuminated the ancients".

As mentioned above, there are three realms of tasting fragrance: material, taste, and connotation. Implications are incomprehensible, and have reached a certain spiritual level, just like in martial arts novels, if your swordsmanship is superb, my sword will kill you in seconds.

Of course, tasting incense also needs a corresponding environment, the more advanced the incense, the more so.

Look at the night as cool as water, the flying mirror hangs high, smoke a stove with the fragrance of the moon. When the fragrance is lingering and the moon is in the sky, you sit quietly in the courtyard and abandon the troubles of the world. This is the fun of incense.

There are some things that the five people may never know, but it does not prevent them, especially the four newcomers, from admiring Gu Yu.

Unknowingly, this young man's impression score has been raised from a perfume maker to a little friend.

They had a heated chat, and the children on the other side couldn't understand it. First, the elders were all weird, and then a young man came, and he was treated as a guest of honor like a convulsion.

Lei Ziming smacked his lips, and said strangely: "Don't tell me, that kid must be a little bit dry. Otherwise, with the old man's temper, he can't be so close."

"He's been in for a long time, oops, I want to get to know each other too." Xiao Yuanyuan instinctively exudes a style of painting of a man silent and a woman crying.

"Then find out!" The young master of the Sun family said casually.

"Okay, then you go?" Zeng Yuewei smiled.

"Hey, I don't dare!" The other party immediately confessed.

Lei Ziming looked at Gu Yu, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said: "I'll go!"

As he said that, the guy strode towards the side room, grabbed the wooden door, and said with a smile: "I said grandparents, they have been dragging it for so long, can you lend it to us for a while?"

"Haha, you bastard!"

Old Man Lei cursed with a smile, and said again: "Little Gu, don't mind, this is my grandson. If you don't dislike it, go and give them advice, so that a bunch of bastards don't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

"That's right, it's hard for you to stay with us old guys for so long." Old Sun said.

"Don't say that, I also want to make more friends, so I'll go there."

Gu Yu smiled, got up and went out of the way.

"I heard that you are 21. I am a few years older than you. Is it an exaggeration to call you a brother? Come, let me introduce you..."

Lei Ziming has a straightforward personality, as soon as he reaches out his hand, he wants to hug his shoulder. Gu Yu hated being in contact with people, and seemed to have no intention of rubbing forward, but his arm suddenly fell into the air.


The guy felt strange, he stretched out from behind, did he just happen to notice it

Within a few steps, the two of them entered the main hall, and a dozen or so people rushed over. There are grandchildren of the direct line, and there are also slightly more partial ones, such as cousins and cousins.

Local tyrants are different from local tyrants, He Tian is one kind, Zeng Yuewei is one kind, and Lei Ziming is another kind. As soon as Gu Yu entered, he felt that the atmosphere was good, and after chatting a few more words, he was even more impressed.

At least the upbringing of these five families is very good, and even Xiao Yuanyuan, who is very fake and fake, seems to be passable on the surface.

Correspondingly, those people were also very curious about him, chatting about all kinds of inquiries. Gu Yu picks and chooses, a bit deliberately hiding his clumsiness.

After communicating for a while, some people felt bored and went to group together again.

Lei Ziming never left, he seemed to be very interested in him, and when the conversation was hot and familiar, he suddenly took out a gold membership card and said with a smile: "Brother, we have set up a shooting club together. play."


Gu Yu's eyes lit up, but his heart was a little moved. The shooting club seems to be difficult, but in fact it has something to do with everything. The other party's intention is obvious, that is, real guns and live ammunition.

He really wanted to see the power of shooting a gun, or in other words, when he faced an enemy with a gun, could he kill the opponent and avoid injury

Although it may not be encountered, it is good to have a concept.

So he took the membership card and said: "Thank you, I will definitely go there some other day."

It was also tonight, in a residential building far away in Shengtian, with bright lights and green smoke curling up.

A stick of incense was burning on the table in the study, and the green snake lay down beside the incense plate, closing its eyes and falling asleep. Jiang Xiaozhai was buried in a pile of manuscripts, sorting out some materials.

Some of these manuscripts were handwritten, some were photocopied, and some were yellowed and incomplete. They are all vertical and traditional, and most of them have no punctuation, which gives me a headache just looking at them.

But she is very familiar with it, and sorts it out in an orderly manner. These are all ancient scrolls and remnants collected in recent years, because my father happens to be in charge of culture, so it is more convenient to do things.


After a long time, she finally freed herself, put a few manuscripts in front of her, and let out a long breath.