Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 59: Quest


There is a saying that a calm mind is naturally cool.

Gu Yu has always been convinced of this sentence, perhaps because of the practice of making incense, he has not been too hot since he grew up, even in midsummer with more than 30 degrees.

The weather forecast said that today is the highest temperature in Baicheng's history for the same period, with a full thirty-five degrees. He waited calmly at the gate of the passenger terminal, wearing a short sleeve, capri pants, and light white sneakers, showing a shapely calf.

To describe a man's calves as good-looking is always a bit gay, but he is indeed so, from flesh and blood to appearance, he is perfectly insane and full of explosive power.

All in all, a fine horse.

"Hey, here it is!"

After waiting for about ten minutes, Gu Yu saw that figure from a distance. He had no choice but to be too conspicuous. The girl followed behind a group of mortals, just like the empty young man lying on the frame of the four beauties, with an indescribably weird and awesome feeling.

Xiao Zhai walked up to him with his bag on his back, glanced up and down, and wondered, "How did you pass the security check?"

"Security check and no body search."

She sneered, then turned her head slightly, and said with a smile, "Xiaoqing, come out and say hello."


As soon as she finished speaking, a green snake's head sprang out from her left shoulder, spat out the letter frightenedly, and then shrank back. This snake is also considered long, but it can't see the slightest clue, and it doesn't know where it is hiding.

But Gu Yu's focus has been wandering, and he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth: "Xiaoqing...you really save trouble."

"No, it has a name."

"what is it call?"

"It's called Bamboo Leaf." She said seriously.


Ya speechless, Zhuyeqing, it really is a good name!

After chatting for a few words, the two left the passenger terminal and turned to a supermarket. Since the situation is unknown and we don't know when we will return, some items must be fully prepared.

Gu Yu pushed the cart, and took some bottles of water and food, as well as lighters, bandages and so on. Xiao Zhai took a bunch of things and threw them into the car, all right, salt, sugar, hot sauce, fruit knives, picnic cloth... just brought a tent.

He really wanted to scold the other party, but he opened his mouth to no avail. Forget it, let the girl save some face.

In the afternoon, the sun was shining brightly.

Phoenix Mountain has just resumed receiving passengers, and there are only four or five buses parked in the square, which looks very deserted. The attitude of the staff in the scenic spot has never been better, the service is thoughtful and full of enthusiasm, just to warm up the tourists as soon as possible.


"Wow, boom!"

This is a little-known wild path. The forest on both sides is deep and quiet, and the dust and light are dim. There are only a few insects chirping occasionally, and the faint stream gurgling. The sun is blocked by the dense forest, and under the shade of the trees, it looks like a mysterious little world.

And in this world, a man and a woman are walking forward on the rotten leaves, it is Gu Yu and Jiang Xiaozhai. They wanted to avoid others, so they took a detour to this wild path at the west foot.

The green snake was swimming nearby, sometimes climbing trees, sometimes chasing insects, and sometimes hanging on the owner's arm. Ya stayed in the city for a few days, and went back to the mountains like a silly roe deer.

After walking for a while, Xiao Zhai seemed to feel that the surroundings were too boring, so he suddenly asked, "Hey, why aren't you called Squirrel anymore?"

"The last time I saw it looked weird, maybe it knew the place earlier, but it just didn't want me to go there. I'd better not make trouble."

"Then what if it insists on stopping you?"

"Uh, let's talk about it later..."

He was obviously also afraid of this, his face was tangled, and he continued to lead the way.

This path twists and turns, extending to the depths of the mountain. The first section is easy to walk, but the middle section becomes steep and slippery, and it is difficult to find a place to stay.

"It doesn't matter if we slow down, don't fall, you..."

Gu Yu was afraid that she would step on the air and fall, so he turned his head and told her, but the result was good. She strode forward with long legs without any effort, and flew far away in three or two steps.

His heart moved, and he remembered that when he was catching a snake, the opponent was able to keep up with his speed, so he couldn't help asking: "Have you ever learned Kung Fu?"


Xiao Zhai raised his eyes and said with a smile: "Not to mention, it's just some small skills to temper the body and attack."

"Like what?" He was very curious.

"for example… "

The girl looked around, and suddenly squeezed her right hand together, and slapped a little towards the bushes.

An ordinary person would not be able to see clearly how she made the move. Thanks to Gu Yu's keen senses, he saw those five slender fingers gathered into a bird's beak, and he pecked with his fingertips at an extremely fast speed, just in time to peck off a pale pink mountain flower.

And then, she handed it over casually: "Here, I'll see you off!"


Well, the guy hasn't recovered from the amazement, and then fell into distress again, and said sadly: "You are always like this, I am very desperate, okay?"

"Oh, forget it."

Xiao Zhai took it back, played with it himself, and explained briefly: "This move is called Qingque Hand. It's nothing special, it's just fast. I practiced this since I was a child, so my fingers are very, special, flexible, and flexible!"

The last four words are simply filthy.


The female driver fell in love with someone as soon as she got up, but she couldn't pick it up, so she had to cough twice, and forcibly shifted: "Uh, why do I feel like you are like the Happy School? You can do everything, and you can control your appearance. Your master must It's also pretty."

whispering sound!

Xiao Zhai didn't even bother to talk about this elementary way of teasing girls, he just said: "My teacher's school is quite special, and the interests of the first ancestor are very diverse, and they are very proficient. It has been passed down from generation to generation, and I have added a lot."

When the two met this time, they opened up much more than last time. She continued: "I heard from the master that there are twelve Taoism techniques and twenty-four mortal techniques in the master's school. It is a pity that all the Taoism techniques have been lost, and only five mortal techniques remain. .”

"Then what is the most powerful Taoism?" He was very interested.


Xiao Zhai glanced at him, and said with a smile, ""Sholong Wu Lei Nei Fa"."


Gu Yu shook his body, damn it, what's wrong with this kind of tall and forceful aura? Is it popular for girls to export male milk now

He crackled and complained, but Xiao Zhai paused, and said: "By the way, I am looking for you this time, and there is one more thing. I have been sorting out the manuscripts these days and found some very interesting things. We will study them when we go down the mountain." .”

"Okay, I can do it anytime."

He doesn't care.

The two walked and chatted like this, and soon reached a place on the mountainside. After identifying the direction, Gu Yu walked for another hour and arrived at a small open space where the snake was caught.

"It should be over there."

He pointed to the northeast, and Xiaozhai took a look: from the mountainside down, extending far away, there was a tree that was obviously shorter than half, which seemed to be a valley.


The two looked at each other, concentrating together, but just as they took a step, they heard a familiar voice:


Gu Yu's expression changed instantly, and sure enough, Brother Fat jumped down from a tree, and Pia's pestle was in front of him, threatening to block the way.