Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 6: Variety



I thought it was a realistic urban essay, but I changed the style of painting if I disagreed.

Gu Yu didn't know how dangerous the situation was just now, he was already possessed by the surging spirit of complaining, accompanied by panic and excitement. It's no wonder that the world view of 21 years has been completely refreshed. The good young man who has always taken scientific development as his concept suddenly became confused.

"calm down!"

He pulled over the Maza, forced himself to sit down, and tried his best to recall what happened just now.

The entrance of the red fruit turns into a coolness that travels through the body. I seem to have lost consciousness, but I can still feel it a little bit. The coolness should have sunk to the dantian, forming a small ball, uh, something wonderful.

He was really not sure, he just had a vague feeling.

"I have to think about it, usually in a situation like this, I should first..."

The guy muttered a few words, then rolled up his sleeves, revealing a fair arm. He rubbed it again, and there was neither black mud nor foul smell.

"Tsk, let me just say squirrel LOW! Everyone can detoxify and beautify their skin, why can't I?"

Gu Yu curled his lips and saw that there were no tourists around, so he sat cross-legged on the grass and closed his eyes. He is not dead-brained, all kinds of brains gathered in one place in an instant, or this is a reliable point.

That's right, it is a method that is almost universal in various systems, sitting still.

Generally speaking, ordinary people have to practice for a certain period of time before they can achieve the effect of tranquility, but he doesn't need it. I have been making incense since I was a child, and for more than ten years now, I have a clear mind that I have honed a long time ago. So in a few breaths, he switched from the state of complaining to the state of the elder.



He kept taking deep breaths rhythmically, with no distracting thoughts in his mind, and his consciousness was clear. There was no change at first, but gradually, there was an extremely weak fluctuation like an air current, floating slowly and entangled around.

And this kind of weak fluctuation is similar to that lump in Dantian.

Gu Yu continued to sit quietly, only to feel that the fluctuations were getting more and more, but he never approached, let alone entered the body. After a while, he opened his eyes with joy and regret.

The joy is: if the inference is correct, the wave and the lump in the dantian are the aura between heaven and earth.

It is a pity: although Hongguo has helped a lot and can feel the aura, but he does not know any practice formulas and cannot absorb them.

This feels so bad!

It's like learning the technique of driving corpses through untold hardships, but everyone was buried at sea. After exhausting himself, he learned how to divide the gold and fix the acupoints, but the results had to be handed over to the state. All the way up and down the European Grand Slam, married the fat man, and ended up with a certain guy.

"Why… "

Gu Yu half smiled and sighed, sure enough, nine out of ten things in life are unsatisfactory.

He has a calm temperament and doesn't complain much. Seeing the squirrel squatting by the farmer's side, he couldn't help saying: "You are so spiritual, you must have eaten some kind of treasure."

"Where did you pick this fruit?"

"Is there anything else in there?"

"You still read it, you still read it, do you know that you didn't abide by the Basic Law?"

He babbled a few words, but the squirrel just tilted its head, not understanding what it meant.

"Oh, forget it..."

Gu Yu stood up, stood upright, and suddenly bowed deeply: "Brother Fat, your gift is too precious, and I owe you more, thank you!"

Fat your sister! You all are fat!

Fortunately, the squirrel can't understand human language, otherwise it will be strangled to death in minutes. When it saw humans saluting, it squeaked happily and jumped all over the ground.

Gu Yu also smiled, seeing that it was getting late, he said, "Okay, I have to go, I don't have anything to eat today, I'll bring you some tomorrow."

After speaking, he put his hands to his mouth and made a movement of eating peanuts. Hey, this squirrel can understand it, and it flickers like a wolf with a big tail.

Gu Yu tidied up his things neatly, and put the burden on his shoulders, his heart suddenly moved. The heavy burden became extremely light, and it was effortless to carry it.

He knew it must be because of the spiritual energy, so he waved his hand and said, "Brother Fat, goodbye!"


The squirrels also waved their paws, and one person and one mouse bid farewell.

Gu Yu went down the mountain like flying footsteps, and returned home, but he didn't feel any hunger.

But after thinking about it, he made a simple meal, stir-fried mung bean sprouts and spinach soup. He has been dependent on his grandfather since he was a child, his housework skills are MAX, and he is even proficient in needlework.

When the food was on the table, he took a sip cautiously, tasted it carefully, and then said to himself: "The taste has not changed, and I don't hate it, it's not bad!"

There is no way, he is really afraid that if he loses interest in whole grains, he might as well become more expensive.

While eating, Fang Qing's little girl sneaked over to browse the Internet again, sitting in front of the computer and feeling refreshed. Gu Yu frowned, and wanted to say a few words, but he was afraid of being serious, so he said carefully: "Qingqing, how is your review going?"

"What else can I do? I know what I should know, and I can't learn what I shouldn't."

"Then are you sure?"

"No, I know what level I am, so I just hope that my character will explode on the day of the exam." She was heartless.

"In case, I mean in case, your grades are not satisfactory, what are you going to do?" He continued to ask.

"Then I..."

Fang Qing finally turned her head, her little face changed slightly, and she said, "I'll go to the technical school."

Technical school

Gu Yu stopped talking. The society knows what kind of professional standards and school-running atmosphere these three brothers have in technical secondary schools, vocational high schools, and technical schools. It’s better to be formal, but I’m most afraid of those who steal money privately, drinking and fighting, skipping classes and surfing the Internet, not to mention sexual openness, the key is that you won’t learn anything at all.

He looked at the other party, but there was nothing he could do. Firstly, the little girl doesn't like to learn, and secondly, she doesn't have the brains, so she doesn't know what to do.

"Fang Qing!"

"Fang Qing!"

At this moment, several shouts came from outside the gate, the little girl was startled, and hurriedly said: "My mother called me, brother, I'm leaving!"

She ran out in a hurry, Gu Yu couldn't help but sigh: let her play computer games, that's not the case; don't let her play, go to Internet cafes by yourself, that's even worse. If you tell Uncle Fang, come on, you will be guaranteed a family accident.

In short, it is worry.

After dinner, after a short rest, Gu Yu got into the studio again and started to make the remaining 30 incense sticks. He adjusted the mud, put it on the chopping board, and tapped his fingers.

This time, the feeling is different.

The fragrant mud seems to be sticking to the skin, as if it is integrated, the density, texture, texture, and even the taste are clearly reflected in the consciousness. And this consciousness is no longer illusory or imaginary, but flexible and concrete, as if it is about to come alive.

Gu Yu was a little surprised, but immediately put aside distracting thoughts, and started rubbing as if he had repeated it thousands of times.

The small room is quiet, with an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

As he rubbed, the incense stick slowly extended and became thinner under his fingers, and finally formed into a uniform, clear, mellow-colored incense stick, just like a finely crafted work of art.

"This... is too beautiful, right?"

Gu Yu stopped and looked at Xianxiang repeatedly, surprised even himself. When making this incense, he lost the feeling of "making", but sublimated it into a kind of "creation".

More than ten years of accumulation, from hand to heart, from skill to state, from craftmanship to aura—this is the level of improvement.

He was reluctant to part with this kind of creation, so he squeezed some more fragrant clay immediately and started to make the second one.

Thirty sticks of incense sticks took half the time compared to yesterday, and they were neatly stacked on the chopping board, giving people a unique sense of comfort.

Gu Yu didn't feel tired, so he covered it with a few white papers as usual and waited for it to dry in the shade. The incense sticks made yesterday were completely dry, so he took the plate and walked to the yard, hooked it with his foot against the wall, and lifted the hanging board, revealing a small cellar.

This is the advantage of the countryside, there is no place to dig in the city. The cellar is not young, it was dug by my grandfather back then, it is a standard incense cellar.

He jumped down and put the plate on the shelf. After half a month, when the smoke dissipated, it would be the finished incense.

In early summer, the nights grow longer.

The entire Fenghuangji was shrouded in the night, sparks lit up, dogs barking and insects chirping, and the trivial sounds of husband and wife quarreling and children crying were faintly heard. Looking to the east, it is a completely different scene. The traffic is bustling, the street lights are bright, and the business has not yet closed, guarding the energetic young customers.

Within one city, it was like two worlds.

Gu Yu stood in the empty yard for a while, until it got a little cold, then wiped himself and went back to the house. The person fell on the bed, but couldn't fall asleep at all, and opened his eyes looking at the dark roof.

When people have adventures, they will feel emotional, but they behave differently. He has a serious and introverted (sao) personality, and his emotions are not too exposed, but it doesn't mean that he is not excited, excited, or confused.

Healthy body and mind, living with normal sexual orientation for 21 years, a squirrel opened a mysterious door—why is this so strange

He was eager and determined to push that door open and see how wonderful the world inside was. Even if the road is rough and full of thorns.