Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 7: buyer


In the morning, at home.

In the room where the spices were stored, Gu Yu woke up from his meditation, and smiled helplessly: "Oh, it still doesn't work."

For nearly a week, he would feel spiritual energy whenever he was free, and even found some so-called inner strength methods on the Internet, hoping to learn from them. It's a pity that there is no egg to use, the aura is always floating in the air, and refuses to get any closer.

It can be said that he is no different from ordinary people except that he is light and strong and has a clear mind. He knew in his heart that without the corresponding formula, it was not considered a formal entry after all.

In fact, Gu Yu has always been puzzled, living well in a modern society, why did he suddenly change the settings? Where did the fat brother pick the red fruit? Are there any other treasures out there

He really wanted to find out, but the squirrel didn't understand human language, and didn't intend to lead him there.

Fortunately, there is still a way to make incense. Since that night, he has discovered that his state of mind when making incense faintly matches a certain realm. After each completion, I feel that my consciousness has been condensed, although it is only a very small trace.

If it was before, she would never be able to notice it, but under the influence of the spiritual energy, she could feel the slight change.


The broken clock was still walking reluctantly, Gu Yu stood up, first went to the yard to stretch his muscles and bones, and then prepared today's goods.

The instant noodles and ham sausage have not been sold for a long time, and the PASS has been lost. There is still a little mustard left, mineral water is a must, tea eggs are the core, corn is relatively fixed, about 20 sticks a day.

In addition, he held another box, which contained three sachets.

He is making incense very quickly now, and he needs to rely on practice, so he makes more. The sachet contains a variety of prepared spices, which can be hung on the bedside or carried with you, and it will emit a faint floral fragrance.

Gu Yu deliberately went out late, pedaled to the foot of the mountain, and walked up slowly by himself. Halfway through, he suddenly put his finger in his mouth and blew a whistle.

Not long after the sharp whistle fell, there was a rustling sound in the forest, and a big gray-haired squirrel ran up to him.

"Fat brother, good morning!"

He said hello, and the squirrel Chi Chi responded, jumping onto the burden with agility that didn't match its body shape. The burden on the right suddenly sank, he immediately grinned, and Barabara began to complain:

"Hey, you have gained at least three or four catties with this amount."

"Don't you say you don't feel ashamed? Look at how they grow."

"How will you find a wife in the future? By the way, are you male or female?"

"Bang bang!"

Ya chattered endlessly, and the squirrel was so annoyed that it jumped up and down a few times, almost shaking the burden away.

One person and one mouse went up the mountain and arrived at the small flat land. With a whoosh, the fat brother jumped to the next tree again, still squatting like a farmer.

Gu Yu unloaded the pot from the shelf, and set up the booth neatly. The fire was lit, and a few sticks of old corn were bubbling and bubbling in the pot. On the ground were boiled tea eggs, which were also smoldering with charcoal.

He casually took out a few peanuts and threw them on the tree one by one. Throwing it accurately, catching it even more accurately, the fat brother stuffed it into his mouth one by one. I don't know why the cheeks are so long, just like the pockets of the Doraemon, a proper black technology.

After feeding the squirrels, he sat on the saddle and took a plastic bag, which contained the pancakes baked last night, which was today's breakfast.

If someone is here, they will see such a scene: under the big lush tree, a guy is eating cakes, a squirrel is eating peanuts, chatting with each other from time to time, it is impossible to slip.

"Xiao Fei, wait for me."

"Hurry up, come on, I'll pull you."

In the morning, at the end of the stone steps. The boy stopped in his tracks, turned around and grabbed a girl's hand, deliberately exerting force, and hugged her in his arms.

The girl was a little shy, and said softly: "Oh, don't make trouble, let go!"

"Why let go? I'll carry you up."

The boy didn't listen, he half-carried his girlfriend to the open space, looked him up and said, "There are chairs over there, go and sit for a while."

The girl also took a look, just in time to catch sight of the small stall, she immediately broke away and said: "Stop making trouble, everyone is watching!"

"Just look at it, what are we afraid of?"


She glared, and instead of going to the left, she turned to the right, and the boy staggered behind. The two came to the stall, swept the poor goods, and said with a little disgust: "Two bottles of water, and another one for corn."

"Two corns for five yuan, you..."

"No, just one."

"A total of eight dollars."

The boy didn't have any change, so he took out a piece of one hundred.

Gu Yu grinned, annoyed by such big bills the most, immediately opened his pocket, and went out to look for five or ten dollars. He usually didn't bring much money, so he turned around and found that he was two yuan short. He said embarrassedly, "Uh, I really don't have any change, why don't you buy something else?"

"Forget it, forget it, what can you buy!"

The boy took the ninety yuan and put it in his pocket impatiently. That guy didn't take advantage of it, he picked up a bag of pickled mustard and a tea egg, and said, "It's exactly two yuan, you take it."

"I said no, you..."


While he was talking, he suddenly heard his girlfriend scream and asked, "What's wrong?"

"What a cute little squirrel!"

The girl pointed to a gray squirrel on the tree, her eyes were shining. The boy was sore and worried, "Please, is this the first time you've seen a squirrel?"

"That's different, look how beautiful this one is! Oh, I want to feed it... By the way, boss, do you have any peanuts?"

"Well… "

Gu Yute was confused, looked down at the peanuts in the pot, and said, "Yes, but..."

"Okay, hurry up and get some, I'll give you the money!"

The boy dotes on his girlfriend very much, but his attitude towards others is not very friendly, so he slapped him for 20 yuan.

Seeing this, the guy had to scoop up a lot of peanuts. The girl was very excited, grabbed a few and ran under the tree, raised her hand and said, "Little squirrel, I'll give you peanuts."


Fat brother tilted his head, also very entangled, sneaking squinted over, seeing the guy nodding slightly, he climbed down the tree slowly.

This guy still needs to show some face, pretending that I am a shy squirrel who doesn't get in touch with humans and thinks peanuts are delicious but is very scared.

In the eyes of the girl, this is undoubtedly Mengsha, and said with a smile: "Haha, don't be afraid, this is not poisonous."

"Come on, come on, this is for you to eat!"

After being seduced for a long time, the fat brother stepped forward, took one carefully, and started nibbling very skillfully.

"Come here, Xiaofei, look at it eating! It's so cute, I really want to catch one and raise it."


Gu Yu saw her go on and on, and three black lines appeared on her head: I am so good at my mouse, are we two immortal dances

Ya complained silently, and the boy was even more speechless. He couldn't imagine himself as a man squatting on the ground with his girlfriend, screaming and teasing squirrels, so he had to pretend to be watching the scenery, so he couldn't hear anything.

And looking around, he saw cheap mineral water, bright red tea eggs, old corn cobs, and horrible sachets on the dilapidated stall... huh

This style of painting is so weird!

The boy was startled, and then took a closer look. There were indeed three sachets placed in a box, each covered with a transparent cover.

"Boss, what is this?"

"This is Qingruixiang. You can take it with you or put it on the bedside. Do you want to see it?"


After finishing speaking, Gu Yu pulled a towel, wiped his hands carefully, then took off a transparent cover, and picked up a sachet.

The boy took it with both hands, first took a small sniff, and immediately his face changed. He used his right hand to hold the tie, and his left hand rested on the end, as if he was holding some kind of treasure, and his attitude was no longer careless, but very solemn.

And then, he lowered his head again, and took a deep breath again, only to feel a refreshing and cool smell slipping into his nose, and slowly dissipating in his brain.

Although it is sweet, it is not greasy; although it is light, it is not filthy, just like a wild flower on the edge of a cliff that no one knows, it is swaying in the wind and rain.


Gu Yu looked at the other party without blinking, and was also a little nervous.

Making incense is too energy-intensive. I used to use it myself, or only after receiving an order. This is the first time I got it on the mountain, and it was put on display all day yesterday, but no one cares about it. Looking at it today, there is a little hope.

After a while, the boy raised his head, feeling a natural, comfortable, and very pleasant feeling. His eyes were brighter than when his girlfriend saw the squirrel, and he asked, "How much is this?"

"Sixty." Gu Yu quoted a hard price.

"Okay, I want it all!"