Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 71: Chaotic First Born (Part 1)


The essence of the shape refining period is to wash the body with the aura of heaven and earth, so as to unblock the meridians and orifices. At the level of martial arts, maybe there were some secret techniques in the past that could also open the acupoints, but today it is just a dream.

Gu Yu helped Yuan Peiji break through a big hole, not to mention the others, the Qi and blood alone filled up a bit.

The guy felt grateful, and he did what he said, and quickly brought the lesson plan over.

Sure enough, it was all about theoretical knowledge. For this, Gu Yu stayed here for another day before he understood the principles of muscle strength, control and movement, as well as some practical tricks.

His current physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people, but his strength is not unlimited. If there are many enemies and the situation is complicated, every point he can save is a point.

And Yuan Peiji didn't doubt it, he just acted as a master at the grassroots level, acting on a whim.

Two days later, Gu Yu returned to Baicheng and continued his previous practice days. Every day at three o'clock in the morning, noon, and evening, I eat Qi, make incense in the evening, and study fighting skills by the way.

According to his own characteristics, he tinkered with a set of simpler and more direct techniques. In addition to bare hands, he is also very interested in short sticks.

This thing is simple and convenient, and it is easy to hide. It is comparable to the folding stool of the first of the seven weapons.

Gu Yu asked Xiao Zhai to find a piece of wood, and then repaired it into a short stick of about 45 centimeters, split, swept, lifted, peeled, and added a stab.

Regardless of the number or position of the opponent, I just use the head of the stick to hit it—it's like A Fei's sword.

Generally speaking, the life is quite quiet, only Yuan Peiji is not worried, and comes here every day to ask for advice. Later, I asked Gu Yu to tidy up, which was honest.

Speaking of which, in the land of Shengtian-Baicheng, there are relationships between the Zeng family, the Lei family and the Yuan family, which is enough to keep them safe.

But what he wants is not peace, but stability.

Southwest, Shuzhou, Tuling County.

This is Gejia Village, one of the hundreds of villages in Shuzhou. Nothing special, the ancestors lived on the farmland for generations, the only thing worth mentioning is that the village has a large population, the largest in the county.

It was night, it was dark and silent, there were no street lights, only dim lights were lit in the houses of each family. But in the courtyard of the villager Ge Chao, there are bright lights, and there are suona, gongs and drums.

Ge Chao has an old mother who just left last night. Before she died, the old lady told her that she didn't want to keep the bones. To put it bluntly, she just didn't want to be cremated.

The state has carried out funeral reforms for decades, but the issue of burials has not been completely resolved until now. In some remote rural areas, burials are still very popular.

Ge Chao naturally obeyed, and invited two Taoist priests to do the ritual.

"Decree from the Supreme Master, surpass your lonely soul, ghosts and demons, all four lives will be favored. Those with heads will surpass, those without heads will live, kill with guns and knives, jump into water and hang ropes. Death in light and darkness, death injustice, creditors and enemies, Damn my son..."

At this time, in the main room, the two Taoist priests were reciting the "Curse of Rescue from Suffering". There are two people, one is old and the other is young, the old one is more than seventy years old, with white beard and hair. The youngest are seventeen or eighteen years old. Although they are reciting scriptures, their expressions are very impatient.

In front of them, a coffin was parked straight up, and an old lady in a shroud was lying in it with a peaceful face.

After a while, the two read it several times, and finally opened their eyes. The little Taoist looked outside and complained: "This man is too stingy, he doesn't even give him a bite of food."

"Maybe people forgot, don't mutter." The old Taoist reprimanded.

"I forgot what, I just watched him go to eat, and I did it on purpose!" The little Taoist objected.

"well… "

The master wanted to train again, but the apprentice was really hungry, so he finally sighed, got up and went outside. Ge Chao happened to be passing by, and hurriedly came over and asked, "Daoist, what's the matter?"

"Uh, what food does your family have?" He was rather thin-skinned, and it was a bit difficult to say.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Ge Chao was in a daze, and hurriedly invited the two of them into the room. It was nothing more than rough vegetarian food such as white rice, cabbage and tofu. The little Taoist ate deliciously, and asked while eating, "Master, how much can we earn this time?"

The old Taoist didn't speak, but only raised a finger. The apprentice frowned greatly, and shouted: "That's all? Why doesn't he show off for a few more days?"

"Don't talk nonsense, eat quickly!"

Afraid that others would hear him, the old Taoist slapped his head hard.

According to traditional customs, people should stop for 3-7 days after death. But those people also knew they were wrong, so in order to bury them as soon as possible, they shortened it to one day.

But for Taoist priests, one less day means less money. Naturally, the famous factions don't care, but they need it very much.

After they finished their meal, they went back to the main room to recite the scriptures. The "Mantra of Rescue from Suffering and Rebirth" was extremely long, and they had to be recited seven to forty-nine times. The little Taoist didn't like this job very much, he closed his eyes and lowered his head while thinking about it, and seemed to fall asleep.

The old Taoist had no choice but to move his body to cover up.

Just kept watch all night, and in the early morning of the next day, Mrs. Ge came out of her spirit. A row of carts has been lined up, with the hearse at the front, and those pulling filial sons and grandchildren, bands, paper figures and horses at the back, and so on.

"It's hard work, a little meaning."

Ge Chao held a few banknotes and stuffed them into the hands of the old Taoist. He smiled wryly in his heart, and had to salute: "Thank you layman."

When the time was just right, the convoy set off, throwing paper money all the way, floating freely. The two of them got on a bicycle and rode crookedly in opposite directions.

After riding for about half an hour, we arrived at the outskirts of the town, where a small temple stood.

As soon as I entered the courtyard, the mottled walls couldn't see the original color, and the wooden door was also worn out, with a big lock on it. The two got out of the car, the little Taoist was about to unlock it, but suddenly missed.


The bicycle fell to the ground. The old Taoist also trembled with anger, bowed his waist, his face flushed from coughing.

I saw a circle drawn on the wall, and a big one in the middle, tear it down!

"Master! Master!"

The little Taoist hurried over to help, and opened the viewing door again.

The inside is even more shabby. There is only one room in the main hall, which houses the statue of the Taoist ancestor. There are wing rooms on both sides, the bedroom on the right, the kitchen on the left, and a toilet by the way.

It is said that the old Taoist priest's surname is Li, and he is the master of the temple. Don't look down and out, his ancestors were once rich.

In the south, Zhengyi faction is the most important, Maoshan is a branch of Zhengyi, and Maoshan faction has 108 sects: 36 schools in Upper Maoshan, 72 in Lower Maoshan, 24 Qingtang and Three Ghosts, etc. .

The old-fashioned sect was passed down from Xiamao Mountain.

Shangmao Mountain is different from Xiamao Mountain. The former cultivates righteous talismans, which can drive ghosts and gods, and call wind and rain. The latter practiced insidious spells, which were extremely weird and vicious.

But up to now, this school has also broken a lot of inheritance, only a few talisman and secret techniques are left in the mind of the old man.

He has been practicing in Tuling County for twenty years. He is quiet and timid by nature, and he only takes in an orphan apprentice named Li Suchun. In a place like this where the birds don't shit, let alone Taoist temples, even ordinary people live very hard.

There is little incense, let alone offerings, relying on monthly government subsidies and stealthy practices, the master and apprentice barely make ends meet.