Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 73: Chaotic birth (below)


The first method of refining corpses in Maoshan is to select corpses, and the second is to wash corpses.

After these two steps, it is necessary to find a dilapidated place to bury, and put a yin and eight trigrams on the heart of the corpse to increase the speed of gathering yin energy.

After that, every seven days, a corpse refining talisman is burned at the place where the corpse is buried, and a rooster is killed at noon, and the blood is dripped on the soil. Because the yang energy is the heaviest at noon, and the rooster belongs to Sunda wood, and the yang energy is generated by the dawn crowing at five o'clock. Therefore, chicken blood can dissolve Yang Qi and transform Yin Qi.

According to this, after seventy-seven forty-nine days, the corpse refining can be completed.

The old Taoist handed over all his savings to Li Suchun, as well as some talisman paper tools. He rented a dilapidated room with the money, lived frugally every day, and devoted himself to refining corpses.

This kid suffered a tragic accident, but he brought out his own potential, which can be said to be bold, careful, and forbearing.

After forty-nine days like this, the morning sun did not rise in the early morning of this day.

Li Suchun took advantage of the faint skylight to touch a mountain depression. Just look at the broken mountains, out of shape, and a small river flowing straight, and the rest is bare, without ups and downs.

And on the back of the col, there is a place surrounded by dark holes. This is the dilapidated situation in Feng Shui, that is, the dragon (mountain) is yin, and the water is yin, and there are no guards on the left and right.

When Li Suchun arrived at the burial place, he did nothing but wait quietly.

When the dawn came and the sun was about to shine, he quickly dug up the body. Then he took out the talisman paper, bit his finger, drew a psychic talisman with his own blood, burned it, and stuffed it into the mouth of the corpse.

After finishing all this, he took a few steps back and stared at the front without blinking. As the master said, no one has succeeded in refining corpses for hundreds of years, and he doesn't know what to do, so he can only take a gamble.


Two minutes passed, but Li Suchun felt that it was too long, sweat dripped from his forehead to his eyebrows, as if he was on the verge of falling.


Suddenly, the body seemed to move. Afraid that it was a hallucination, he quickly rubbed his eyes and looked into the pit again.



Sure enough, the body that had been dead for more than a month was twitching continuously in the pit, making dull noises. At the same time, Li Suchun also clearly felt that there was an extra layer of wonderful connection between himself and the corpse.

"It's done!"

He hurriedly chanted the mantra, squeezed a finger with his right hand, and pointed forward: "Get up!"


The corpse stood up straight, and the dust fell off. His stature was still short, his skin color changed from sallow to grayish white, his hands and feet joints were abnormally stiff, and there were ten dark nails growing on his fingertips.

"It's done! It's done!"

"Hahahaha! Master, is your spirit in heaven protecting me?"

Li Suchun laughed wildly at first, and then cried loudly: "Master, I will definitely avenge you!"

We say that the opening of a period of history or an era is mostly due to individual factors. Behind the individual factors, there are also causal relationships in all aspects.

Li Suchun is a descendant of Xiamao Mountain, his relatives died in vain, and he was distraught and indignant, so he thought of refining the corpse. But if it happens a few years earlier, it will fail because there is no Yin Qi.

You know, Yin Qi is also a variant of Reiki. Just in time for the revival of spiritual energy, he made a mistake and instead refined the first real zombie in hundreds of years.

Night, the outskirts of town.

This area is the construction site of the new building, the foundation has already been laid, and the upward masonry has begun. All kinds of building materials are piled up, and there are only two spaces, one for cranes and one for workers' residences.

The simple house with white board and blue strips is easy to disassemble, and you can live in and go out immediately. There are about six or seven rooms with eight people in each room, all of which are brightly lit and noisy.

"Four twos!"

"Two cats!"

"Fuck! How the hell can this be handled!"

"Hahaha, give money give money!"

In a room, three people were playing cards. A bald man won a big hand, and he was as happy as a chrysanthemum. The other two reluctantly paid for it, and while they were shuffling the cards, one of them suddenly asked: "Brother Qiang, that old man just burned it casually, is it really all right?"

"Hi! What year is it now, do you still care about an old Taoist?"

The bald man was the one who drove the forklift, and he said indifferently: "Besides, our boss is a powerful person. Look at me, I just went in and locked up for two days, isn't it okay?"

"That's right, come on!"

Immediately the topic was brought up, and several people continued to play cards.

After playing a few more hands, the bald man seemed to be out of luck, losing money again and again, couldn't help throwing his cards down, and said, "Wait a minute, I'll go take a piss!"

"Brother Qiang, don't take the opportunity to run away!"

"That's right, don't just pee and disappear!"

"Fuck off, am I that kind of person?"

The bald head went outside cursing, and it was convenient to find a corner at random. While urinating, I suddenly felt a chill behind my back, and an eerie feeling enveloped my whole body.


He shivered, and was about to pull up his trousers and go back to the room when he felt his shoulders sink. With the help of the weak light, there was a faint shadow on the wall in front of him.


The bald head turned around abruptly, and he was so frightened that he could only let out a scream in time:


Several people in the house were chatting and laughing, when they heard shouts from outside, they ran out of the house in a panic. Everyone found the corner, and one of them took a look, and started to vomit.

The others also had hair standing on end, their bald heads fell to the ground, their chests were scratched open, revealing a bloody hole the size of a bowl.

Tuling County, hotel.

As soon as the dinner was over, a group of people staggered out, saying goodbye politely with their tongues out. After talking for a long time, they got into the car and left. In the end, there were only two left, the manager and the vice president of the company.

They also got into the car and drove to the hotel.

"It was done well this time. Although there were a few minor flaws, it was generally very good. Chairman Zhao is also very satisfied."

"It's all thanks to Mr. Zhang, I'm just running errands."

"Oh, don't worry, when the project is completed, your benefits will be indispensable."

"Thank you Mr. Zhang!"

As soon as the two of them sat in, the drunken appearance disappeared completely. The vice president is the person in charge of the project, and the manager is the direct descendant. The project this time is huge, not only including residential areas, but also corresponding commercial and high-tech areas, and the city attaches great importance to it.

The hotel is in the north of the county seat, and the conditions are excellent, but the location is relatively remote. After driving for a while, the car turned into a compound with a lake and trees, and the hotel building was at the far end.

As a result, the car had just entered, and stopped with a rattling sound.

"Why didn't you move?" the vice president asked.

"There's someone in front," the driver said.

The vice president glanced twice and said, "Go down and have a look."


The driver slammed the car door and ran over. Seeing that the man was covered in a black cloth, he looked rather weird, and said, "What are you doing? Make way, it's in the way!"

"What about you! What are you doing?"

The man remained silent, and the driver couldn't help getting angry, he raised his hand and slapped him: "You can't understand people's language, right?"


The slap just hit his face, and the man remained motionless. But the driver's heart trembled, and the tactile sensation from his hand realized that the other person's face was as stiff as iron, not like human flesh at all.

His heart was trembling, and he was about to run back when he lifted his legs, but the back of his neck felt cold, and he became unconscious again.

big case! Absolutely big case!

Within a few days, four people died in a row, one of them was quite famous and well-known in the city's business district. All of a sudden, all police officers in the city were mobilized, desperately trying to catch the murderer.

Of the four people, three had their hearts gouged out, and one had their neck pierced. The death conditions were horrific. There were no witnesses at the scene, and no camera captured it. The most obvious clue was that there were several scratches on the wound, which seemed to be committed with sharp claws.

If it's an animal, that's not very realistic.

If a person is holding a weapon, that's unlikely. What kind of weapon can pierce through the chest and instantly dig out the heart

If it is the person himself, it is even more suspenseful!

Ever since, the direction of the case has become very strange. The west NS area is continuous, and there are many evil legends, and the local people are also fascinated by it. Someone mentioned witchcraft, Gu worms, etc., although they were refuted, but no other evidence could be found.

Fortunately, the murderer did not continue to kill, and seemed to have escaped. The various anomalies in this case have also been reported to high-level officials, waiting for further research.