Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 74: Take care of yourself


In the 90 years since the founding of the new dynasty, stability has always been the priority.

There are more than 400 million people in the five southwestern provinces, and Shuzhou is just a small place. From the outside, although this incident was spread on the Internet, it was just an ordinary murder case, and there were no such remarks as digging hearts and scratches.

But internally, the government attaches great importance to it. Because they took a sample of the victim's flesh and extracted a very special thing from it: poison.

First press this side and don't show it, just talk about Baicheng.

In a blink of an eye, it is the end of October, and the late autumn is cool. The aftermath of the snake bite has dissipated. A while ago, there was a peak of tourism, and it was not until recently that the temperature slowly cooled down.

Mo Laodao has already returned to Lianhua Mountain, and he has lived here for more than a month, which is considered sincere. It's a pity that the composition is not good, it was the enemy from the beginning, and the inner alchemy was cultivated. Gu Yu has already accepted the set of contexts sorted out by Xiaozhai, and the inner alchemy is simply heresy!

So there is nothing to talk about, just as the saying goes, different ways do not seek each other.

Fang Qing also went to high school, and she seemed to have become more sensible overnight. Although her grades were mediocre, she knew she had worked hard. Nowadays, people who are in high school can basically go to college, even if they are third-rate, they can still be considered a college student when they come out.

Uncle Fang and his wife worked even harder. The children's tuition fees, finding a job, buying a house, dowry, etc., this series of growth, how can they not use money

Gu Yu, on the other hand, sold several batches of Xingshen incense during this period, earning tens of thousands of dollars. In addition, due to the improvement of the relationship with Lei Ziming, old man Lei pushes the goods every day with a big face. He had no choice but to make Yipin Bi Lixiang.

This incense was made by alchemists in the Southern Dynasties. It belongs to medicinal incense. The taste has no special characteristics, but it can eliminate bad breath. When old man Lei got it, he was not very satisfied, but after smoking for a week, he felt refreshed all over, without any sense of burden.

Only then did I know that it was the effect of the chestnut fragrance.

When Grandma Zeng asked for incense, the gift of thanks was a gourd and jade incense stick, worth 10,000 yuan. The old man didn't play tricks, and asked Lei Ziming to pay 50,000 yuan.

As for this, people still feel that there is less, after all, it is hard to buy a piece of health.

However, Gu Yu also accepted, Zeng, Lei, and Yuan were the three he had chosen to make friends with, not to mention that it was time to spend money, so there was no need to pretend to be coercive.

The 50,000 yuan plus the previous tens of thousands, nearly a hundred thousand. He gave 20,000 to Uncle Fang, and also suspended retail orders.

Glen, old tree.

It is very cold in the mountains in autumn, but warm in the valley. The branches and leaves of the old trees are still luxuriant, without any yellowing. Compared with the decadence and desolation around, this place is like an unknown Taoyuan Township.

Gu Yu was sitting under the tree, practicing breathing breath one by one.

Since he got the method of eating qi, he has been constantly refining his form and concentrating his mind. The effect of refining his form is obvious, but his concentration is very, very slow. For five full months, until yesterday, he finally felt a slight beating of his consciousness.

At that time, I felt something in my heart: there must be a harvest today.



He breathed in and out, and the rich aura was sucked into his stomach, slowly tempering his body and spirit. With such a lucky week, at the end of the routine, he did not receive his work, but tried to mobilize his spiritual consciousness and reflect on himself.

In the past, the consciousness that was only trembling slightly, has changed today, becoming active reluctantly. Immediately afterwards, it was like a magnifying glass appeared in the consciousness, and it kept getting closer.

There is a square world under the mirror, from small to large, from blurred to clear.

Divine consciousness, simply put, is to use consciousness to see and control. At this moment, he "sees" the inside of his body for the first time. I thought it would be bloody and bloody, but it turned out to be colorful:

It was like a magnificent palace, full of mist and illusion. The dantian is the throne, where the aura of yin and yang is entangled and swam, and then leads to the meridians of the whole body.

Under the throne, there are five air masses of different colors, which are the five internal organs of the human body.

There is a saying in the scriptures: "Keep thinking and longing, so that you can see the five internal organs like a hanging chime (musical instrument), and the five colors are clearly defined."

There is also a scripture that says: "Looking at the heart inside, the heart has no heart; the appearance has its shape, but the shape has no shape; looking at the object from a distance, the object has no object."

There are five elements in the human body, red is fire, which is the heart; yellow is earth, which is the spleen; white is gold, which is the lungs; black is water, which is the kidney; green is wood, which is the liver.

And the dantian can integrate yin and yang, this set can really form a world of its own.


After a long time, Gu Yufang opened his eyes, but remained silent.

Looking at the mind and taking care of oneself this time, I have another feeling for practice.

There are five elements in all things, and spiritual energy contains yin and yang; the human body has five internal organs, and dantian integrates yin and yang, which is actually a one-to-one correspondence. The so-called human immortal is to connect the "big world" and "small world", purify and enhance the energy in the body, so as to reach a higher level of life.

Cultivation of immortality is the level of life.

Night, Shengtian.

In the dining room of the Jiang residence, Xiaozhai was having a monthly reunion dinner with his parents. On the table were fish-flavored eggplant stew, pork ribs and lotus root soup, and two vegetables.

The eating habits of the three are very gentle, especially Jiang's father and Jiang's mother, who are simply dignified and polite. My father is in charge of the cultural stall, and my mother is in charge of the education stall, and the positions are not low.

Usually the family eats, talking and laughing, but these three people are very silent, it seems that there is nothing to talk about.

Think about it, my daughter stayed outside for seven or eight years since she was a child, and she went to middle school when she came back, and then she was busy with the college entrance examination, and she dared not communicate. After finally going to university, people don't live in school or at home, so they rent a house to live alone.

So he was doing everything he could, and he didn't have much time with his daughter. And in the eyes of the parents, this child is so special that he can't tell what it is, but he is different from other children anyway.

Until now, parents always feel a sense of distance, unfamiliarity, and even mystery.

As the three of them ate and ate, Jiang Ma seemed unable to stand the embarrassment, and started to pick a conversation: "Xiao Zhai, did you work overtime again yesterday?"

"Well, I won't be home until after nine o'clock."

"What are you busy with now? Why do you keep working overtime?"

"I happen to have a project in hand, and there are fewer people, so I'm a little tired."

"Oh, can you take a break after you're done?"

"Well… "

Xiao Zhai blinked his eyes. With such a Jianghu temperament, he couldn't help hesitating when facing his parents, and said, "I was just about to tell you that I am going to resign."

Jiang Ma paused with her chopsticks and asked, "Have you found a home yet?"

"It's not job-hopping, it's just that I don't like doing it anymore and want to go out and have fun."


Father Jiang was a little angry when he heard this. Mother Jiang kicked him and said with a smile, "It's okay to play, just go out and relax. You can look for it when you come back. It doesn't matter if you don't want to. Anyway, there is no shortage of that salary."


Father Jiang snorted lightly, but didn't pursue it further, and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Let's go to Jiangzhou first. This time it will take a long time, and we will have to travel a lot," Xiao Zhai said.


Mom thought for a while, then suddenly asked, "Hey, where does Xiao Jin go to school?"

"Yes, I should be a sophomore this year."

Dad nodded, and said: "Then you can take a look at Xiao Jin, you haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Uh, fine."

With a bitter face, Xiao Zhai reluctantly agreed.

Jiang Xiaojin is the daughter of her second uncle's family. She is nineteen years old, cute and soft, an invincible beauty (xiong) young (hai) girl (zi)!