Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 75: Before traveling


Shengtian, rain.

The rain wasn't too heavy, it was drizzling, but there was a chill on the body, as if reminding that winter was coming.

The street is deserted, pedestrians are rushing, Gu Yu is sitting in a taxi, with a huge backpack on the left, and a nagging old master in front.

"Young man, are you just back from a trip?"

"No, I'm getting ready to go out."

"Oh, then you must go south, Jiaozhou or Qiongzhou?"


"Hey, let me tell you! Jiangzhou is colder than ours. There is no heating anywhere, and the climate is still humid. My daughter-in-law is from the south. When I went to her house, I was not afraid of your jokes, because there was no heating. You said It's strange, southerners always think that northerners are anti-freezing, but in fact they are well equipped..."


Gu Yu was speechless, babbling on and on, he was too embarrassed not to answer, and only hoped to get there soon.

It is said that the two of them have made sufficient preparations for this long journey, and today is the day of departure. Evening train, it is noon now, there are four or five hours left.

It was a cold and cloudy day, so I couldn't wander outside, so Xiaozhai gave her an address, her home.

What does it mean for a hot girl to invite you and say that she will cook and prepare lunch herself

It means nothing!

Although never in a relationship, Gu Yu let his children and grandchildren fly in his girlfriend's house, but now it's different, he and Xiao Zhai are a pure revolutionary friendship, the realm is so high that it is called a liver (gan) gall (chai) phase ( lie) according to (huo).

The road conditions were good today. After about ten minutes, the car stopped outside the community. He followed a resident into the courtyard, found Building 5, and took the elevator up.

"Boom boom boom!"

He knocked a few times, and the door opened, but there was no one there. Just in a strange moment, suddenly a snake's head poked out, sticking out its tongue frantically.


Gu Yu saw that the snake was coiled on the door lock, its tail was tightly wrapped around the handle, and as the tail was pulled and retracted, the door lock also opened and closed.

"Xiaoqing, take a pair of slippers!"

At this time, another voice came from the kitchen. When the snake heard this, it slid to the ground, curled its tail in front of the shoe rack, and picked out a pair of brand new men's slippers.


Gu Yu was sweating wildly, and when he entered the room, he asked, "Do you raise a snake or a dog?"

"Dogs are useless, noisy and troublesome."

Wearing an apron, Xiao Zhai came out sloppily, holding a plate of dishes in his hand, and said, "Wash your hands over there, eat here, where do you put your backpack?"

"oh… "

It was his first time to come here, so he had to be polite no matter what, and everything was arranged by the master.

And when he stepped into the main hall, he couldn't help but look around. The area of this house is very large, and the sense of space in the design is also very good. That's the kind, brush! Dare to step with a sudden open-mindedness.

After tidying up a bit, the four vegetarian dishes were already on the table, and Xiao Zhai asked again, "Do you want to drink?"

"It's okay to have a drink, but don't take it too high."

"Then sake?"


She ran to the bar, picked up a bottle of low-alcohol sake, twisted her fingers, and it opened with a snap. The two sat opposite each other, each holding a small wine cup, blessing themselves decently:

"Bon Voyage!"

"Have a nice trip!"


As soon as the wine cup was touched, they all sat down. And Gu Yu took a bite of the dish, tasted it and said: "Well, the noodles with fried sauce are delicious, and this one is even more delicious."

"Can talk, do one more!" Xiao Zhai poured wine.

"Ah… "

He laughed, took another drink with him, and asked, "Why didn't I realize that you like drinking before?"

"I just like to drink at home."

She poured the third cup and said with a smile: "Drink it by yourself, drink it with you, I like it both."


As soon as these two goods came to the table, Ka Ka drank three rounds.

In fact, it was amazing, no matter in his house or hers, neither of them felt unnatural. The same is true today, eating, drinking, talking and chatting, the topic naturally leads to this trip.

"... In the mid-term of the Shenxiao School, the most outstanding one is Sa Shoujian. It is said that this person has learned Taoism from Wang Wenqing, Lin Lingsu, and Zhang Jixian (the Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain). Fan, one is thunder method. Cursing jujube can cure diseases and save people, thunder method can eliminate evil spirits and demons, and pray for rain; Wuming Jianggui fan can bring the dead back to life. Later, Sa Shoujian preached everywhere, and it was divided into Xihe school and Tianshan school. As for Wang Wenqing and Lin Lingsu’s lineage, only the Qionglong Mountain School and the Yuzhen School are left, but the Yuzhen School cannot find any information. Therefore, our route this time will first go to the Qionglong Mountain in Jiangzhou, and then to the Qionglong Mountain in Shuzhou. Xihe faction, and depending on the situation, they may also go to Tianshan." Xiaozhai briefly introduced.

"Shenxiao founded the sect, and Zhang Jixian also contributed a lot, and Longhushan also has thunder methods, do you want to go and see?" Gu Yu asked.

She thought for a while, and said: "Not for the time being, after all, it's the ancestral court of the Heavenly Master, so it's too troublesome to fight."

"That's true."

Well, the two of them have a clear mind, this is not something that can be resolved peacefully.

In addition to these three locations, there are four other places, namely Tianzhu Mountain in Qianzhou, Emei in Lezhou, Huping in Shimen, and Wangwu in Jeju. These are reiki recovery points of initial suspicion and need to be looked at.

In short, from the south of the Yangtze River to the southwest, then to the northwest, and then back to the Central Plains, it is nearly 10,000 kilometers.

Great project!

The two dally finished their meal and washed the dishes together. Xiao Zhai showed him around, then sat in the study and chatted. There are still more than three hours, so there is no rush.

But Gu Yu suddenly remembered something, and said: "By the way, I can look inside now."

"How does it feel?" The girl was also very excited.

"When I look at the inside of the body, it turns out to be composed of clusters of qi, which is completely different from modern medicine. The five internal organs are qi masses of five colors, and the dantian is also a blend of yin and yang. The meridians become corridors, and qi and blood run in the corridors... the whole The body is like a big factory, each of which performs its duties, and now I understand some of the mysteries of breathing."


Xiao Zhai seemed to be touched, thought for a while, and then asked: "Then can you let it go?"

"Not yet."

"Then try it!" She stood up as soon as she heard it.

"Go away."

When Gu Yu told her this, he had exactly this intention, and when he saw the other party leaving the study, he closed his eyes.

This is more strenuous than internal viewing, and it can almost be mobilized, causing the consciousness to sweep away to the outside world. He also felt strange, as if he had extra eyes hanging above his head, looking around jerkyly.

However, the field of vision is very narrow, only a circular area around him, and the rest is black fog.

"I can't feel it, come closer."


There were light footsteps over there.

"It still doesn't work, come closer."




Gu Yu's face itched, and he was startled. I only "see" Xiao Zhai bending over and poking in front of him, that face is pure and almost transparent, with a long breath and moist warmth.

But in his eyes, there is a look of "come on, come on, my sister is teasing you".

"Back! Back!"

Gu Yu immediately confessed, and when the experiment was over, he said in a bad mood: "I can barely do it, but it takes a lot of energy, and the coverage is about three meters."

"Three meters?"

Xiao Zhai thought about it for a while, then shook his head and said, "The range is too small, we can use our senses enough, and we won't use it for the time being."

"Then how do you feel?" He was also curious.

"It's like being spied on, it's real from the inside out, it's very, very uncomfortable."

"How about more specific?"

"It was self-study, and the head teacher suddenly appeared in the back window."


Gu Yu understood in seconds, it was more than just uncomfortable, it was just too frightening!