Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 78: Auntie with a headache


"Manman, I was wrong, give me another chance!"

"Good Manman, don't you know what's on my mind? You're the only one from the beginning to the end."

"I really have nothing to do with her. It was just a moment of anger to say we broke up a few days ago. I sincerely beg your forgiveness!"

In a small shop near Jiangzhou University, a clean-skinned boy held a rose and pestered a girl desperately. The girl is called Wang Manman. She is not tall, but her proportions are good. Her body is round and tender, and her breasts are also very attractive.

But at this moment, she was flushed with anger, and said angrily: "Yang Guang, do you still have a conscience when you say this? Who is walking around in front of me with that woman on his arm? Who told me to break up? Now People dumped you, and you came back to find me?"

"Manman, I was confused for a while, don't you know me yet, I just like to play a little bit, and my heart is always with you."

That buddy was very thick-skinned, and he was still laughing and joking. Wang Manman didn't want to tear it apart in public, and was about to go out, but was blocked by him.

"Get out of the way!"

"I won't let it!"

"Step aside!"

"Manman, I really know I was wrong!"

That buddy is so bachelor, he knelt down on one knee, held up a rose and said, "If you don't forgive me, I won't get up!"

"you… "

That girl is already soft and doesn't know how to speak harsh words, this will make her whole body tremble even more. And there are still a few melon-eating people in the store, who are making a fuss:

"Forgive him, everyone is kneeling down."

"That's right, knowing what's wrong can make a big difference, so let's go directly to the room!"

Yang Guang pursed his lips, secretly complacent, he picked such a way because he had pinpointed his girlfriend's character. Seeing the success of forcing the palace, suddenly heard the sound of an engine outside.



The store door was slammed open, and Jiang Xiaojin was swept in like the wind, and Kaka was kicked.

"Fuck you, you don't even look in the mirror, you dare to harass us Manman!"

"Hey, I'm stupid!"

Yang Guang was caught off guard and was kicked to the ground.

The opponent kicked one after another, the heels of the boots were long and hard, and it made people want to die.

The roses were flung to bits and pieces, he stood up scrambling, then ran out of the door, pointed at Xiao Jin and said: "Okay, you have a kind, just wait for me!"

"Wait for you MLGB, get out!" She picked up a chair and was about to smash it.

The buddy didn't dare to stay for long, so he staggered away.

The bystanders were already stunned, the attributes of the female man outside the pass were indomitable and gleaming. Wang Manman was even more stunned, and said after a while, "Jinjin, you are so amazing!"

"It's not that I'm good, it's that you are too cowardly. If the girls were all tougher, there would be half as few scumbags in this world."

She kicked Hua aside and said: "Okay, let's go, if you can't guarantee that grandson will find someone."

Saying that, the two girls got into the car and planned to take shelter in Xiao Jin's rental house. As a result, as soon as he turned a street, he found a car following him.

"It's coming soon!"

She glanced in the rearview mirror and slammed on the gas, trying to get away. However, the other party was also very experienced, and he held on tightly, chasing him for two streets, and when he reached a secluded place, another car suddenly appeared in front of him and stopped him with a creaking sound.

She had no choice but to stop in the middle of the road.

Five or six people got off the two cars, and Yang Guang was among them. He was also lucky, a group of buddies happened to be eating nearby, and they were called to help out with just one phone call.

"Jinjin, what should I do?"

Wang Manman grabbed her best friend's clothes, her heart almost jumped out.

"You call the police secretly, and I will delay the time."

Although Jiang Xiaojin was impulsive, her mind was still working, so she got out of the car after giving instructions.

"Hey, be brave! I was thinking about smashing that broken car of yours!" Yang Guang was still in pain, grinning his teeth and trying to show off, looking very funny.

"Ha, when I hit someone, I criticize education at most. If you smashed a car, you will be detained."

Xiao Jinte despised it, and sneered: "Don't pretend to be a hooligan after watching a few Young and Dangerous Boys, I'm here today, what can you do to me?"


The scene was once very embarrassing.

What they said is correct, this group is all college students, some local and some out of town, their heads got hot for a while, but then what

However, Yang Guang rolled his eyes and took the rhythm in time: "Don't block us with words, you kicked me for nothing, and you want to leave like this? It's not that easy!"

He turned back again and said: "Brothers can just hold the line, I will take care of things."


Xiao Jin had a bad heart, she was indeed blocking them, but she overestimated the integrity of the other party. Sure enough, the helpers immediately relaxed when they heard this.

"You succeeded in sneak attack just now, but you are not so lucky now."

Yang Guang clenched his fists and said with a smile: "But don't worry, I have a sense of propriety. As you said, I can criticize education at most, and at worst pay for medical expenses."

over over over over over...

Planted, planted, planted...

Seeing him approaching step by step, Xiao Jin secretly groaned, since she doesn't know kung fu, how could she beat a man? She suddenly felt regret: Oh, it's fine if I wasn't impulsive just now, if you give me another chance, I will definitely calm down.


If the elder sister heard these words, she would surely scoff. How many times have I been in trouble since I was a child, regretted it, caused trouble again, regretted it again... The reason why a bear child is a bear is because he refuses to change after repeated admonition!

"Isn't it very arrogant before? Why are you cowardly? It's too late to beg me now."

Yang Guang walked up to him, mocking all kinds of things.

Xiao Jin stared at him, and felt in her pocket naturally with her hand. There was a bunch of keys in it, and there was a pair of small scissors on the keys. If there was a fight, she was ready to stab someone.


Yang Guang is really the kind of rotten person who wants to slap his face as soon as he raises his hand. Some of the people in the back applauded, some frowned, but they didn't stop them.

"Well… "

Wang Manman covered her mouth in the car, and didn't know what to do. Seeing that she was about to be slapped, she suddenly heard:


It seemed that something flew from a distance, and it hit Yang Guang's face impartially. Ya was hit by a strong force, and her whole body was lifted up, lying horizontally in the air like a salted fish.

He didn't even scream, he fell to the ground so hard that he passed out.

"Guang! Guang!"

"Who the hell did it? Stand up!"

The scene was chaotic in an instant, some went to see Yang Guang, some touched the murderer, and there was a lot of noise. Xiao Jin has the sharpest eyes, jumping up and down and shouting: "Sister, sister!"


Everyone followed the sound and saw that there were two more people behind the vehicle. Because of the backlight, they couldn't see their faces clearly, they were all tall and thin, and there seemed to be two shadows standing there.

It must be a gang! The few people looked at each other, complaining a little bit about Yang Guang, it's at this point, they have to fight if they don't.

"Go together!"

The five rushed over, without any rules, and just relied on the number of people to beat them randomly.

On the opposite side, one of the shadows stepped out of the aperture, revealing a face like a magic illusion, it was Gu Yu. He was holding a branch in his hand, which he had just picked up on the side of the road.

"Boy, you asked for it!"

One person rushed the fastest, punching the door in front of him. As soon as Gu Yu raised his hand and dropped it, it hit the top of his head.


The man's fist was still in the middle of the way, and he hit it inexplicably, it was stupid and painful.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Yu dodged the other's kick, and the branch moved forward a little, and that person also clutched his chest and doubted life.



I saw him strolling in the courtyard, wandering around, knocking back and forth like whack-a-mole. Obviously looking very slow, but just can't dodge.


"I'm stupid, what the hell are you... ouch!"

This group of people rushed up in a swarm, and ran away in a swarm. Finally, a buddy learned how to be good, squatted down with his arms around his head, and shouted: "Brother, brother, stop beating! Stop beating!"

When the others saw it, they squatted down in a panic, begging for mercy one after another:

"Brother, stop beating! It hurts so much!"

"Brother, we are convinced, we are convinced!"

Only then did Gu Yu stop, and asked, "What should I do if I'm convinced?"

He immediately said cleverly: "We, we will never trouble her, and we will stay away from it in the future, and we will definitely not show up wherever there is her!"

"Let's go." He waved the branch.

"Hey, thank you big brother!"


Those guys set up Yang Guang, he was flabbergasted.

Seeing them leaving, Wang Manman ran out of the car, dragged her girlfriend and said, "Xiao Jin, are you okay? I was scared to death!"

"It's okay, it's okay, that scumbag doesn't dare to pester you anymore, don't worry."

Xiao Jin patted her, then turned her head and ran towards the two of them. She knew she would be scolded, so she didn't greet her sister, and ran to Gu Yu directly:

"Wow, brother-in-law, you are amazing!!!"