Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 85: Qianzhou


Even if Gu Yu denied thousands of things, he would never include this one: Xiao Zhai is an old driver.

How old is the old driver? That is, no matter what you say, she understands; on the contrary, what she says, you may not understand, and feel ashamed of your lack of creativity.

Gu Yu was so ashamed now that he didn't say much the whole time, and kept reflecting silently.

The train rumbled for more than three hours, and soon entered the border of Qianzhou. Qianzhou is mountainous, and the degree of urbanization is not high. Looking around, there are small villages and towns on both sides, embedded in the folds of the mountains like a puzzle.

Another ten minutes, the train pulls into the station.

The two of them chartered a car directly to Tianmen Town without delay. Tianmen Town is at the foot of Tianzhu Mountain. It has a long history and many ancient buildings. Tens of thousands of people live on this mountain.

They booked a homestay, with horse-head walls, small green tiles, and a typical three-in-one courtyard. The layout is arranged symmetrically along the central axis, with three rooms wide, with a hall in the middle and rooms on both sides.

There is a patio in front of the hall, which is light and ventilated, closed by a high wall, and has a self-sufficient space aesthetic feeling.

The owner of the homestay is a family of five, old parents, husband and wife, plus a teenage daughter. The wife is in charge, she is short, round and festive, with a bright smile:

"Welcome, welcome! Knowing that you are coming, the house has already been packed."

She led the two of them to look at the room. It was a standard double room, with newly changed bedding and sheets, and the bathroom was also very clean. Just as Gu Yu was about to nod, he suddenly reacted and said, "Sister, I booked two single rooms?"

"Oh, what a coincidence! The one you booked is occupied. When I checked out in the morning, I saw it. I don't know what it did. It crushed the leg of my bed. Now I have a crooked leg, and I haven't had time to repair it!" The proprietress explained.

"Is there anything else?" he asked.

"We only have two single rooms, and this is the only room left for doubles. Why don't you look at the suite? It's separated from the outside."

"Can… "

Gu Yu still wanted to ask, but Xiao Zhai said: "Okay, let's take this room."

"Hey, let's register."

The proprietress grinned and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will give you back the extra money. This is our fault, and I will give you a fruit plate later."

The girl had spoken, and he was not pretentious. After registration, he went back to the room and made some adjustments.

Afterwards, the two of them sat at the table and studied tomorrow's mountaineering route, with a natural attitude, without bloody blushes and heartbeats. Sometimes the atmosphere is like this, if you are coy, you will embarrass everyone; if you are frank, you will not think too much.

Tianzhu Mountain is divided into two parts, Xiguan and Dongguan, Xiguanxiu and Dongguan dangerous. Generally, tour groups only take Xiguan, while only donkey friends can go to Dongguan.

"We enter from the west gate, walk through Liuyuexue, Nanguanzhai, Tongtian Valley, Qinglongxuan... and finally camp at Alchemy Lake. This is very close to Tianzhu Mountain Villa, where we can supply food."

Gu Yu took a pen and drew on the map, and then said: "The day after tomorrow, start from Alchemy Lake, go to Qinglongtan, Feilong Peak, Yingzhen Peak, Thrushcross Ridge, Echo Tower... and finally to Qigu Ladder. This journey is very dangerous , there are almost no tourists except those who hike through.”

"According to Phoenix Mountain's experience, the aura node may be deep in the mountain. The mountain has a radius of 500 kilometers, so we must be prepared for a long time. Alchemy Lake is an important base. We must estimate the itinerary and go back for supplies at any time."

Xiao Zhai also took the pen, made two false strokes, and asked, "By the way, how do you feel here?"

"The aura is very strong, stronger than Phoenix Mountain, we guessed right." He replied.

"That's good, I hope this trip is worthwhile."

It is said that the two of them came all the way, passing through more than 30 stations in total, and he would record the concentration of local aura every time he went to a place. The data is very simple, 0 is no, 1 is the lowest line of cultivation, 2 is good, 3 is excellent, 4 is excellent, and 5 is the node.

For example: Shengtian is 0, Wudaohe is 1, Baicheng is 2, and the old tree in the valley is 5. And these more than 30 places are almost all 0 or 1, but the concentration in Tianmen Town has reached 3!

This shows that if there is a node in the mountain, it must surpass Phoenix Mountain.

Night, Tianmen Town.

This place is small, but the service industry is very developed. There is even a small street full of coquettish pink faces. Physical therapists of various styles are cheerful and lively, with true love.

Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai went out for dinner and took a stroll, and they just came back. They put a big black bag on the table and took things out one by one.

First there is a large stack of yellow talisman paper, then an inkstone, an ink ingot and two brushes.

Obviously, they just want to study the symbols when they have nothing to do. The things were bought in the town, and I originally wanted to use cinnabar, but the pure one was too little, so I temporarily replaced it with ink.

According to Tan Chongdai: Talismans, talismans, dharmas and mantras are all one, if there are talismans, there will be mantras, and if there are mantras, there will be talismans. Talismans are divided into gold, silver, purple, blue, yellow, etc., and the power of gold is the strongest.

According to the method of use, it can be divided into body charm (carry it with you), food charm (burn it and dissolve it in water), paste charm (stick it on the body, in the house), decoct medicine charm (decoct with medicine), and burial charm. Talisman (buried in the soil) and other seven kinds.

There are thousands of talismans in the orthodox system. But today, in the Qionglong Mountain lineage alone, there are only five kinds left: Golden Armor, Bone Transformation, Snake and Insect Removal, Pregnancy Restoration, and Children's Nocturnal Enuresis.

The original version of the Golden Armor Talisman is activated by aura, and it is invulnerable to the body if it is attached. The current version is a low-end version, and the effect is greatly weakened by using essence and blood.

The Bone Transformation Talisman, as the name suggests, can make bones turn into water.

The snake and insect repelling charm, pasted on the door lintel, can keep the house free from snakes and rats. Xiaoqing became anxious that day because she was restrained by this talisman.

As for the last two kinds, don't laugh, this is also the law of the eight scriptures.

Protecting the sick and saving lives, protecting the wealth and family, and protecting the harmony between men and women... This is the biggest business of the Zhengyi faction. For example, in the treatment of diseases, there are hundreds of kinds of charms such as abdominal pain charms, eye pain charms, dog bite charms, and cold and heat charms.

The two of them laid out the talisman paper, rubbed the ink evenly, and began to chant the mantra:

"This water is extraordinary water. A little bit is in the inkstone, and the cloud and rain will arrive in a moment. The sick swallow it, and all diseases will be eliminated, and evil spirits will be crushed. It is as urgent as a law."

This is called the Clear Water Curse, followed by the Clear Paper Curse and the Clear Brush Curse.

After reciting the three mantras, he took up the pen and formally drew the talisman. The procedure of drawing symbols is cumbersome, basically divided into four parts: symbol head, imperial order, symbol gall and symbol tail from top to bottom.

First, the two of them drew three strokes on the top that looked like a check mark. This is the most commonly used Sanqing head.

Then below, there are two ancient characters: Imperial Order.

Next, it is the most important talisman. You are curing diseases, town houses, inviting gods, and raining, all rely on this talisman. What they drew was a golden armor talisman, so they wrote a taboo word for Taoism: Gang.

The so-called taboo characters are a kind of characters invented within the Taoist sect. They are obscure and complicated, and are used to refer to various gods.

At the bottom is the tail, which is a strange pattern like an electrocardiogram.

The above is the entire composition of a talisman, and it must be drawn in one go without stopping. Both of them are people with enlightened minds, needless to say, they are just beginners in this technique, and they are not quite used to it yet.

After a while, they put away their pens together, looked at each other, and laughed.

The same talisman can be drawn differently by different people. Gu Yu's innocence and remoteness reveal a vast world. Xiao Zhai's freedom is also accompanied by a sense of unstoppable.

"Decree, go!"

Gu Yu picked up the talisman, said something funny, and then patted his body: "Come on, hit me."


Xiao Zhai stretched out a finger solemnly, and poked it on his chest. That guy let out an ah, grinned his teeth and said, "Sure enough!"

no way…

Some people like to go shopping and watch movies when they are together; some people like to applaud for love when they are together. And the taste of these two guys, uh, probably is to cultivate Taoism.

Afterwards, they drew a few more lines, trying to master the runes. At about nine o'clock, there was a sudden noise from the courtyard, as if someone was drunk and messing around, and the landlady's persuasion was also interspersed.

After a while, the noise stopped, but someone knocked on the door.

"Boom boom boom!"

Gu Yu went over to open it, and saw a man in his twenties with a lean temperament, and said with a smile: "Sorry, my friend drank too much just now, I'm here to apologize, didn't I bother you?"

"It's all right, are you here for a trip?"

"Yes, we will go up the mountain tomorrow."

At this time, Xiao Zhai also came over, and the three chatted at the door.

That buddy is Zhao Jiu, who lives in Shuzhou, a white-collar worker in the company, and likes outdoor sports. He formed an outdoor group and went out to play when he had nothing to do.

This time I brought eight donkey friends to hike through Tianzhu Mountain.

That buddy was happy to make friends, and when he learned that they were going up the mountain tomorrow, he invited them to go with him. They had nothing to do, so they left a contact information.

After Zhao Jiu left, it got darker.

The courtyard was finally clear and quiet, without any sound. There are two lanterns hanging in the courtyard, revealing a dim light, faintly reflected on the white screen window.


Gu Yu struck a match and lit a tranquilizing incense. This incense was made before leaving, which can not only help sleep, but also repel mosquitoes.

Xiao Zhai leaned on the bed and reorganized the survival bag, which contained compass, bandages, wound medicine, compressed biscuits and other small items.

Then, she looked at the time and said, "It's getting late, you wash first and I wash first?"

"You wash it, and I'll clean it up."


She responded, and took her pajamas and towels into the bathroom. Xiaoqing slipped out and stood cross-legged at the door, acting like a man of keeping strangers away.

"Ah… "

Gu Yu has seen it a few times, but still thinks it's amazing, this snake control skill is good! Except for the trouble of going through the security check, it is a must for traveling at home, murder and arson.