Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 89: Prepare for war


The aura node of Tianzhu Mountain has a concentration of six, the highest Gu Yu has seen.

But it's a pity that the water source here is too abundant, the small lake occupies the entire space, and there is no place to stay. If the two wanted to investigate further, they had to dive into the bottom of the lake.

In this kind of weather, there are so many strange fish, going down is death. And this also means that even if it occupies this place in the future, it will have to be vigorously developed in order to become a qualified training ground.

They stood on the periphery and took a closer look. There was no abnormal shape like the old tree and red fruit, but the stone walls around the lake were white and bright, which seemed a little weird.

Gu Yu picked up a stone and threw it vigorously. When the stone collides with the stone wall, it does not make a muffled sound like "dong", nor does it make a weak sound like "click".

It was a "dang", clear and crisp.

He was rather strange, and asked suspiciously, "This sound should be caused by hitting metal, right?"


Xiao Zhai also picked up a piece of gravel, and threw it towards the other side of the white wall, and there was another "dang". She shook her head and said, "It may be affected by spiritual energy, and the internal structure has changed. It would be nice if I could dig out a piece."

That being said, the two of them couldn't get through, and they didn't have any tools, so they could only take a few photos. Their mobile phones have lost signal for a long time, thanks to several pieces of mobile power, they have survived until now.

Unknowingly, they waited until the sun slanted before they walked out of the cave.

Gu Yu dug out a notebook and began to record the location of this place. The book was densely packed, full of words and circuit diagrams, covering almost the entire area of Tianzhu Mountain.

There are water sources, ferocious beast areas, suitable campsites, and dangerous sections of the road... There are all kinds of things, everything is included.

In addition, there are two other conclusions:

First, whether it is a coincidence or not, the nodes all appear in a relatively closed environment and are guarded by alienated creatures.

Second, the revival of the previously guessed aura can already remove the word "guess".

Let's say that the continuation of human civilization to this day is largely due to the wisdom and inheritance of ancestors. Either rely on words, or images, or word of mouth, no matter what, the first generation who can think of doing these things are all great sages and sages.

They are not great sages, but there is no doubt that this record book is very, very valuable.

It took four and a half days, and finally found the node. It took the two of them another day and a half to get out of the mountain on their wobbly return journey, and it was exactly six days.

They returned to Tianmen Town without taking a break, and chartered a car directly to Qianzhou. Then I found a small hotel, and I didn't shy away from it, I asked for a room and slept right away.

After sleeping for more than ten hours, the boss was so scared that he almost smashed the door and called the police. It wasn't until noon the next day that the two goods were revived with full blood.

"You two are simply too much! There has been no movement for six or seven days, and the phone calls have not been answered. I am going to call the police!"

"Hurry up and get real, what are you doing? Oh, you won't stay in the hotel all the time, will you? My God, you have really good physical strength!"


Xiao Zhai kept the phone away from his ears, and waited until the blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, before saying, "I didn't do anything, I just walked around the mountain and just came out."

"Who the hell stayed in the mountains for seven days? Do you think I'm stupid, or do you think you're Smurfs?" Xiao Jin was angry from the bottom of her heart, wishing she could follow the mobile signal and strangle them to death.

Xiao Zhai knew that she would be chaotic if she was worried, so it was rare that she didn't suppress her, so she coaxed her softly. After a long time, Xiao Jin hangs up the phone angrily, saying that the brat can't afford to be hurt, it's too worrying!

After comforting her here, she asked the other side: "Have you checked it?"

"It's too troublesome to transfer four trains from Qianzhou to Shuzhou. Let's go to Luzhou and go directly by plane." Gu Yu replied.

"Well, yes." She nodded.

"Then I've booked a ticket, and I'm leaving tomorrow."

They used Qianzhou as a relay station and had to stay for two days to rest. You can't take a shower in the mountains, and you have to travel nearly a hundred miles every day for all kinds of original underwear.

For six full days, the state can be imagined.

Shuzhou, Luobi County.

There is an ancient city in the county, which was built more than 600 years ago. There is an ancient street in the city, which is long from east to west and short from north to south. Looking down from a high place, it looks like a strange and unique big ship, hence the name "ship-shaped street".

The east end of this street is Lingguan Temple, the west section is a sky lantern and stone pillar, the center is a theater building, and there is an archway behind the building. On both sides are long rows of tile-roofed houses with prominent eaves, commonly known as "Liangtingzi".

Although the society is developing and being updated day by day, there are still old people staying here, drinking tea, listening to music, picking out ears, smoking leaf cigarettes under the cold hall, enjoying the last happiness of the mortal world.

Today is a big day, at least for those old folks. Because there is an episode and a play today, people from ten miles and eight villages will come to watch a lantern show that Shuzhou people love most.

But in the police station in the county seat, the atmosphere was particularly solemn.

All the famous people were present, and the bureau leader personally sat down to hold an emergency meeting. A leader said: "Time is tight, I will try to be brief. Two things, the first one is known, today is the market, we must maintain order, avoid stampede accidents, and petty theft. The second..."

He paused, and then said: "According to the reports of the masses, two suspicious elements have appeared recently, acting secretly, and they may have serious crimes. These two people are active in the Luobi area, so from today, the whole county has entered an emergency. The state. All intersections and passages must be guarded, and they must not be allowed to escape!"


When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other. There is no evidence for this, so I just prepared for the battle, a bit sloppy, right

Immediately, someone asked: "Chen Bureau, what crime did they commit? How do we control the scale? How should we catch them?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't!"

The leader was also upset, and glared at that person, saying: "The standard is that the other party must be intact, and you can handle it yourself."

Afterwards, the meeting was arranged in a unified manner, and the situation of each team and group's stay in various places was announced immediately. Everyone was puzzled and discussed one after another:

"Why are you nagging lately? I just issued an order a while ago, telling us to pay attention to suspicious elements. Today is even more serious, and we will arrest them directly!"

"That's right, who knows the inside story? What's going on?"

"I heard that it is a document from the top and bottom, and it seems to be related to the murder case."

"Murder case? Just the one in Tuling County?"

"That's not going to be a mystery, isn't it? Don't reveal any information, just post it to Zhang Datou!"

The buddy slapped the table, and it was a criminal simulation portrait made by computer according to Liu Changhe's description: he was young, with a pale face, narrow and long eyes, a straight nose, and thin lips.

The five sense organs are fine when viewed separately, but when put together, there is an extremely uncomfortable feeling of coldness.

"All right, all right, stop complaining!"

"Hey, move your mouth, let's run and break our legs, let's go!"