Pursuit Order

Chapter 56: Grief is over


Inside the formation, there was Xiao Yi who was somewhat confused, and outside the formation, Yue Qi suddenly appeared.

A dividing line, the two seem to be in different worlds. One side is madness, the other side is indifference.

If Xiao Yi was still sensible at this time, he would have found a lot of doubts. For example, why did Yue Qi happen to appear here, and why did the formation that should be destroyed after being ordered to go down was still intact at this time

However, the irritated news now only cares about one thing.

"Where's the corpse here?" Xiao Yi asked anxiously.

The expression on Yue Qi's face could not be seen clearly, only his voice could be heard intermittently: "No one died, naturally there will be no corpses."

There are no dead!

Xiao Yi only heard this sentence clearly, like a drowning person grabbing the last straw. He took a step back first, and then laughed in a low voice, the laughter became louder and more frantic!

Yue Qi stood beside him, watching coldly.

"He's crazy."

Qin Shan also came to the mountainside at some point, looking at Xiao Yi in this state, and said a simple sentence.

Beside him, Yue Qi just glanced at him and withdrew his gaze.

"Qin Shan, you can't lie to me!"

Seeing Qin Shan coming, Xiao Yi said with some hatred and some pride: "Joo Wang is not in the squad at all, he didn't die here!" He didn't even care how Qin Shan escaped to the bottom of the mountain, and why he joined Yueqi stand in one piece.

"Are you trying to trick me into getting into the formation?" Xiao Yi was not stupid, but quickly understood, "Qin Shan, even if you can trap me for three or five hours, even if you can escape this time, do you think this situation Or do you have the final say? Qin Shan, you—"

Qin Shan interrupted him almost sympathetically: "Why, Alliance Leader Xiao, don't you remember this place?"

Xiao Yi paused, looked at him suspiciously, and the laughter slowly stopped.

"Speaking of which, this small courtyard is also related to you. That day, Alliance Leader Xiao led someone into the Unknown Valley." Qin Shan said slowly, "Isn't it right here to kill someone?"

Xiao Yi almost wanted to laugh at him. On that day, in order to find Qi Ruowang first, he took his subordinates into Wuming Valley, not only killing one person, but how many people he killed... He suddenly saw Qin Shan's eyes, inexplicable, full of body The blood suddenly cooled down.

Xiao Yi heard Qin Shan continue to say: "You ask me where Qi Ruowang is? I'll tell you the truth, that night, when the people of Xiqiang broke into the valley, Qi Ruowang and I went down the mountain to avoid people's eyes and eyes, and we both changed into the clothes of the disciples in the valley. And Qi Ruowang, It's easy."

Xiao Yi felt the chill spread from his bone marrow little by little. He covered his ears and squatted down involuntarily.

"...Don't say it." Xiao Yi squeezed these words out of his teeth.

Qin Shan ignored him and continued: "When we descended to the mountainside, we suddenly encountered a group of chasing soldiers. In desperation, he and I ran away and could only hide in this small courtyard. It would be fine if we were not found. , but once he is found—" Qin Shan looked at Xiao Yi coldly, "With his crippled body that has lost his martial arts skills, and a disguised appearance of Zhang San Li Si, what do you think the intruder will do to him? Xiao? Alliance Leader, if it were you, what would you do?"

"No." Xiao Yi whispered, kneeling on the ground almost losing strength, "Shut up!"

"The result is obvious, isn't it? I found Qi Ruowang and watched him take his last breath in front of me." Qin Shan said calmly, as if it was someone else's business, "I vowed to avenge him, but I couldn't find him. To the murderer. Until later, I saw another person killed by you."

He looked at Xiao Yi and sneered, "You are right, Xiao Yi. Qi Ruowang did not die in the battle. Because he died under your hands four months ago."


Xiao Yi roared like a trapped beast, and the overflowing True Qi shattered the surrounding rocks.

"You lied to me! I don't believe it!!"

Xiao Yi raised his head and looked at Qin Shan with red eyes.

Qin Shan said to himself, "thinking about it now, Qi Ruowang should have recognized you at a glance. Although he changed his face, you would recognize him as soon as he made a sound. But why didn't you recognize him? ?" Qin Shan looked at Xiao Yi viciously, "Is it because your slap was too fast and merciless. He didn't even give him a chance to say a word to you."


His heart and lungs seemed to be shattered, Xiao Yi vomited a mouthful of blood, he could no longer hear what Qin Shan was saying, he frantically recalled the scene of that day in his mind, but as Qin Shan said, he could not remember at all. He couldn't remember how his palm was hit, he couldn't remember the last look of the other party, and he couldn't even remember the face of the disguised face.

The last side of him and Qi Ruowang was a pale and dramatic miss, and the yin and yang were separated.

"It's you." Xiao Yi raised his head angrily, his eyes bleeding, "If you hadn't implicated him, John wouldn't have died! Qin Shan!"

He rushed towards Qin Shan fiercely, but touched the organs in the formation, and was stopped in the formation time and time again, with no effect except to increase the wounds in vain. Xiao Yi didn't know it at all, and looked at Qin Shan with hatred. It seemed that only by finding an outlet for the despair and anger in his heart would he not immediately go crazy.

Qin Shan felt bored, and said to the person beside him, "Are you going to kill him?"

The person standing next to him slowly tore off the mask on his face at this time, revealing his true face, which was a face that was three-point similar to Qi Ruowang, but much younger than Qi Ruowang. Even Qin Shan was a little stunned when he saw this face.

Yue Qi, or Qi Yue, looked at Xiao Yi, who was like a beast on the ground, and said, "I won't kill him, I want him to live rather than die."

When the incident between Qi Ruowang and Xiao Yi happened, Qi Yue was not yet ten years old and was powerless. But now, as Qi Ruowang, the most talented genius in a century, self-destructed his future, his daughter Qi Ruolan died of hatred after exhausting all her efforts. The Qi family was almost at an end, and when everything was irreversible, there was only one concubine who came back with hatred for revenge.

He hates Xiao Yi, it is Xiao Yi who ruined his brother and his family.

Qin Shan looked at the last bloodline of the Qi family and sighed in his heart.

"As you like."

Qin Shan turned and left, until he was far away, he could still hear Xiao Yi's unwilling roar behind him, and heard Qi Yue's questioning full of hatred, however, the things that should have been fun made him feel tired.

He felt a chill and looked up, only to find that it was snowing in the valley. Snowflakes, similar to the day Qi Ruowang left, fluttered and fell, as if mourning something.

"Are you bored too?"

He asked self-deprecatingly, walking all the way down the mountain.

Wan Chengxuan saw Qin Shan approaching from a distance. Around him were dozens of children of Wanren Mountain Villa, and the members of the Yingwu Alliance who had just rounded up Qin Shan on the mountain were all pointed at by the people of Wanren Mountain Villa with swords and became prisoners.

Right Xiaoyi, who was in the middle, sighed when he saw Qin Shan approaching.

"Sure enough. In the end, you still win."

Qin Shan walked up to him and said lightly, "Win? You are wrong, this is just the beginning."

He glanced at Wan Chengxuan, Wan Chengxuan immediately understood, and shouted to all the disciples: "Go on the order! The rebel Xiao Yi is put to death, and the Yingwu League is defeated! Xiao Yi colluded with the people of the Western Qiang, slaughtered the Central Plains, and the people could not live. Tang is under the control of traitors and ignores the suffering of the people. Although we are a class of warriors, we can’t bear to see the world suffer this catastrophe. We now call on people of insight in the world to stand on the side of the Qingjun, to help the society and the crops, and to overcome the national disaster together!”

You Xiaoyi was stunned for a moment, and did not dare to believe: "Qingjun's side, Fusheji! You, you are so courageous, Qin Shan, in whose name are you going to rebel?!"

Qin Shan chuckled: "Rebel?" He lowered his head and looked at You Xiaoyi, "Do you think the person sitting on the throne now is the real master of this world?"

You Xiaoyi listened to his last sentence in a daze.

"I just want this world to return to its original owner."

Xiao Yi was slaughtered!

The Yingwu League turned out to be the spy agency of the Western Qiang people in Daqi! The fall of Daqi Jiangshan is half of Xiao Yi's credit.

This traitor died in a heartwarming manner! Although Daqi Jianghu people don't care about state affairs, they still have a sense of right and wrong. So people can't help but wonder, who was the one who killed Xiao Yi

As soon as the answer came out, everyone dropped their jaws.

The one who killed Xiao Yi was actually the only bloodline of the deceased Emperor Qi, the orthodox heir to the throne of Da Qi, the direct prince of the Feng family!

When the news came out, people all over the world were talking about it.

—Prince? Isn't Qi Di without a queen

- No, the previous emperor once established a queen, and he also had a prince. However, I heard that the prince died prematurely when he was less than three years old.

- Then who is this prince

- This is to ask Qin Shan.

That's right, it's Qin Shan again. Qin Shan took the first emperor and the prince, killed Xiao Yi, and disbanded the Yingwu Alliance. This time, in the name of the prince, he raised the banner of the Qingjun side again. And half a month later, Qin Shan will hold an oath meeting to announce the identity of the prince.

The news quickly dissipated like a cloud. All parties responded in unison. It was rumored that after the Prince Regent heard the news, he denounced Qin Shan as a traitor on the spot, and ordered the general to lead 30,000 horses to clear up the remnants of Qin Weitang.

But at the same time, the number of people who contacted Qin Shan secretly increased. Among them, there were giant scholars who had already retired and were famous all over the world; some were still officials in the court and secretly sent people to contact him. And Jianghu people, the response to this is the most direct. They, who have always pursued the law of the weak, lost to Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi lost to Qin Shan. The power comparison made them have to be amazed.

Until this time, no one finally called Qin Shan the devil. Not to mention that Shaolin and Wanren Mountain Villa are now Qin Shan's backers. If only this devil broke away from Xiao Yi's claws for them and saved half of the Great Qi Wulin, no one would be embarrassed to call him that.

Although the wanted order is still hanging, Qin Shan's reputation has improved unprecedentedly.

Time, in a blink of an eye, it was the day of the swearing-in meeting.

Qin Shan was preparing for various matters, but saw Qi Yue come over.

"he died."

Qi Yue said a word out of nowhere, but Qin Shan paused. He looked at the last descendant of the Qi family.

Qi Yue said: "He asked to see my brother's grave. I lied to him and said that after my brother died under his hands, you didn't have time to collect the body, and the bones were picked up by the beasts and birds in the mountains. He suddenly went crazy and ran out Formation."

"..." Qin Shan.

"When I found someone, he was holding on to an unknown white bone and was out of breath."

Qi Ruowang was buried in the back mountain of Wuminggu by Xiao Yi. Before Xiao Yi died, he was holding a nameless corpse. Even the last piece of affection was paid to the wrong person. Perhaps, this is the punishment of heaven for his selfishness and ruthlessness. .

The story of Qi Ruowang and Xiao Yi came to an end as the two parties left one after another.

From now on, there will be no more pianos and sounds in this world.

Qin Shanzheng sighed with emotion, but heard Qi Yue say: "By the way, I heard that you want to call on the heroes of the world to fight against that fake emperor. Count me in."

Qin Shan looked at him.

Qi Yue shrugged, "Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle. Why don't you find something to do. At least what you want to do, follow my heart."

yes. Qin Shan thought, the old grudges are over, now it's time to clean up the world.