Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 105: Ability to lose control


Lu Yang quickly sensed his own strength, but it was a desperate thing. Now Lu Yang's strength can only be traced back for five seconds. It seems unrealistic to go back to the time period before most of his soul was destroyed.

"Maybe the time is not enough..." Fanfan has the same thinking as Lu Yang, and she also knows the details of the ability to go back in time. When she found out that the ability to go back in time is too short, she can't help but feel a little desperate.

You must know that ten minutes have passed since Lu Yang fell into a coma, and these five seconds are really not enough to watch. Moreover, Lu Yang's original intention of having such an idea is good, but if they think about it carefully, even if they go back in time before Lu Yang's primordial spirit was damaged, wouldn't they still have to face that black dragon

"No, maybe there is still a chance." Lu Yang stared at the grass in front of him, and saw a dark stone with a strange red light lying quietly on the ground in the grass.

Lu Yang must have seen this thing before.

Dragon demon pill! This 1,500-year-old black dragon demon pill!

"Don't you want to!"

Taoist Yunbao immediately understood what Lu Yang was thinking after seeing the Dragon Clan Demon Pill. Lu Yang wanted to go back in time after devouring the Dragon Clan Demon Pill and obtain the same strength as the black dragon!

Although Taoist Yunbao analyzed it before, Lu Yang is a human being so he cannot devour the demon core. But the situation is different now, Lu Yang's lower body does not have any primordial spirit, which means that Lu Yang's lower body can accommodate any primordial spirit.

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And this demon pill itself is the crystallization of multiple products of primordial spirit, cultivation base and demon power. Lu Yang in the past couldn't swallow the demon pill, but now Lu Yang can indeed!

Although after devouring this demon pill, the missing primordial spirit in Lu Yang's lower body will be filled, and he will not be able to swallow other demon pills, but this 1,500-year-old demon pill is not a defective product, and it will greatly improve Lu Yang!

"Do you think it's feasible?" Lu Yang asked.

Taoist Yunbao nodded his head: "Anyway, you must be too lucky! There is nothing feasible or unfeasible, this is clearly the pie in the sky!"

"Hearing you say that, I feel relieved." Lu Yang smiled. He felt that the act of fighting with his life just now was not in vain, and it seemed that they really made money.

After being affirmed by Taoist Yunbao, Xiqiao hurriedly picked up the dragon demon pill in the distance for Lu Yang, and handed it to Lu Yang. Because he had seen Firefox devouring the demon pill before, Lu Yang imitated Firefox and swallowed the dragon clan demon pill into his mouth.

What Lu Yang didn't expect was that the fist-sized Dragon Clan Demon Pill, which looked as hard as a stone, actually melted in his mouth the moment he put it in his mouth. Before Lu Yang could swallow it, the Dragon Clan Demon Pill slid directly into his body.

Huge power instantly filled Lu Yang's whole body, because Lu Yang's lower body's soul was missing, so Lu Yang didn't need any time to refine it, the power of that demon pill directly transformed into soul, filling the vacant lower body of Lu Yang's soul!

This is not what surprised Lu Yang the most. What surprised Lu Yang even more was that at the moment when the power of the dragon demon pill turned into the primordial spirit, his lower body suddenly became aware, and his primordial spirit merged with the dragon's primordial spirit!

Lu Yang couldn't believe his senses, but when he really wanted to stand up with his legs, he really stood up from the ground! He doesn't need the ability to go back in time so hard!

"This, this... What the hell is going on here?!" Taoist Yun Bao was also a little surprised, she couldn't believe that Lu Yang's primordial spirit was so compatible with the dragon's primordial spirit.

Could it be that Lu Yang's soul and the black dragon's soul were both refined by fox fire, so during the refining process, both Lu Yang's soul and the black dragon's soul had their original impurities removed, so Lu Yang's soul merged with the black dragon's soul

Perhaps the current situation can only be explained in this way. Taoist Yunbao feels that what happened to Lu Yang today is simply a miracle among miracles.

"Master can stand up already?!" Fan Fan instantly turned into a human form and stood beside Lu Yang in surprise, looking left and right. She was also a little dumbfounded: "Master, can you take two steps to show Fan Fan?"

Lu Yang was also a little confused, but he still did what Fanfan said, after all he also wanted to make sure whether he could resume walking.

But the moment Lu Yang raised his leg, he found that his vision became distorted instantly. Before he realized what happened, he heard a loud bang in his ear, and then the dust spread all over the sky in front of him.

"what happened?!"

Lu Yang hurriedly waved his hand to fan the dust in front of him, but the moment he raised his hand, a gust of wind slid past his body instantly, and the surrounding dust was immediately lifted into the sky.

But at this time, beside him, how can there be Fanfan and others

"Master! We are here!"

Fanfan's voice faintly came from behind Lu Yang. Lu Yang hurriedly turned his head to look, but found that he had already flown more than a thousand meters before he knew it. The road behind him was in a mess with all kinds of trees collapsed, and a long scratch on the ground spread directly to his feet.

"Is this the improvement brought by this dragon demon pill?" Taoist Yunbao sighed looking at the bewildered figure of Lu Yang in the distance. She felt that maybe Lu Yang didn't even notice it, but in fact, Lu Yang just walked a distance of more than a thousand meters in one step!

If Lu Yang hadn't directly bumped into the hill in the distance, Lu Yang probably wouldn't know how far he would have traveled!

"This... I did it?" Lu Yang looked at his hands in disbelief. His body was obviously still his own, but at this moment he felt the existence of a huge force in his body.

The step he took subconsciously just now obviously didn't control his strength well, so he took such a long distance in one step, but he himself didn't notice it!

Lu Yang tried to take a step forward lightly, wanting to return to Fanfan and the others, but before he lifted his foot again, there was a whistling wind in his ears!

Before he could stop his feet, his figure appeared next to Fanfan and the others again!

It seems that it is not easy to control this powerful force...