Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 107: Strange things after waking up


The strange thing happened from a day ago.

When Lu Yang woke up from the dream, he undoubtedly found a scratch ten centimeters long on his arm. At the beginning, Lu Yang didn't care about it, he just thought that he hurt himself accidentally while sleeping at night.

After all, although he can control his own power now, he can act like a normal person in normal times. But when he was sleeping at night, his ability could not be deliberately controlled, so it was not incomprehensible to hurt himself while sleeping at night.

Because half of his primordial spirits are from the dragon race, a wound of this degree can be healed with only one thought from Lu Yang, so Lu Yang didn't take this matter to heart, and was still thinking about what happened in Jinchan County during this period of time the next day.

But today, Lu Yang discovered that there was another scratch on his arm, and the scratch appeared in the same place as yesterday.

Lu Yang felt that no matter how bad his sleeping appearance was, it was impossible for him to scratch his arm twice in two days while sleeping unconsciously, right

So Lu Yang, who got up early, didn't get dressed immediately, but lay down on the bed and carefully searched for something that could scratch his arm.

However, after searching for more than ten minutes, Lu Yang did not find anything sharp even though he raised the bed boards. And if his subconscious actions at night would hurt himself, then there should be signs of damage to the nearby things

It's a pity that Lu Yang didn't find anything for a long time, which made Lu Yang a little depressed.

"Master is rarely on the lazy bed today."

At some point, Fanfan quietly opened the door of Lu Yang's room, and looked at Lu Yang with a smile. Her expression was as if she had caught Lu Yang's lazy bed for a long time, and she even had some unsuitable thoughts in her heart.

Seeing this, Lu Yang hurriedly got up from the bed, and got dressed in only two seconds: "Get ready to have breakfast!"

"Tch, I wish I had known that people would have barged in earlier..." Fanfan said to himself a little unwillingly.

"Just now, I can't pretend that I didn't hear it!" Lu Yang warned Fanfan. He looked at his arm, the part that was scratched just now had been subconsciously repaired by him.

Scratching his arm was not a big deal, although it seemed strange, it was not possible to say that this incident could threaten his life, no matter what, Lu Yang still did not take this matter to heart.

So Lu Yang spent another rare and ordinary day like this. Firefox has also been in a deep sleep for ten days. Lu Yang felt that if he didn't find a way to restore his strength, Firefox might not know how long he would have to sleep.

Adhering to the habit of going to bed early and getting up early, Lu Yang was ready to fall asleep again when it was time to rest at night. But before falling asleep this time, Lu Yang reconfirmed that there was really nothing near his bed that could scratch his arms.

After everything was ready, Lu Yang deliberately wrapped the quilt next to his arm around his arm, and then fell asleep in peace.

I don't know why, I always feel so tired when I sleep these few days, I seem to have dreamed something, but the dream is extremely short, before Lu Yang has time to remember what happened in the dream, the morning light shines on him the next day.

It is already winter time, but the morning light is still very warm. Lu Yang yawned and sat up lazily from the bed. The first thing he did when he woke up was to look at his arm.

But when Lu Yang looked at his arm, what he saw made him lose all sleepiness.

Even though he had made all the preparations yesterday and made sure that he would not scratch his arm while sleeping, when he woke up today, there was still that ten centimeter long scratch on his arm.

And it's still the same location!

This has to attract Lu Yang's attention. It has been two months since I came to this world, and I have experienced a lot of strange things in these two months, Lu Yang naturally became alert to this matter.

If scratching your arm in the same place two days in a row is a coincidence, scratching your arm while sleeping in the same place three days in a row is not so unusual.

"The master is still on the lazy bed, right?" Fan Fan pushed the door in at the same time as before, but seeing Lu Yang who had already got up and dressed, she still couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"It's already early, okay?" Lu Yang got up from the bed as he spoke, and after seeing that the scratch on his arm hadn't subconsciously healed, he immediately put the wound on his arm in front of Fanfan's eyes, and asked, "What do you think this wound was made from?"

Fanfan frowned slightly and looked at the wound on Lu Yang's arm and guessed, "Maybe it's something like a knife? Speaking of which, why did the master get hurt?"

Fanfan is a little puzzled, Lu Yang's physical function is different from the past. In the past, it was reasonable for Lu Yang to be injured.

But after Lu Yang devoured the black dragon's demon core, Lu Yang's body functions also improved. If it was an ordinary blade, let alone hurt Lu Yang, even if he slashed at Lu Yang with all his strength, Lu Yang would not be injured.

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So Fanfan felt very strange about this, could it be that Lu Yang had any self-abuse tendencies at night? It's broken, it seems that I have discovered some strange hobby of the master! It turns out that the owner likes such exciting things! No wonder he is not interested in people!

"Knife?" Lu Yang nodded, but when he turned his head to look at Fanfan, he found Fanfan's strange smile: "Hey, don't you think of something strange?"

"No, no! How could Fanfan think of strange things! Hehehe..."

"Wipe the drool off before you follow me." Lu Yang glanced at Fanfan disdainfully. It seems that it is useless to discuss this matter with Fanfan, if he wants to find any clues, he still has to discuss it with Taoist Rainbow or Xiqiao.

"Have Reverend Yunbao and Xiqiao woke up now?" Lu Yang asked.

Taoist Rainbow and Xiqiao don't have a stable time to wake up, especially Xiqiao, she becomes extraordinarily energetic every night, and can even wake up until noon the next day, maybe this is a real night owl...