Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 2: An unpredictable man!


Xiqiao never expected that the man in front of her would be so difficult to deal with. If she continued to entangle with this man, although she was sure that she could kill him, she would also be captured by the guards who rushed over!

Xiqiao is not such a stupid person, she knows that the burden of her family's revenge is all on her shoulders, and it is completely unworthy to ruin her chance to assassinate the princess for such a man!

"It seems that you already understand the current situation." Lu Yang tidied up his clothes calmly: "There are only two roads in front of you now, either get caught or run away. I think the time left for you to choose is running out."

As soon as Lu Yang finished speaking, the guards under the city wall had already divided into two groups and surrounded them from the stairs on both sides of the city wall. It seemed that within ten seconds, the guards on both sides were about to join them.

Xiqiao's forehead couldn't help but a trace of cold sweat broke out, she pretended to be calm and sneered and said, "There is a foot ban in this city at night, you are the one who will be arrested as an assassin, right? A mortal like you probably won't even have a chance to escape!"

"Do you still have time to care about me?" Lu Yang replied calmly. Unexpectedly, Lu Yang's composure and calmness did not seem to be deliberately pretended at all. He seemed never worried that he would be arrested as an assassin!

Could it be that this guy is from the princess mansion? Xiqiao couldn't help guessing.

In the middle of the night, as an ordinary person, how could he appear on the city wall in his spare time? And it suddenly appeared near where she was lurking, as if appearing out of thin air

Apart from being a member of the princess' mansion, Xiqiao really couldn't think of any other identities for him.

"Damn it, I didn't expect to be tricked!" Xiqiao gritted her teeth with hatred, she could sneak into the princess mansion to assassinate the princess in the city tonight, but she never thought that there would be such a strange person in the princess mansion who could guess her plan!

Hearing a groan, Xiqiao quickly retracted the silver blade in his hand to his waist. Under the moonlight, his dark red eyes reflected a icy cold light: "Wait for me! If I find a chance, I will kill the princess first, and then tear you into pieces!"

Xiqiao jumped up instantly as she spoke, and jumped down along the city wall. In her eyes, the city wall more than ten meters high seemed as simple as jumping down two steps. She landed on the ground smoothly, without even making a sound.

After landing, Xiqiao didn't forget to turn her head to look at Lu Yang viciously, and then she turned into a beautiful figure and quickly fled under the shadow of the city wall.

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"It seems that I have really traveled to an incredible world." Lu Yang couldn't help sighing, even as the most handsome man in the village, he couldn't help being moved by this anti-human scene.

It's a pity that as a time traveler, he owed this girl a life debt before he had time to understand the situation in this world. If he can get rid of the charge of assassin, he must meet that girl again in the near future.

"It was you who pushed down the Beacon Tower?"

Just when Lu Yang was full of emotions, the guards who came from under the city wall had already surrounded him, they seemed to have completely ignored Xiqiao slipping away right under their noses, in their eyes, Lu Yang was the one they were going to arrest.

People around Lu Yang took out their waistbands one after another. They stared fiercely at Lu Yang, but none of them dared to take a step forward.

After all, those who dare to come to the city wall to make troubles in the middle of the night must have two brushes. Although they are the guards of the city, the awareness required to fight with their lives is too heavy for them, and no one wants to be the first cannon fodder.

But fortunately, the person in front of him looks like an ordinary person. It is absolutely impossible for him to escape surrounded by so many of them. If everyone goes together, he will definitely not be able to resist the attack of so many people!

"It's too slow!"

Just when the guards hesitated and dared not move forward, Lu Yang, who was surrounded, suddenly roared. This anti-customer-oriented behavior was really unpredictable, all the guards were startled by Lu Yang, and took a step back almost at the same time.

"I, I warn you not to move!"

The guard closest to Lu Yang said tremblingly, he was holding a dagger tightly in his hand, but even so, facing the unarmed Lu Yang, he did not dare to take half a step forward.

"Call me the officials in your city! I'd like to ask him how he manages the security of this city!" Lu Yang suddenly sat cross-legged on the ground as he said that, looking at him, it seemed that he was not worried that the guards would catch him at all.

Now it was the turn of the surrounding guards to panic, and everyone was speculating on the true identity of this unexpected guest.

Could it be that this man is a high-ranking official sent by the top to make an unannounced visit

Could it be that he has the strength to fight one against a hundred, so he fights them not uncommonly

Could it be that this person chased away the assassins, and then waited for them to come up to ask the teacher for their crimes

As soon as he came up, he wanted to see the officials in their city, so it must be impossible for them to be idle people!

But no matter what, this man is above ordinary people in both imposing manner and demeanor. If he is violent to him rashly, maybe it will backfire and put the death penalty on himself!

"You guys keep an eye on him here first, I'll go back to the city and let Master Ma know." The leader of the guards couldn't stay any longer, and after whispering a few words to the people around him, he hurried down the city wall and rushed towards the princess mansion.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the team leader rushed back with Mr. Ma from the princess' mansion.

The man called Mr. Ma was obviously called out from his sleep by the team leader. It was seen that his clothes were not tied tightly, his hair was not tied up, and his long and slender mustache floated into his mouth while he was running wildly. He looked very embarrassed.

When Master Ma rushed to the city wall, he immediately saw Lu Yang surrounded by guards. Seeing Lu Yang's indifferent appearance, Master Ma's heart skipped a beat in his throat.

The princess in their city had warned him that as long as it was night, no matter how many officials came, as the princess, he would not welcome them.

Mr. Ma thought that it was impossible for a high-ranking official to visit unannounced at night, so he didn't persuade the princess too much for this kind of behavior.

But I didn't expect that in the middle of the night today, a high-ranking official would come to make an unannounced visit. He is just a teacher in a round official position, how can he be on an equal footing with the officials who came to make unannounced visits

However, in the past six months, the princess of their county city has become extremely irritable as if possessed by a demon. If he were to wake him up at this time, he would definitely be decapitated!

I have no choice but to bite the bullet and go on!

Master Ma carefully walked through the crowd with his back arched, and walked up to the man surrounded by all the guards. He clasped his hands in earnest, made a bow, and then whispered with a smile on his face, "I don't know your lord's presence. I'm so disappointed. Dare I ask you what's the reason for your late-night visit?"

Lu Yang turned his head to look at Master Ma, and slowly stood up from the ground. He lightly patted the dust on his body, and all his movements were so slow.

Even though his ass is covered in fire from the Beacon Tower, he looks really handsome when he slaps his ass!

Master Ma's heart confirmed Lu Yang's identity: such a handsome man must be an unannounced high-ranking official!

"My lord?" Lu Yang is not very used to being called that by others. Shouldn't this kind of address be the name used by subordinates to their superiors in ancient times

"I'm just a passer-by." In order to avoid misunderstanding, Lu Yang still felt that it would be better for him to reveal his identity directly: "There was an assassin on the city wall just now, but I have already chased you away. I just called you out to make you be more careful in the future."

"A passer-by?" Master Ma couldn't believe his ears. Judging by the temperament of this person, it doesn't look like what a passer-by should look like! Are passers-by now so dragged

Hearing what Lu Yang said, Master Ma looked Lu Yang up and down carefully. Sure enough, this guy's clothes did look a little strange. It stands to reason that the unannounced officials should be wearing plain clothes. Walking on the road in such a strange dress will definitely attract the attention of others.

Taking a closer look, this guy doesn't have a badge on his waist to show his identity. You must know that impersonating a state official is a felony of beheading. Even if he is really an unannounced official, he must at least wear his badge!

"That is to say, as a passer-by, you woke me up in the middle of the night just to tell me about this kind of thing?" Master Ma's angry forehead was full of veins, and he sneered, "Do you know what price you have to pay for such an act of obstructing official duties?"

"The price? I kindly called you here to remind you, you won't want to arrest me again?" Lu Yang asked back.

"Cuff him to me!" Mr. Ma was bubbling with anger at Lu Yang's bewildered and calm attitude. As soon as he heard his words, four or five soldiers rushed up and pressed Lu Yang to the ground, handcuffed and handcuffed.

"Assassin? I think you look like an assassin!" Seeing the collapsed beacon tower on the city wall, Mr. Ma felt his head was getting bigger.

I was called up at night and ran to the city wall in a hurry, but I didn't expect to encounter such a strange thing! Whether it was the foot ban in the city or his destruction of military defense buildings, it would not be too much for such a person to be executed on the spot.

But Master Ma thought about it again, it would be too cheap to kill the guy who disturbed his sleep directly, he must let this damn guy know the dangers of the world!

"Take it back to the princess' mansion! Let the princess handle it herself!" Master Ma sneered.