Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 21: To make matters worse


But for Lu Yang and Xiqiao, the best news now is that the princess doesn't know that Xiqiao is the assassin he said. Now in the eyes of the princess, Xiqiao is just a bodyguard recruited by Lu Yang from passers-by.

But Lu Yang knew that Xiqiao's identity would definitely not be hidden for too long. If I guessed correctly, the Princess must have a very keen sense of smell. If it weren't for the strong vanilla lit in the county, the princess would definitely be able to smell the evil spirit on Xiqiao.

But what surprised Lu Yang most now is that the princess's current state is really good. If it was said that she hid behind the curtain at the beginning to avoid outsiders to be wary of Lu Yang, then she dared to stand in front of them now, which meant that she now had enough confidence to ensure her own safety.

Things suddenly became a little tricky. Both Lu Yang and Xiqiao can be said to be the thorn in the eyes of the princess, even if they can leave here tonight, they can't guarantee whether they will be assassinated by the princess one night in the future.

Escaping seemed impossible. If you want to defeat the princess, I am afraid that you can only have the ability to compete with the opponent if you take out the magic weapon of suppressing demons in Jinchan County.

"Actually, I have found the assassin in this county." Lu Yang looked at the princess and said suddenly.

Hearing Lu Yang's words, both the princess and Xiqiao couldn't help being stunned.

Xiqiao looked at Lu Yang, she thought that with Lu Yang's brains, he must deliberately put a smoke bomb on the princess to delay the time and find a chance to escape, but what happened next surprised Xiqiao!

"She is the assassin who wants to kill you!" Lu Yang pointed at Xiqiao and shouted loudly.

"Are you crazy!" Xiqiao never thought that Lu Yang would betray herself at this time.

Could it be that Lu Yang brought her back to the princess mansion just to expose her identity in front of the princess

But when Xiqiao thought about it, it didn't make sense!

If Lu Yang really wanted to kill her, Lu Yang could have killed her on the city wall, so why would he take her to the county town to do so

"Oh?" The princess narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the girl who was only half a step away from her, but there was no panic in her eyes, as if this girl would not hurt her no matter what.

Xiqiao tightly clenched the dagger in her hand. Although she didn't know what Lu Yang was thinking, she could only act first!

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She suddenly raised the silver blade in her hand, and stabbed towards the heart of the princess with lightning speed! In such a short distance, Xiqiao felt that no matter how powerful the opponent was, he would at least suffer some injuries.

But what Xiqiao never expected was that the moment she turned around, there was a sharp pain in the back of her head, and then her hand holding the silver blade lost strength, and she rolled her eyes and fell directly to the ground.

It was Lu Yang who knocked her out with a brick! This scenario was something Xiqiao had never imagined. At the moment she was knocked out, she was still wondering who was behind her who attacked her, but now there seemed to be no one standing behind her except Lu Yang.

"It's really not dangerous." Although the princess said so, she didn't feel the tension of a close call.

Lu Yang looked at the princess's slightly lowered right hand, and couldn't help but sweat.

If he didn't knock Xiqiao unconscious in time, the princess might risk her identity and get rid of Xiqiao too.

Lu Yang knew very well that neither he nor Xiqiao could defeat the princess, and if he wanted to completely defeat the princess, he could only rely on the power of the demon-suppressing magic weapon.

It's a pity that Master Ma, the only one who knows the location of the magic weapon for suppressing demons, is also dead. If they continue to stay with the princess, they will only die slowly.

Instead of standing on the opposite side of the princess, Lu Yang felt that he might as well use this method to temporarily gain the trust of the princess. Although this approach is very unfair to Xiqiao, it is also his only choice now.

"Since you know her is an assassin, why did you bring her to the princess?" the princess asked suddenly.

This question almost stunned Lu Yangwen. What Lu Yang did just now was just an on-the-spot reaction after facing the princess, and he never thought about the rationality of this matter. If he can't give a reason to convince the princess now, his situation may be even more dangerous than Xiqiao's!

Lu Yang frowned slightly, and then said in relief: "I actually guessed that she would let go of her guard behind her when she assassinated you, so I brought her here. It's a great crime to bet on the princess's life, but fortunately, the development of the matter is under my control."

After listening to Lu Yang's words, the princess felt that there was some truth. After all, in her opinion, Lu Yang didn't know her identity. The current Lu Yang is just a passerby who helps her deal with the assassins in the county, and does not pose any threat to her.

Based on the Princess' understanding of Lu Yang, this mysterious man could indeed do such a thing. Therefore, regarding Lu Yang's explanation, the princess did not continue to ask.

After all, being able to get rid of Xiqiao, the person who was always hiding in the dark and trying to assassinate her, has indeed wiped away her serious worry, and then in Jinchan County, no one can threaten her.

"My princess doesn't mind if you do this. It's a good thing that you are confident in your plan. It's a lot of peace of mind to get rid of this assassin." The princess admired Lu Yang's behavior, and she felt that Lu Yang was of some use value.

"Then what should I do with her next? Kill her directly?" Lu Yang said so in his mouth, but he didn't think so in his heart. The most important thing for him now is to find a way to save Xiqiao's life!

The princess looked at Xiqiao who fell unconscious on the ground, and a mocking sneer flashed on the corner of her mouth, but this smile was fleeting: "It would be too cheap to kill her directly. Put her in the prison, and the princess will personally try it another day!"

Lu Yang was relieved by the princess's answer. Fortunately, the princess didn't directly issue the order to execute Xiqiao, otherwise Lu Yang would have to find some excuses if he wanted to save Xiqiao's life.

Thinking about it carefully, the princess's answer is actually reasonable. After all, the princess's current strength is completely above Xiqiao's. As long as Xiqiao is kept in sight, she doesn't have to worry about Xiqiao hurting her at all.

Then, under the guidance of the princess, Lu Yang personally imprisoned Xiqiao in the dungeon of the princess' mansion. After locking the gate of the dungeon, Lu Yang could only silently apologize to Xiqiao in his heart.

The only way left for him is to find the specific location of the demon-suppressing magic weapon in the fastest time!

And the next morning, the news that Lu Yang didn't want to hear the most spread in the county.

Master Ma, "disappeared".