Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 24: The blood that disappeared out of thin air!


After a brief discussion with Xiqiao, Lu Yang still planned to let Xiqiao stay in this room first and act alone.

After all, no one on the princess side knew that Xiqiao had escaped from the dungeon. If the princess knew the news of Xiqiao's escape, both Xiqiao and Lu Yang would suffer immediately.

However, Lu Yang also knew that it was only a matter of time before the princess found out about this matter, he had to find out the whereabouts of the magical artifact in the shortest possible time!

After arranging Xiqiao, Lu Yang carefully slipped out of the room. After these few days of preliminary research on the Princess's Mansion, Lu Yang has almost understood the situation in the Princess's Mansion.

The place where he lives now is on the first floor on the same floor as the Princess Hall. In addition to this floor, there are three floors above the princess mansion, and another floor below, which adds up to five floors in total.

For the basement level, Lu Yang feels that he can first rule out that this is the place to store the demon-suppressing magic weapon. After all, the basement level is only the dungeon of this county.

The floor where Lu Yang lives is mainly the guest room and the office of the princess, and it is almost the place with the largest traffic. Judging from the current time, the first floor of the princess mansion should also be the last place to be searched.

From this point of view, what Lu Yang has to do is to start from the second floor of the princess mansion.

However, the biggest dilemma that Lu Yang is facing now is that the visibility in the princess mansion is really too low. Not to mention the dim candlelight, the princess mansion is still shrouded in thick smoke, which is nothing more than reducing his search efficiency.

What's more embarrassing is that Lu Yang is not sure whether the magic weapon for suppressing demons is stored in the palace of the princess. If the magic weapon for suppressing demons is not in the palace of the princess, then Lu Yang's current actions are a waste of time.

But staying in the room and doing nothing is not an option after all. If you go out and look for it like this, you might be able to find some clues.

"Then I'll go first." Lu Yang knocked on the door, signaled to Xiqiao who was inside, and then walked directly towards the second floor of the princess mansion.

Because he had just been to the roof of the Princess Mansion with Mr. Ma yesterday, Lu Yang quickly found the stairs and came to the second floor of the Princess Mansion.

The layout of the rooms on the second floor of the princess mansion is almost the same as that on the first floor. Walking to the room closest to the stairs, Lu Yang looked at the plaque hanging on the door frame, and saw the three characters "Zangshuge" written on it.

This seems to be the floor for storing items, and Lu Yang feels that this is obviously the most suitable place if he wants to store the magic weapon for suppressing demons.

So Lu Yang followed the corridor and checked room by room. But what puzzled Lu Yang was that he had searched for a long time on the second floor, but there was no room here with the words Zangshuge on the plaque, it seemed that the entire floor was Zangshuge!

This is strange.

Lu Yang frowned slightly and felt that the development of the matter was not as smooth as he expected. To put it bluntly, Jinchan County is just an ordinary county town. The "Princess Master" and Mr. Ma who are resident in the county town all come from the imperial capital. It stands to reason that there shouldn't be so many books stored here.

Lu Yang casually pushed open the door of the library next to him, intending to see what was stored in the library, but when the door was opened, Lu Yang was dumbfounded by the situation inside the room.

There is actually a corridor in this room!


A trace of cold sweat broke out on Lu Yang's forehead. There was absolutely nothing stored in the room in front of him, but no one would have thought that this room was actually a corridor leading directly to the deeper part of the princess mansion!

And in this endless corridor, there are countless rooms on both sides of the wall, and the three words are also written on the door plaques of these rooms—Zangshuge!

"Just kidding..."

Lu Yang felt cold sweat pouring out from his back, what happened to him now was like a ghost hitting a wall. His intuition told him that if he walked into this room and continued to search other rooms, he would definitely get lost among so many rooms connected in series!

This place is like a huge maze, and if you don't pay attention, you may lose your bearings. And now Lu Yang has almost forgotten the route he was going back to. In such a situation of extremely low visibility, every room looks exactly the same, and if you move forward rashly, you will only lose your bearings.

Lu Yang clenched his fists tightly, he knew very well that his current actions did not have the permission of the princess, so if he is not careful in his current actions, he may be guessed by the princess about his current intentions.

But looking at the second floor where the rooms are intricately arranged, Lu Yang felt that there must be some secret hidden here. So Lu Yang became ruthless, put his index finger on his mouth and bit it hard, and blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

Lu Yang lowered his arm slowly, and the blood gushing out from his index finger immediately dripped onto the floor. If you do this, even if you get lost here, you can follow the blood to find the place you just came to!

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After everything was ready, Lu Yang walked deeper along the corridor in this room.

After walking through three rooms, Lu Yang felt that it was almost done, so he carefully pushed open the door at his hand. As the door of that room was opened, what Lu Yang saw was another corridor...

"Could it be that this place is all made up of corridors and doors?"

Lu Yang said to himself, seeing his index finger still dripping blood on the floor, Lu Yang took a deep breath. He walked to the corridor in that room, and pushed open the first door at hand with his backhand.

But the scene in the room is still a bottomless corridor...

Lu Yang felt that he could not continue to search.

After a preliminary analysis, there are almost two situations on the second floor of the princess mansion.

The first situation is that in these rooms, there is nothing at all, and there is a corridor behind each room, and there is nothing in the entire princess mansion on the second floor!

And the second situation is also the most difficult situation for Lu Yang, that is, although most of the rooms on the second floor have corridors behind them, there is only one room that actually stores things.

But the princess's mansion is so big, it is obviously unrealistic to check every room. And in the process of searching, it is very likely that some rooms will be missed. Once the room where the things are stored is missed, Lu Yang will be busy for nothing.

In any case, the priority of being searched here is not high. He has only been on the second floor for ten minutes. Now the priority of going to other floors is obviously higher than here. After all, he hasn't wasted too much time here.

But just when Lu Yang wanted to turn around and go back the same way, Lu Yang who had just turned his head was surprised to find that the blood stain he had just left on the floor had disappeared out of nowhere!