Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 25: A cry for help in the distance


Lu Yang clearly remembered the route when he came from the starting point just now. If he wanted to go back the same way, he didn't need the help of these bloodstains, but the bloodstains that disappeared out of thin air looked really weird.

But that's not the most puzzling thing. What is even more puzzling is that when Lu Yang turned his head again, he found that on the floor not far from the corridor of the door he just opened, a string of red blood stretched straight to the depth of this corridor!

Lu Yang stayed where he was and didn't dare to move around. He knew that the string of blood reflecting the candlelight was obviously just left, and there was no one else here except him.

But the bloodstain he just left behind him has disappeared. From this point of view, could it be that the string of blood was left by him just now

But it shouldn't be! Lu Yang couldn't help but think carefully and fear.

Lu Yang clearly remembered that there were bloodstains everywhere he walked, and he never walked casually from the beginning to the end. Based on the route he just walked, it is absolutely impossible for him to find his own blood in front of the corridor he has never set foot in!

"Could it be that this is the ability of the princess?" Lu Yang thought in his heart, unless his position was transferred out of thin air, otherwise this kind of thing would never happen.

According to what Xiqiao said, each monster race has its own unique ability, and the current situation may only be explained by the ability of the princess.

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Lu Yang never believed that there was such a thing as a ghost hitting a wall in this world, but if this situation is attributed to the princess, does it mean that his current actions were discovered by the princess

Should not! If the princess finds out that he has misbehavior, the princess can kill him directly! Why did the princess use such oblique means to trap him here

"It's not like this." Lu Yang frowned and stared at the trail of blood in the distance and said to himself.

Anyway, he just bit his index finger and looked carefully at the bloodstains in the distance. The person who left these bloodstains must have lost too much blood!

Although those bloodstains were made up of blood that fell on the floor in drops, those bloodstains looked much bigger than the bloodstains formed by the blood dripping from his finger on the floor now!

Could it be that those bloodstains were left by other people

etc! It seems that it is not that simple!

Lu Yang looked at the bloodstains in the distance, he didn't know if he was dazzled, but he found that the bloodstains seemed to be seeping into the floor, and the shape of the bloodstains in the distance had shrunk by a full size during the time he was thinking!

Lu Yang has been standing there for a long time without moving, but when he lowered his head to look at the blood stains at his feet, he found that there were only three drops of blood under his feet! And the blood is still seeping into the floor at a speed visible to the naked eye!

It turned out that it wasn't that I was lost, but that this corridor was devouring the blood here!

But in this way, there must be someone else who left those blood in the distance. As Lu Yang's guess was confirmed, Lu Yang quickly linked this matter with Master Ma.

Could it be that Master Ma is not dead yet, he was just injured and trapped on the second floor of the princess mansion

Looking at the blood gradually disappearing in the distance, Lu Yang knew that there was not much time left for him to struggle. If he continued to struggle here, the blood in the distance would soon be swallowed by this corridor, and by then he would definitely have lost even this only clue.

In any case, this is worth trying for him!

Lu Yang quickly ran towards the bloodstains that disappeared for a long time. The bloodstains under his feet were disappearing continuously, and the speed of disappearing was getting faster and faster. It seemed that the people who left these bloodstains were gradually speeding up their escape here!

Although the idea that these bloodstains were left by Mr. Ma is just a guess, if these bloodstains disappear at this speed, Lu Yang will soon completely lose him!

Now that you are betting, you might as well continue betting boldly!

Lu Yang took a deep breath, and he shouted into the distance: "Master Ma! If it's you, can you answer me!"

The moment Lu Yang yelled these words, Lu Yang suddenly remembered another thing.

With Ma Shiye at such an advanced age, can Ma Shiye escape faster than him? And more importantly, after chasing him for a long time, he didn't even hear footsteps coming from ahead!

Something is wrong!

Lu Yang stopped in a hurry, and the blood stains on his feet disappeared from his feet towards the distance.

There was a dead silence in the entire corridor, except for his rapid panting echoing in the corridor, there was no sound coming from a distance at all!

Did you fall for it

Although Lu Yang didn't know the reason why the other party lured him here, but the current situation really is that he was tricked into the depths of the second floor!

The most unlucky thing is that because of the haste he had just arrived, the blood stains left by his fingers behind him also quickly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon both the blood stains in front of him and the blood stains left by him on purpose disappeared completely...

"No matter who you are, what is your purpose for bringing me here?" Lu Yang, who had lost his way forward and his way back, directly clarified his current position.

The possibility that the other party's identity is the princess has been guessed by Lu Yang in every possible way, but Lu Yang also knows that the princess is not the kind of person who easily reveals his identity, and now he just wants to know the reason why the other party is so beating around the bush.

But facing Lu Yang's words, there was still no reply from the end of the corridor.

Lu Yang leaned against the wall and casually opened the door of the library next to him, but after the door was opened, the room was still filled with endless corridors...

Where is he on the second floor now? Lu Yang himself couldn't figure it out. But what Lu Yangneng was sure of was that if the other party didn't intend to kill him now, there would be a way to find the only staircase in the princess mansion.

It's just that it takes more time. But the other party brought him here obviously not just to trap him here for a while, the other party must have another purpose in doing so!

Just as Lu Yang was still guessing what the other party was thinking, there was an unexpected answer from a distance.

"Lu Yang... help me..."

It's Master Ma's voice! Hearing that voice in the distance, Lu Yang's palms could not help but break out in cold sweat. After experiencing so many strange things, Lu Yang himself was not sure whether the voice in the distance was from Master Ma or not.

The other party's voice sounded extremely weak, and the voice was so small that it seemed a little far away from him. But if he's not mistaken... The source of that voice seems to be the second room on the left in front of him!