Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 250: Final


"I just said that I seem to have heard of your name somewhere." Shao Hongwen said: "Your name is really the same as the hero of this show. But please don't spoil me the rest of the plot, I haven't seen the rest of it yet."

Shao Hongwen put the phone back as he spoke: "Brother, what you just said is true. Did you guess the plot behind this drama? Or do you know the screenwriter of this drama?"

"If I had that ability, I could still share a ward with you?" Lu Yang said in a joking tone, but in his heart he questioned his current environment. Is the world he is currently in really his original world? Why did my experience become a TV series

"Hey, that's right." Shao Hongwen didn't care what Lu Yang said, he smiled and said, "What you said just now shouldn't be something you dreamed about when you were unconscious, right? Tell me, why do you want a spinning top?"

Lu Yang smiled and shook his head without answering, because what he just said was indeed what he experienced. It's a pity that the credibility of telling his experience is too low now, and even Shao Hongwen suspects that he has started spoiling the follow-up content of this TV series.

Lu Yang, who was lying on the hospital bed after a long time, was still tossing and turning. At this time, he wanted to wake up the ability of possession in himself to see if he still had the ability to possess, but when Lu Yang wanted to trigger his ability, he found that he had no ability at all.

But Lu Yang still couldn't believe that his experience was really a dream. In the end, Lu Yang managed to put his foot down from the hospital bed and landed on the floor.

Shao Hongwen, who was still watching the TV series, couldn't help but be surprised when he saw Lu Yang, who was seriously injured, make such a move. He hurriedly said, "If you want to go to the toilet, you can call a nurse. Don't force yourself."

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Shao Hongwen wanted to ring the paging bell above his head, but Lu Yang waved his hand and refused.

"I'm fine. My only injury is my head. I just lay down for a long time and my limbs are a little out of control." Lu Yang said, then put his feet on the ground, and stood up with his arms supporting the hospital bed: "I have to go out."

"You didn't go out to find the spinning top, did you?" Shao Hongwen saw through Lu Yang's thoughts: "Brother, don't worry about it. I have lived for more than 20 years. You can't say that I am a person living in your dream, right? Inception is a movie, don't be so serious!"

Lu Yang had already made a decision so he would not give up so simply, Lu Yang still walked out of the ward under Shao Hongwen's gaze.

Shao Hongwen wants to ring the paging bell above his head, but thinks that if he directly calls a nurse to stop Lu Yang, Lu Yang will definitely have a gap with him when he turns around. After a long time, he still gave up his idea and continued to watch the TV series on his mobile phone.

Lu Yang, who was walking in the stairwell of the inpatient department of the hospital, felt that his feet were struggling to walk, and his whole body was trembling. He was wearing a hospital gown with gauze tied on his head, walking in the stairwell, and many passers-by couldn't help but make way for Lu Yang.

The nurses passing by saw Lu Yang walking alone in the stairwell and wanted to help him up, but they thought that this was not within their jurisdiction, so they gave up this idea, and only paid attention to Lu Yang when Lu Yang was within their sight range.

After Lu Yang left from their line of sight, they continued to be busy with the matter at hand.

Just like that, Lu Yang walked out of the hospital alone, and the dazzling sunlight fell down the moment Lu Yang's feet stepped out of the inpatient department of the hospital. Lu Yang squinted his eyes slightly to feel the warmth of his body, and finally walked out of the hospital after resting for a while.

Because most of the hospitals are built in places with relatively convenient transportation, when Lu Yang walked to the street, the loud whistle sound came to Lu Yang's ears.

Lu Yang looked around looking for shops.

The hospital where Lu Yang works is a comprehensive hospital, that is to say, even children who are sick with fever will be sent to this hospital by their parents for treatment. Crying is unavoidable when children get injections, and some parents will choose to buy toys for their children to distract them.

Since there is such a business opportunity, there must be toys for sale in the nearby supermarkets. It was because of such an analysis that Lu Yang decided to walk out of the hospital alone to find a supermarket.

Soon Lu Yang's eyes were locked on a supermarket by the roadside, and when he came to the door of a supermarket, Lu Yang asked, "Boss, do you have any toys?"

The owner of this supermarket is a middle-aged uncle with a Mediterranean hairstyle. He is wearing a brown plaid shirt with some oil stains on the front. At this moment, he was holding a cigarette in his hand, listening to the audio novel playing on the desk phone.

"What kind of toys do you want?" The owner of the supermarket casually pointed to the cardboard box next to Lu Yang: "It's all there, pick it yourself."

After the supermarket owner finished speaking, he turned his head and continued to listen to the novel played on the phone. It was a hot day in August at this time, and the lack of ventilation in the supermarket and the strong smell of cigarettes made people sweat all over.

The gauze on Lu Yang's head was gradually soaked with sweat, and the sweat gradually touched the wound that hadn't healed yet, and there was a piercing pain. Lu Yang bent down with difficulty and squatted down slowly, squatting in front of the cardboard box, rummaging through those dusty toys.

But soon Lu Yang found what he wanted. It was a spinning top driven by a pull ring. Because it had been placed for a long time, the packaging was covered with dust.

Lu Yang didn't pay attention to these details, he spent a long time digging on the package before finally unpacking the spinning top.

"Unpacking will not be returned." The boss glanced at Lu Yang and said.

Lu Yang ignored it. He recalled the childhood memories of assembling tops, then assembled and loaded the tops, and then pulled the ring to make the tops spin on the ground. Looking at the spinning tops in front of him, Lu Yang's eyes gradually became absent-minded.

"Fifteen dollars," said the boss.

Lu Yang looked at the spinning top on the ground with sweat on his forehead. At this time, the sound of the whistle on the street and the sound of the cicadas from the unknown tree outside the supermarket became more and more distant. Ten minutes later, however, the top was still spinning.

Looking at the spinning top that never stopped, Lu Yang couldn't help showing a helpless smile, did he still not escape this reincarnation

"Fifteen dollars."

The voice of the supermarket owner sounded again.

(end of book)