Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 29: A poor man who is often sacrificed


The sky gradually dimmed, and the passers-by near the city gate gradually became rare.

The night-time ban in Jinchan County has been known to everyone within a radius of a hundred miles in the past half a year, so when the night is approaching, those who do not plan to stay in the city have already left Jinchan County early.

By the time the city gate closed, it was almost an hour after dinner. At this time, there were almost no people on the street, and the people all turned off the lights in the house early because they were afraid that their homes would be watched.

On this nearly dim street, only the afterglow of the evening and the newly rising new moon barely illuminate the road ahead. The air gradually became humid and the temperature gradually dropped.

Lu Yang felt that it was time to leave, so he got up from the teahouse and walked towards the city gate with Xiqiao.

"I really can't think of where the magic weapon for suppressing demons will be placed." Xiqiao felt that she had been staring at this place for a whole day, and she couldn't see where the city wall seemed to be a place to hide things.

Lu Yang also felt very strange. He recalled Master Ma's words, logically speaking, if he searched carefully, he should be able to find something different on the west side of the city gate.

But he and Xiqiao spent a whole half a day looking around here, not to mention finding a place where the magic weapon for suppressing demons might be stored, he couldn't even tell which brick on the city wall was defective!

The city wall of Jinchan County is so strong that it doesn't seem to be made of ordinary stones. That is to say, it is impossible for that demon-suppressing magic weapon to be sealed inside the city wall.

"Is the method we are looking for wrong?" Lu Yang said that he had no idea: "Anyway, it is unlikely that there will be one inside the city wall. Let's go to the top of the city wall first to have a look."

"Go to the city wall again..." Xiqiao felt that she had a shadow on the city wall. She was raped by Lu Yang twice on the city wall. This time she was asked to go to the city wall again, and she subconsciously wanted to refuse.

But now is not the time for such hypocrisy, Xiqiao naturally understood in her heart, after she just complained weakly, she followed Lu Yang and walked up the city wall.

After these two days, the beacon towers on the city wall that were originally knocked down by Lu Yang have been rebuilt. Except for the beacon towers standing every few tens of meters, there is really nothing special on the city wall.

Except for the inside and above the city wall, they have already ruled out the possibility of storing magic artifacts outside the city wall. Although it is true that ordinary thieves would never think of putting the demon-suppressing magic weapon outside the city wall, but putting this kind of thing on the city wall really loses the meaning of its own existence.

Since there is no place to store the demon-suppressing magic weapon inside the city wall, the upper part of the city wall must be the place where the demon-suppressing magic weapon is finally stored.

"Master Ma's original words are indeed that the demon-suppressing magic weapon is on the west side of the city gate, and it should be within the range of 100 meters. Let's look for it carefully." Lu Yang said.

What I have to say is that since they can see everything in the county from above the city wall, it means that they can be seen from any position in the county.

In other words, if the princess wants to pay attention to the situation near the city wall, they will definitely be found. Night is the time when the princess is most active, this is very clear to Lu Yang.

It's a pity that judging from the current situation, they can only act at night. Judging from the situation near the city gate during the day today, if they choose to search the city wall during the day, they will cause even greater commotion.

"You should have asked about the exact location." Xiqiao didn't know where to start looking. Almost every brick on this city wall is exactly the same, and there is no special mark at all. Unless someone who came to deposit it came to pick it up, most people would not be able to find any clues.

"I didn't expect it to be so difficult to find." Lu Yang said helplessly. But with Mr. Ma's state at that time, he really couldn't ask such detailed things at that time.

After searching on the city wall for nearly two hours, Lu Yang and Xiqiao still found nothing. Seeing that it was almost time for the night ban to start, Lu Yang secretly became anxious.

If the princess goes out at this time, they are almost no different from living targets standing on the city wall.

"What should I do, should I continue to search?" Xiqiao couldn't help worrying.

She also thought of what Lu Yang was thinking. What's more, she should be in the dungeon now. If the princess finds that she is standing with Lu Yang, Lu Yang probably won't even have a chance to explain.

Not to mention Lu Yang, who has no combat power at all, if she were to stand face to face with the princess, she would not even have a chance to escape.

"How about we take a gamble?" Lu Yang finally asked after pondering for a long time.

"You won't come up with some crazy idea again, will you?" Xiqiao looked at Lu Yang with distrust on her face. Every time Lu Yang came to this kind of time, she would come up with some weird things. What's more, she was the one who was sacrificed almost every time!

Xiqiao subconsciously took a step back, she had an ominous premonition.

"You must know that magic weapon is a demon-suppressing magic weapon after all! If the monster-suppressing magic weapon is not completely destroyed, if you radiate your demon power to the maximum, that monster-suppressing magic weapon will definitely respond to you!" Lu Yang felt that this was the only way to find the monster-suppressing magic weapon the fastest.

Xiqiao looked at Lu Yang speechlessly, unexpectedly she guessed it right!

"No, no, this is definitely not possible!" Xiqiao quickly shook her head and denied, "That's a magic weapon for suppressing demons! If that thing is really effective, I'm not sure it will be sealed in place! You can't do this to me!"

"You sacrifice yourself a little bit, it shouldn't be that serious." Lu Yang comforted.

"Why don't you sacrifice yourself." Xiqiao gave Lu Yang a white look: "Besides, even if this is really feasible, the princess will definitely be able to detect my existence! If we don't find the magic weapon for suppressing demons at that time, won't we still attract the attention of the princess?"

"Princess..." Lu Yang looked at the palace of the princess in the distance. For some reason, he now remembered the encrypted distress message that the princess gave him. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he hurriedly asked, "Is it seven hours before dawn?"

Xiqiao didn't know what kind of medicine Lu Yang was selling in the gourd, so she nodded in doubt: "You don't think of any bad ideas again, do you?"

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