Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 38: Why are you so skilled?


Why can't my body move suddenly

The three-legged golden toad suddenly panicked.

Could this be the power of gathering monster banners? But when I came into contact with Juyao Banner for the first time, I didn't realize that Juyao Banner had this ability. Could it be that…

"You didn't want to escape just now, did you?" Lu Yang seemed to have seen through all the thoughts of the three-legged golden toad. Facing the three-legged golden toad who wanted to escape, he didn't panic at all, as if everything was in his calculations.

Lu Yang looked at the three-legged golden toad and pointed to the sky, only to see a full moon in the sky slowly revealed in the clouds. In fact, the three-legged golden toad didn't notice that the sky tonight was actually covered with dark clouds, and the people in the county town didn't dare to turn on the lights at night, so there was hardly any light in the county town.

The three-legged golden toad knows its own weaknesses better than anyone else, so it avoids going out during the daytime or at dawn close to the daytime. But precisely because it knows too much about its own weaknesses, it actually relaxes its vigilance in such matters.

Because the county city has always been in a dim environment, when the full moon in the sky leaked out from the dark clouds, the light in the county city suddenly brightened.

The three-legged golden toad has been vigilant against Lu Yang, but he didn't notice that his body was shrouded in the dazzling moonlight.

That is to say, what restricts its activities now is not the monster gathering banner in Lu Yang's hand, but the full moon in the sky!

"Run away? Don't be joking." Although the three-legged golden toad looked extraordinarily calm, it was actually panicked. Even if it is such a big monster with thousands of years of cultivation, it will become powerless when faced with its own natural weaknesses.

But the three-legged golden toad felt that he still had hope, because the full moon coincidentally appeared in the dark clouds, so it temporarily lost the ability to move.

After a rough calculation, the three-legged golden toad is sure that within twenty seconds, the moon will be covered by dark clouds again. As long as the sudden light disappears, it will be able to recover its ability to move and escape here quickly.

Now it just needs to delay the time and let Lu Yang relax his vigilance!

"Is it still necessary to escape with the strength of this deity?"

The three-legged golden toad deliberately pretended to be talking to Lu Yang like a normal person. Now it is not sure whether Lu Yang has seen that it has lost its ability to move, but it knows that as long as it delays for twenty seconds, it will be completely safe!

"Do you think I can't see that you have lost the ability to move now?" Lu Yang's words almost made the three-legged golden toad completely lose hope: "If you didn't see the full moon that was about to be revealed, do you think I would give up pretending to be dead?"

"What?!" The three-legged golden toad never thought that his current situation was not a coincidence, but all in Lu Yang's calculations. Just now when Lu Yang was lying on his back on the ground, he was actually observing the sky!

"I will not give you a chance to delay, now you can rest in peace!"

As Lu Yang spoke, he threw the monster-gathering banner in his hand into the air. As the monster-gathering banner floated into the air, a thunderbolt suddenly flashed out of the dark clouds, and directly hit the monster-gathering banner in the air.

Not only was the gathering demon banner not destroyed by the thunder and lightning, but it gradually recovered its own spiritual power under the terrifying force. With the continuous accumulation of thunder and lightning power, the demon-gathering streamer that was originally cut in two by Lu Yang was miraculously glued together!

And in the shower of thunder and lightning, the size of Juyao Banner instantly became dozens of times larger, and it transformed into a command flag more than three meters high in just the blink of an eye!

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At this time, the Juyao Banner has completely changed its appearance. The flagpole, which was originally made of ordinary small wooden sticks, has now turned into silver-white metal. After this metamorphosis, the dark red flag turned into gold, and the original "Zhao" character on the flag turned into three big black characters at this time.

Gathering demon banners!

"You! Why are you so proficient!" The three-legged golden toad couldn't believe his eyes. How could a person with unknown background like Lu Yang know the specific usage of the Monster Judging Banner

This demon-gathering banner is a magic weapon that even the imperial masters of the imperial city cannot study! If someone could know the usage of this demon-gathering banner, would this demon-gathering banner be placed in this small county town as a magic weapon for suppressing demons

"I'm sorry, it was the Juyao Banner who told me." Lu Yang generously resolved the doubts of the Three-legged Golden Toad: "Besides, can't a traveler like me be blessed with some magic weapon! I still think this thing appears too slowly!"

"Damn it! Can you, Lu Yang, take advantage of others' dangers and do it?" The three-legged golden toad still didn't want to give up, it wanted to use the aggressive method to stimulate Lu Yang who had just obtained the magic weapon, and finally fight for the chance to survive: "Do you dare to wait for the deity to recover its ability to move, and compete with the deity head-on?"

Lu Yang looked at the three-legged golden toad with eyes like an idiot: "You think I'm stupid, what will you do if you run away when you regain your mobility? You can only blame yourself for what happened today. You didn't kill me the first time you saw me."

There was a loud bang, and the three-meter-high monster-gathering banner was inserted from the air into the ground in an instant. A crimson beam of light erupted from the monster gathering banner in an instant. The diameter of this beam of light was more than ten meters wide, and the aura reaching the sky was even a hundred times stronger than when Lu Yang contracted the monster gathering banner!

"You won't kill this deity!" The three-legged golden toad yelled again: "Don't forget that your companion Xiqiao is also a monster. As long as the ability of the monster-gathering banner is activated, all the monsters in the vicinity will be sealed in the monster-gathering banner. You won't even kill your companion!"

Xiqiao couldn't help being stunned when she heard the words of the three-legged golden toad, and now she suddenly realized how dangerous her situation was.

But looking up at the sky, the dark clouds in the sky seemed to cover the full moon in the sky in less than five seconds. However, Lu Yang had to activate the power of the demon-gathering banner to completely seal the three-legged golden toad within five seconds.

But now that she has been injured, how far can she escape in less than five seconds when she is injured? And how wide is the scope of action of this demon-gathering banner

Time really waits for no one, but after a moment of comprehension, more than half of the little time left to escape has already passed. Xiqiao knew that even if he escaped now, it would be impossible for him to escape farther than the three-legged golden toad to the demon gathering banner in such a short period of time.

So she completely gave up the idea of escaping. After all, the only belief that has supported her until now is to completely eradicate the three-legged golden toad from this world. As long as she can kill the three-legged golden toad, she will not hesitate to die with the three-legged golden toad!

"Lu Yang leave me alone! Time is running out!" She had already made enough awareness.