Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 46: Strange guests have increased again


"Master, this guy has a demonic aura! But master, don't panic, look at Fanfan subduing her!"

Fanfan stood up from behind Lu Yang as she spoke. Although her words made people feel at ease, wearing this baggy clothes, she always looked like a child running out to talk big.

"Don't subdue her!" Lu Yang felt that his head was getting bigger.

Said by Fanfan from this appearance, there is no deterrent effect at all!

"Oh? Just because you want to fight this girl?"

Not only was Xiqiao not afraid, but she took a step forward. She is still very confident in her strength, and the opponent looks about the same age as herself, so her strength is definitely the best among her peers!

"Don't fight!" Lu Yang felt that things were getting more and more troublesome.

It happens that such a stubborn guy can't stand up to the opponent's provocation!

"Master, don't look at her almost perfect figure and pretty face, but her identity is definitely not human, she is a monster full of demon power!" Fanfan didn't realize that Lu Yang and Xiqiao knew each other at all, and she was still here analyzing for Lu Yang.

Lu Yang didn't want to say anything anymore: I don't need you to explain this, I know it...

"Well... I didn't expect you to be a good girl. But, but don't think that you praise me like this. I, I will show mercy to you!" Xiqiao actually blushed when Fanfan said this! She actually blushed!

Lu Yang broke into a sweat: You're so easy to coax!

"Let me tell you." Lu Yang gave Xiqiao and Fanfan two brains when he said that.

They didn't know what Lu Yang wanted to do, but they were hit by Lu Yang's sudden brain blow, and they squatted on the ground at the same time, covering their foreheads, and looked at Lu Yang pitifully. Those two pairs of big watery eyes were clearly complaining to him: Why hit me!

"Ahem." Lu Yang felt that Xiqiao had calmed down a little, and explained seriously: "I just accidentally fell asleep here last night. When I woke up, she was standing next to me without clothes!"

"So you took the opportunity to cook raw rice?" Xiqiao asked weakly, she didn't know why, when she saw Lu Yang making out with other girls, she always felt a little sour in her heart, and even wanted to punish Lu Yang on the spot.

Lu Yang could only explain to Xiqiao what happened during the time period from when he woke up to when he noticed someone walking into this alley. After Fanfan reluctantly nodded aside to confirm, Xiqiao finally understood what happened just now.

"What~" Xiqiao immediately smiled: "I don't think you are doing anything! I was just joking just now, hahaha, Lu Yang, don't you take it seriously?"

Lu Yang: "..."

"If you still don't believe me, I can turn into a monster-gathering banner to show you, although I don't like this form very much." Fanfan added to Lu Yang, and when her words fell, a golden light flashed on her body.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org

With the disappearance of the golden light, Fanfan turned into the monster-gathering banner again in an instant, and fell into Lu Yang's hands. The piece of Lu Yang's clothes that was originally worn on Fanfan also fell loosely to the ground as Fanfan's figure was released.

"So you can change back!" Lu Yang felt that he was shocked: "Why didn't you say it earlier! Since you can change back, I wouldn't have to panic for a long time here like directing and acting!"

"But the master didn't ask..." Fanfan explained aggrievedly.

Lu Yang was speechless for a while, he picked up his shirt and put it on again, watching Xiqiao spread his hands: "This is the situation, anyway, let's go back now."

"Say it again, I really didn't doubt you!" Xiqiao emphasized again, not very relieved.

Lu Yang nodded perfunctorily: "Yes, yes, you are right. In short, let's go back first! Fanfan, you should maintain this form first, and don't change into a human form again!"

Fanfan snorted as if angry: "Obviously people have said that they don't like this form..."

"There are no extra clothes for you to wear right now, so you can make do with it first." Lu Yang felt that coaxing girls was simply a hard job for him. After setting up the sail, he walked towards the street outside the alley.

Xiqiao immediately followed behind Lu Yang. But for some reason, even though she knew that Fanfan's identity was actually Juyao Banner, she still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, that kind of strange feeling that she never had when she was born as a demon queen.

"Why didn't you go back last night?" Xiqiao still had doubts about this.

Lu Yang thought about it, he felt that he couldn't say that he escaped and slept all night to prevent her from coming to lift his quilt in the morning, right

So he opened his mouth and replied: "I'm planning to find another place to live. After all, it's inconvenient for so many of us to be crowded in one room. Hey, I don't know if the princess will agree to this matter."

"Isn't it good to be crowded together?" Xiqiao still didn't notice the problem: "Besides, the inns in the county are all full of people who have lost their residences. There are really no extra vacancies."

"This is also what gives me the most headache." Lu Yang sighed helplessly. Coming out today not only did not solve the housing problem, on the contrary, there was another resident in his residence.

On the way back, Lu Yang and Xiqiao casually inquired in front of several inns along the road, but the answers from these inns were surprisingly consistent. The rooms in these inns are all full, and even the stables are full of people. If you want to borrow them, you can only move here after half a year when the houses are rebuilt.

But by that time, the princess mansion may have been completely rebuilt. Although Lu Yang is the master of Jinchan County, he still can't force the owners of these inns to give him a few rooms.

After the trial failed, Lu Yang and Xiqiao returned to the teahouse.

"We're back." Lu Yang feebly pushed open the door of the teahouse. But after his words were spoken, there was no reply.

"Has the princess gone out?" Xiqiao guessed, but she clearly remembered that she had told the princess that Lu Yang only needed her to find it by herself, so where will the princess go at this time

The door was completely pushed open, but before Lu Yang could see the situation in the room clearly. Fanfan, who was held by Lu Yang, said, "Don't go in! There is a strange smell in this room!"

"Strange smell?" Lu Yang raised his vigilance immediately, he frowned and looked into the room. But what caught his eyes was the fallen figure of the princess.