Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 52: Robbery who says withdraw and withdraw


After waiting for the ability of the three-legged golden toad for such a long period of time, Lu Yang never used this ability. But when Lu Yang used this ability today, he discovered that this ability has many restrictions.

First of all, the time for the three-legged golden toad to possess is linked to the strength of the user. The stronger the person, the longer the time for using this ability to possess. For a thousand-year-old monster like the three-legged golden toad, it has been possessed for at least half a year as far as Lu Yang knows.

If Lu Yang's appearance hadn't destroyed the three-legged golden toad's plan, the three-legged golden toad might be able to possess it for a longer time.

And a person like Lu Yang who has no cultivation base can only use the ability of the three-legged golden toad for one minute. Moreover, the object he possessed could not be as precise as the three-legged golden toad. Among the thieves with a large population, he could only possess one person at random.

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After a minute, Lu Yang's primordial spirit returned to his body. And according to the feedback of this ability, Lu Yang learned that if he wanted to use this ability again, he would have to wait until this time of the next day at least.

It has to be said that it is indeed a bit difficult for him to use this ability to do great things without any cultivation. However, the possession just now was not without any gains for Lu Yang.

The moment he was possessed, the sense organs of the possessed person's body would be directly fed back to Lu Yang. Although he controlled that person to jump off the cliff, even though he fell with his head on the ground, he didn't feel any pain!

"I... why am I here?!"

The thief who was possessed by Lu Yang looked at the surrounding thieves with a confused face and said to himself. During the period of being possessed by Lu Yang, he has lost the memory related to this period of time.

"Didn't you jump off by yourself?"

The thieves around were a little confused. Although this guy is usually a fool, he is not so stupid that he doesn't even know how he fell off the cliff, right? Could it be that the fall just now made you lose your head

Taking advantage of the fact that the thieves around hadn't made any moves yet, Lu Yang slowly moved to Fanfan's side, and whispered in Fanfan's ear: "It's already this time, so don't be angry."

Fan Fan turned his head and looked at Lu Yang's behavior, as if he couldn't think of any countermeasures at all, snorted softly, and said, "You said you were wrong."

"..." Lu Yang has never been asked such an unreasonable request, but due to the current situation, he can only compromise: "I was wrong!"

Lu Yang knew that Xiqiao would not just lie on the ground and pretend to be dead if he hadn't encountered a particularly dangerous situation. One must know that Xiqiao had never made such a move in the face of the hundreds of monsters in Jinchan County.

And his possession ability is completely useless. He had seen the explosive power shown by Fanfan just now, even these thieves with extremely strange physiques seemed so vulnerable in front of Fanfan.

In this current situation, only Fanfan can save the situation.

"Where did you say you were wrong?" Seeing that Lu Yang wanted to admit his mistake, Fanfan continued to ask.

"I, I shouldn't let you molested me!" Lu Yang felt that his conscience was condemned, and he was obviously the victim!

"Hmph, it's not too bad." Seeing that Lu Yang's attitude was quite sincere, Fan Fan finally planned to open a side to Lu Yang.

"So, what's going on with these guys?" Lu Yang hurriedly asked.

Listening to the conversation of those people just now, he clearly heard the other party say the word "Firefox". If you guessed right, the physique of these people should be somewhat related to monsters.

"Someone planted a demon in their body." Fanfan said lightly, as if this kind of situation is not uncommon.

But what you need to know is that even Xiqiao, who is a monster, can't smell whether these people are monsters or humans. It seems that this incident is relatively common only for Fanfan.

"Monster Gu?" Lu Yang didn't quite understand the meaning of these two words.

"It's very troublesome to explain, but all you need is that these guys are just being used by others." Said Fanfan, she stood up, facing the thieves surrounding her, her expression showing no trace of panic.

"You! I warn you not to move!"

The thieves around looked at Fanfan who stood up and panicked for a moment. They clearly saw that this petite girl directly killed their companions.

What is the background of this girl? Why is it that their bodies are fine when they jump off such a high cliff, but they will be killed by this girl with one punch

The thieves around didn't dare to act rashly, they knew that their bodies would never be able to withstand this girl's blow!

"It's just a mere mortal, how dare you make trouble in front of me?"

Fanfan's tone sounded extraordinarily dignified, it seemed that only when she was facing Lu Yang, would she look like that thin and deceitful little girl.

The leader of the thieves standing on the cliff looked at Fanfan in the mountains. Even a fool could tell that the identity of the other party was definitely not good. If he appeared rashly, he might not even have a chance to fight back!

"Boss, what should we do?"

The thief who looked like a military adviser standing next to the leader of the thieves hesitated.

"What else can we do?" The leader of the thieves shook his head: "If we do something again today, I'm afraid we will suffer! I should have thought of this a long time ago."

The thief leader felt reckless.

Then one or two luxurious carriages drive alone in this kind of mountains, and they don't hesitate to see if there will be thieves here. Obviously, there are masters in the opponent's carriage who can deal with the current situation!

Because of his recklessness, it actually caused his subordinates to be instantly killed. It seemed that they met exactly the kind of untouchable person Mr. Firefox said.

"Let's retreat!" The thief leader said without hesitation, then turned his head and walked into the forest behind him.

The thieves guarding the leader of the thieves have never seen their leader retreat so decisively. It seems that the three people in the carriage are really invincible.

As the leader of the thieves withdrew, although the thieves surrounding Lu Yang and the others did not receive any orders, they immediately gave up the idea of attacking Lu Yang and the others at the moment the leader of the thieves withdrew, and fled towards the surroundings.

"Just escaped like this?"

Xiqiao sat up from the ground feeling a little unbelievable. Aren't these thieves the kind of people who don't see money and don't give up

Lu Yang nodded, it seemed that Fanfan's presence forced the opponent to give up the idea of fighting them.

But just when Lu Yang wanted to fix the carriage and leave this right and wrong place quickly, he found that Fanfan who was sitting next to him had disappeared at some point.

And when Lu Yang was looking for Fanfan, a whistling sound suddenly came from the top of the mountain.

Before Lu Yang raised his head to see what the sound was, a round object landed directly at his feet. Lu Yang lowered his head and took a closer look, only to find that this thing was a scarred head!

And as the head landed at his feet, Fan Fan's figure also descended from the sky, and landed gently beside Lu Yang.

Fanfan clapped his hands and stretched as if he had just finished cleaning: "If I need someone to deal with this kind of thing, I will ask the master to make double compensation in the future."

Lu Yang looked at the head at his feet in surprise. If he didn't guess wrong, this head was the head of the bandit leader they had never met!