Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 58: Drowning while walking


Fanfan seems to be very experienced in dealing with the current situation. When she was summoned by Lu Yang, she immediately took Lu Yang's hand and wrote three words on Lu Yang's palm.

"Follow me."

Only then did Lu Yang suddenly realize that they could actually communicate with the only sense they have now.

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After learning Fanfan's method, Lu Yang did the same. He hurriedly took Xiqiao's hand and told Xiqiao what they were going to do now.

Xiqiao followed closely behind Lu Yang after learning the information.

Although the three of them had no verbal communication, they had a surprisingly tacit understanding. After following Fanfan for more than ten steps, Lu Yang only felt that his feet stepped on sea water. It seemed that Fanfan was planning to bring them to the surface of the East China Sea.

"How far do we have to go?"

Lu Yang wrote on Fanfan's palm, Fanfan also took Lu Yang's hand after waiting for Lu Yang to finish writing those words, and quickly wrote on Lu Yang's palm: "Hurry up!"

Because this kind of communication is too difficult, so what they want to express must be as simple as possible. As the water level of the sea continued to rise, as they continued to move forward, the water surface of the sea almost passed their waists.

Seeing that Fanfan still showed no signs of stopping, Xiqiao became a little anxious. Her hand holding Lu Yang trembled slightly, and her palms couldn't help breaking out in cold sweat.

It seems that Xiqiao is not very used to staying in the water. If he continues to move forward, Xiqiao may not dare to move forward.

Just when Lu Yang was still debating whether to ask Fanfan how far before he could see Yuan Lijing, a cyan light suddenly flashed in front of them.

This cyan light was particularly conspicuous in the pure white line of sight. When they saw this light, they instantly realized that they were not far from their destination.

"Yuanlijing is just ahead!"

Fanfan's voice suddenly came over, and the sound of the surrounding seawater surging also reached Lu Yang's ears. It seems that they are now able to communicate through language.

"This fog is too weird."

Lu Yang wanted to complain about this a long time ago. If the three of them hadn't been too far away just now, they might have lost the position of others in this fog.

Seeing Fanfan leading the way so skillfully, Fanfan obviously knew that the fog before Yuan Lijing's appearance would hinder their communication. Unexpectedly, Fanfan forgot to tell them about this kind of thing.

"After all, this kind of place is not something ordinary people can find." Fanfan explained: "If there were no people here, I'm afraid you would have fallen into a coma just now."

"Does passing through this fog mean that we are qualified to enter Yuanli Jing?" Xiqiao asked aside. In her eyes, it is already very difficult to get out of this fog.

"It hasn't started yet!" Fanfan said: "Once you see Yuan Lijing, you will naturally know."

Lu Yang had no choice but to continue to follow Fanfan towards the blue light in the distance. As the water level continued to rise, the cyan light became brighter and brighter.

But at this moment, the water level almost passed Lu Yang's neck.

Taking Fanfan and Xiqiao's height as an example, if the water level can pass Lu Yang's neck, doesn't that mean that the water level facing Fanfan can already pass her head

Although Xiqiao is slightly higher than Fanfan, this water level is still very unfriendly to her. But the cyan light in the distance was always flickering not far away, and it seemed that there was no sign of being touched by them at all.

"Fanfan, are you okay now?"

Lu Yang asked worriedly, but Fanfan didn't answer him, and continued to walk forward. The water level continued to rise and soon passed Lu Yang's nose.

Lu Yang didn't know why Fanfan didn't speed up his pace, he didn't have time to ask any more questions now, he simply stood on tiptoe, took a deep breath and dived directly into the bottom of the water.

And as he dived into the bottom of the water, the moment he opened his eyes, his surrounding vision instantly became wider.

It turned out that the cloud of mist was floating on the surface of the water. Although they couldn't see anything on the surface of the water, they would not be affected by the fog at all under the water.

The stones under the water gave off a dim light, barely illuminating the road ahead. And not far away, there was a huge square stone standing at the bottom of the water, and the blue light came from that square stone.

The square stone was carved with lotus-like carvings delicately, and a huge disc was vaguely supported on the square stone with green water plants growing on it. If you guessed correctly, that huge disc must be the so-called Yuanli mirror!

Lu Yang wanted to turn around and convey the good news to Xiqiao, but when he turned around, he found that Xiqiao had drowned and passed out at some point.

Because Xiqiao's body is relatively light, Lu Yang, who was holding Xiqiao's hand, didn't notice that Xiqiao behind him had been swimming in the water for an unknown how long.

Xiqiao's water is still bubbling out, and both eyes have almost rolled their eyes!

This guy is drowning!

Lu Yang hurriedly turned around and lifted Xiqiao out of the water, wanting Xiqiao to take a breath of air. But because Xiqiao drank too much water, she still didn't show any signs of breathing after getting her out of the water.

In this case, Lu Yang could only choose to quickly find a place where he could go ashore and rescue Xiqiao.

The stone steps with Yuanli mirror in the distance is a good place to stay.

Lu Yang hurriedly conveyed the news that Xiqiao had drowned to Fanfan. Fanfan, who was also holding his breath at the bottom of the water, frowned slightly after learning about Xiqiao's situation. There was no time to say extra words, so he couldn't help speeding up his pace.

Although walking underwater sounds outrageous, this is the best way for the three of them, after all, none of them can swim!

Within a few steps, they quickly arrived at the location of the square stone. After arriving there, Lu Yang pushed Xiqiao ashore without saying a word. Then he and Fanfan climbed up to the square stone where Yuanli mirror was placed.

Lu Yang didn't even have time to see what Yuan Lijing looked like, the most important thing for him now was to save Xiqiao who was drowning!

And when it comes to the method of saving people, Lu Yang also learned a little bit on TV. But looking at Xiqiao who was drenched all over, and his clothes were clinging to his body, Lu Yang couldn't help swallowing.

Do you really want to do that