Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 59: Do you still need artificial respiration?


When it comes to first aid for a drowning person, there are two main methods. One is to press your hand on the other person's chest to expel the water sucked into the other person's lungs. The other is to give artificial respiration to the other party, so that the other party can recover the ability to breathe spontaneously.

But looking at Xiqiao's appearance, Lu Yang really couldn't bear to do it. He felt that by doing this, he felt that he was taking advantage of the other party. If Xiqiao suddenly woke up, he would definitely say that he was a despicable villain who took advantage of others!

"give it to you!"

Lu Yang entrusted Fanfan with this great and arduous task.

Fanfan panicked for a moment, and she never thought that Xiqiao would drown at such a time. Although she herself had experienced various things for thousands of years, she had never encountered someone who would drown on her own initiative. She didn't know what method to use to save Xiqiao.

"Master, it's up to you!"

Fanfan pushed back the task again. She didn't want to expose herself in front of Lu Yang. She felt that in order to develop further with Lu Yang in the future, she still had to maintain her almighty servant setting.

At this time, your own personality must not collapse!

If Xiqiao hadn't passed out and lost consciousness, if she knew that Lu Yang and Fanfan were delaying such an important matter of saving her because of such a trivial matter, she would definitely jump up and give these two people their brains!

"Could it be that… "

Lu Yang seems to have guessed Fanfan's intentions, could it be that Fanfan wants to give him this opportunity to take advantage of Xiqiao? ! Although Fanfan usually seems to be quite possessive of him, but she can still understand this kind of good opportunity!

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"That's it, when Xiqiao wakes up later, you can say that you saved her!" Lu Yang instructed.

Although Fanfan didn't know why Lu Yang begged her like this, but considering that this would not only luckily save her personality, Fanfan readily nodded and agreed.

Seeing that Fanfan agreed, and looking at Xiqiao lying on the ground, Lu Yang swallowed his saliva again.

Not good, really not good!

The more you care about "those details", the more things you shouldn't see! People in this era don't have the safer underwear of modern times! The more Lu Yang wants to make a quick decision now, the more he can't find a chance to make a move.

If you want to press Xiqiao's chest, it means that he must touch something more or less! For a professional gentleman like him, this kind of thing would kill him!

But time is running out, every second of delay, the greater the danger Xiqiao faces. If they procrastinate any longer, they will lose the best chance to rescue Xiqiao!

Are you really going to do it yourself

Lu Yang's palms covered with sea water broke out in cold sweat, he had never done such a thing to save a drowning person! Lu Yang couldn't help worrying about his technique, and he wasn't sure if it would be effective.

But now the time is too urgent, after all, he doesn't know how long Xiqiao passed out at the bottom of the water before he found out that Xiqiao was drowning.

There is no way but to do it!

Lu Yang raised his trembling hands, and stretched them tentatively toward Xiqiao's chest.

Seeing such a "bold" move by Lu Yang, Fanfan couldn't help feeling jealous. Obviously Lu Yang has never taken the initiative to her like this! Can this kind of behavior really save the drowning Xiqiao

Both Lu Yang and Fanfan stared at Xiqiao's upper body.

But just when Lu Yang's hands were about to press Xiqiao's body, Xiqiao who was unconscious on the ground suddenly coughed twice, and then the bitter seawater spit out from her mouth.

Lu Yang hurriedly took back his outstretched hands, and instantly pretended to be okay, hiding his hands behind his back, and even whistled out of nothing to do with him!

Damn it! Obviously I have made up my mind!

Seeing this "miraculous" scene, Fanfan couldn't help admiring Lu Yang: he deserves to be the master!

"I... Where am I?" Xiqiao's consciousness is still a little fuzzy, but after coughing just now, she has almost spit out all the sea water she drank.

But looking at Lu Yang who was looking up at the sky and whistling on one side, and Fanfan who was staring at Lu Yang with bright eyes on the other side, he happened to be a little confused: What are these two people doing

"It's great that you can wake up!" Lu Yang congratulated Xiqiao with a sincere look: "We are now at the side of Yuanli Jing, look this way!"

Lu Yang frantically moved away from Xiqiao's sight and pointed to Yuan Lijing behind him.

Xiqiao looked behind Lu Yang, and saw an ancient mirror more than ten meters high instantly caught her eyes in front of them.

The frame of this ancient mirror was carved from copper, and the frame was also printed with runes that she had never seen before. Although it is already covered with emerald green patina, the patina makes the runes on it come alive.

The mirror surface of Yuanli Mirror is as transparent as the surface of still water. To be precise, the mirror surface of Yuanli Mirror is actually a thin pool of water! Although the three of them were standing in front of this Yuanli mirror, their figures did not appear in the mirror of Yuanli mirror at all.

There is nothing else in the world inside the mirror except for the surging white fog.

"Is this Yuanli Mirror?" Xiqiao had never seen such a huge mirror.

This Yuanli mirror is indeed something that only appears in the thick fog. You must know that when they came to the East China Sea, they were already sure that there was nothing on the sea. Xiqiao knew that it hadn't been long since she passed out, and at the speed they had just moved forward, they probably only walked a few hundred meters in the water.

The distance of a few hundred meters is obviously within the field of vision, so how could they not fail to notice such a huge mirror

Seeing that Xiqiao didn't seem to notice his actions just now, Lu Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Fanfan who was sitting beside him, and asked: "So, how do we confirm that we are qualified to enter this Yuanli mirror?"

This water-like mirror was obviously the entrance for them to enter, but Lu Yang did not dare to act rashly. After experiencing so many things, he became more cautious. If it was based on his previous personality, he would definitely have to put his hand into the mirror first to see what was in the mirror.

"Whether you are eligible to pass Yuanli Jing depends on whether you can go to the real world of Yuhuntan." Fanfan replied.

Listening to what Fanfan said, Lu Yang seemed to have understood what Fanfan wanted to express.

There may be many unit worlds in this Yuanli mirror, but there is only one real Yuhuntan!