Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 61: Strangeness outside Yuhuntan


Now that Fanfan has said that, Lu Yang can only quietly wait for Xiqiao to appear by the lake. Although the temperature here is below zero, the lake still shows no signs of freezing. I have to say that the world inside cannot be measured by the rules outside.

Since Lu Yang and Xiqiao entered the Yuanli Mirror with their front and rear feet, it stands to reason that if Xiqiao and them enter the real Yuhun Lake, Xiqiao should appear by the lake soon.

There are dozens of trails leading here from the forest on the shore of Yuhun Lake, and Lu Yang doesn't know if Xiqiao will come out of a certain trail.

Just when Lu Yang was about to calm down and wait for Xiqiao, a loud noise suddenly came from the forest on the other side of Yuhuntan. With a bang, the birds hiding in the woods all fled in all directions.

Following the loud noise, the whole ground trembled uncontrollably, and the originally calm water surface was immediately disrupted by the loud noise.

"What sound?" Lu Yang asked in shock.

Something that can make such a loud sound must be a giant, Lu Yang had a vague premonition. This peaceful Yuhuntan is not as peaceful as it looks on the surface, there must be something else in it!

After hearing the loud noise, Fanfan looked at Lu Yang with the same puzzled eyes. Based on her understanding of this place, there should be nothing else here except for them who entered here through the Yuanli mirror!

"Shall we go over and have a look?" Lu Yang felt a little bad.

If that happened to be the direction Xiqiao came from, then the loud noise just now must be that Xiqiao disturbed something.

Because Lu Yang has Fanfan as a helper by his side, even though Lu Yang knows nothing about the things inside, he can still have Fanfan to explain to him.

On the other side, Xiqiao, who entered Yuhuntan alone, was different. Her understanding of it was only based on what Fanfan said before Yuanli Jing, but Xiqiao would definitely not be able to handle any unexpected situation.

"Let's go there!" Fanfan responded.

But Fanfan couldn't be sure what was making the noise on the opposite side of Yuhuntan. You must know that Yuhuntan has a history of thousands of years, and the things that can exist in it must be unmatched by their strength.

Although Fanfan knew this place very well at the beginning, she only followed God Nuwa to this place once, and she entered it in the form of a demon-gathering streamer. Her understanding of this place only stayed at what she had seen at the beginning.

But if the voice over there happened to come from Xiqiao, it means that both Lu Yang and Xiqiao have entered the real Yuhuntan, which is a good thing for them. In any case, they had to go to the opposite side of Yuhuntan to see what was going on in the forest.

The two of them headed towards the opposite side of Yuhun Lake one after the other. However, there was no response to the loud noise in the woods again, and Lu Yang and Xiqiao could only look for it in the woods based on the general location.

"There is indeed something in front!" Fanfan's expression became serious, and she could clearly sense a huge monster squatting in front of the road leading to another exit.

Moreover, the other party's cultivation seems to have completely exceeded her cognition, that is an existence that she cannot defeat!

"How, can you tell what it is?" Lu Yang asked, but just looking at Fanfan's expression, Lu Yang could tell that something very bad happened ahead.

"Stop first!" Fanfan hurriedly grabbed Lu Yang, before Lu Yang could react, Lu Yang was dragged abruptly by Fanfan from the path into the bushes of ferns on the side of the road.

"Is it dangerous?" Lu Yang saw that Fanfan's face became tense, and he already had a premonition that the other party was already an existence that they could not match.

"Even if we sneak past, once we are discovered, we will only be killed in seconds!" Fanfan had no choice but to convey this fact to Lu Yang: "Although we can't perceive what is on the other side, but the front is very dangerous, we can't get any closer!"

"Then what if Xiqiao is in front?" Hearing what Fanfan said, Lu Yang couldn't help panicking. Even Fanfan can only be killed in seconds in front of the other party, so if Xiqiao met the other party without knowing it, wouldn't it be worse

"Then we can't go forward anymore, let's turn back first!" Fanfan felt that they didn't need to choose to take the risk to check the situation because of their guess.

After all, there are very few people who are qualified to enter the real Yuhuntan, and they cannot guarantee whether they have entered the real Yuhuntan. And the loud noise just now was not necessarily caused by Xiqiao's encounter with that monster.

In any case, judging from the current situation, the wisest thing for them to do is to turn back to Yuhuntan, find a way to see if they can summon the black water lily first, and determine whether they have come to the real Yuhuntan is the best policy.

Lu Yang is naturally aware of the current situation, since Fanfan said so, they can only return to Yuhuntan first. But judging from the current situation, if they can find the black water lily, it will be bad news for them.

You must know that if they can come to the real Yuhuntan, it means that Xiqiao may also come to the real Yuhuntan. And the sound just now must have happened to encounter the unknown monster in front of him.

Feeling apprehensive, Lu Yang and Fanfan hurried away from here with their backs bent. On the way to leave, Lu Yang couldn't help but glance back, at the end of the dark road, it seemed that a huge black shadow flashed past on the road behind them.

Lu Yang didn't know if it was his own illusion, if the black shadow just now was really that monster, does it mean that their current whereabouts have been discovered

Because he was not sure if he was delusional, Lu Yang did not tell Fanfan the news. In a blink of an eye, they returned to the shore of Yuhun Lake. For safety reasons, they returned to the opposite side of Yuhun Lake, which was the place where they had just arrived at the bank of Yuhun Lake.

"Go into the water here. At this temperature, the black water lily will only stay at the bottom of the water. Only by diving into the bottom of the lake can we find the whereabouts of the black water lily." Said Fanfan, she stepped her foot into Yuhuntan.

And the moment her feet fell into Yuhuntan, many ripples appeared on the pitch-black lake, and among those ripples, countless mist-like white souls flew out from the bottom of Yuhuntan.

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As if they were disturbed, they kept hovering over Yuhuntan, and some souls even stayed above Lu Yang's head, staring at Lu Yang and Fanfan's every move as if they were watching a play.