Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 65: Taoist Rainbow


What Lu Yang never imagined was that this woman's strength was comparable to Fanfan's. Although the other party obviously didn't use any strength, Lu Yang couldn't take a step forward from the woman. The inertia of his body even made him stagger and almost fell to the ground.

The woman obviously realized her disrespect, so she hastily let go of the hand holding Lu Yang's wrist, and explained with an apologetic smile: "Don't worry, the time in this world is relatively static to the outside world, no matter how long you stay here, the time outside is only a second past."

"What about the time for the other Yuhuntan?" Lu Yang asked back.

"Of course, only the time in this world is special, and the time in other Yuhuntan will still pass naturally, so can you listen to me before leaving?" The woman has never seen someone who is not interested in this place like Lu Yang.

Lu Yang nodded, since the other party intends to keep him here, and no matter how long he stays here, he will not delay the time to find Fanfan, so Lu Yang no longer intends to leave immediately.

Seeing that Lu Yang had given up the idea of leaving immediately, the woman finally breathed a sigh of relief for some reason, she complained to Lu Yang in an angry tone: "Really, how many people want to see me but can't see it, I didn't expect someone to come so hard, you don't know how to cherish it."

"So who is Your Excellency?" Lu Yang knew that what the other party said just now was to ask him to ask this question.

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"Ahem." The other party cleared his throat, as if he was about to announce something very serious: "Since you are so curious, I might as well tell you my identity!"

"Suddenly I don't want to hear it anymore..." Lu Yang wanted to leave after speaking, but he was stopped by the woman again before he took two steps.

"Hey, don't, don't, don't!" The woman hurriedly ran to Lu Yang, blocking Lu Yang's way with her hands: "I'll tell you now, okay?"

"I beg you to speak quickly." Lu Yang was a little impatient, he had been entangled in such a trivial matter for a long time, even a slow person would feel tortured here.

"Actually, I am the mirror master of Yuan Lijing, Taoist Yunbao!" When the woman mentioned her name, she deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the last few words, her face was full of pride, as if this name was really resounding.

But Lu Yang looked at the other party expressionlessly, without the slightest fluctuation in his heart.

Who is Taoist Rainbow Dash? Never heard of it! A character that didn't appear in Journey to the West and Romance of the Gods! By the way, what the hell is the mirror owner? It sounds completely useless! Do you have to be proud of this kind of thing? Who would be idle and bored and want to see you!

"Oh...it's amazing." Lu Yang praised blankly.

"It's not convincing at all!" Taoist Yun Bao strongly condemned Lu Yang's perfunctory attitude.

"So, as the mirror master, why did you keep me here?" Lu Yang asked, he couldn't believe that the other party went to such great lengths to pretend to be a ghost, it was just to tell him her name as simple as that.

"It seems that you haven't figured out the current situation." Taoist Yunbao looked at Lu Yang mysteriously and smiled, "Do you know why you appear here?"

"Because I came to the wrong place?" Lu Yang guessed.

"Do you think that I can only come in by coincidence!" Taoist Yunbao seems to have the function of complaining, no matter what Lu Yang says, she can spit out a few sentences: "Listen well, only people who have a relationship with Yuanli Jing can enter through Yuanlijing!"

"It doesn't make sense. It's the second time I came here from outside. If I have a relationship with Yuan Lijing, shouldn't I come here the first time I came in?" Lu Yang questioned.

Taoist Yunbao smiled cheerfully: "When you came in for the first time, you brought another magic weapon, didn't you? The magic weapon you brought has a spirit body, and you have a destiny with Yuanli Jing, but that spirit body has no destiny for Yuanlijing, so you must not be able to come here."

"So that's the case." Lu Yang nodded: "So if I have a predestined relationship with this place, what's the use of it?"

"Come and make a contract with Yuanli Jing, and become the new master of Yuanli Jing!" Taoist Yun Bao couldn't help getting excited when he said this: "If you can become the master of Yuanli Jing, I will be able to escape from the bondage of Yuanli Jing!"

"You? Yuanli mirror's mirror owner? Yuanli mirror has restraints on you?" Lu Yang felt his head was getting bigger.

Isn't the mirror owner able to control Yuanli mirror at will? ! What the hell are you being restrained for a long time! You are too good-for-nothing to be the mirror master!

Taoist Yunbao didn't face Lu Yang's doubt directly, her eyes suddenly became full of pleading for Lu Yang, she said pitifully: "You contract Yuanli mirror! If I can come out of Yuanli mirror, I can help you wash, cook and warm your bed!"

"You mirror master has no status at all!" Lu Yang couldn't help complaining: "You call yourself a Taoist, shouldn't you be a very famous character! If you are released, you can only do these housework. What the hell! Speaking of warming the bed..."

Lu Yang said that he suddenly stopped, now in the small teahouse he bought with a lot of money, but Xiqiao and Fanfan are enough for him, if there is one more person in the palm-sized broken place, will he still have a place to stay in the future

"How is it? Are you tempted?" Taoist Yunbao continued to threaten and lure Lu Yang.

"I refuse!" Lu Yang said bluntly: "If Fanfan knows that I have stayed here for such a long time because of this kind of thing, she will definitely be angry with me!"

Lu Yang knew Fanfan's ability to be angry, and the horror of not saying a word was even more terrifying than Fanfan screwing off his head! What's more, every time Fanfan loses his temper, she will retaliate and do some unsightly things to him.

Lu Yang didn't want this kind of thing to happen. Taking a step back, the ten-meter-high Yuanli mirror weighs at least dozens of tons. Even if he contracts this Yuanli mirror as his magic weapon, he can't take this Yuanli mirror away from the East Sea, right

"Don't, don't refuse!" Taoist Yun Bao panicked when she heard Lu Yang's resolute rejection: "It seems that now, I can only sacrifice my appearance to gain your sexual interest in me!"

"Don't sacrifice your appearance just because of this kind of thing!" Lu Yang felt that his head was extraordinarily big today. He could easily imagine what kind of scene would happen when she and Fanfan got together if Taoist Rainbow was taken out of Yuanli Jing.