Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 68: The blocked operation


Because there is a danger of being targeted by that monster at any time in this Yuanli mirror, so Lu Yang and others did not dare to stay here any longer. After confirming that there was no sign of the monster nearby, the three hurried towards Yuan Lijing.

Fanfan looked at Taoist Yunbao beside her, and as she was also a magic weapon, she could naturally guess the identity of Taoist Yunbao. But Fanfan also knew that now was not the time for her to mess around, so the three of them quickly came to Yuan Lijing.

"Let's make a contract here." Lu Yang said to Taoist Yunbao after confirming that the surroundings were safe. After all, Taoist Yunbao is just the mirror owner in Yuanli Mirror, if he wants to take her out, he must make a successful contract with her to take her out from here.

Taoist Yunbao nodded, and she pointed to Yuanli Jing behind Lu Yang with her finger, and said: "You just need to drip your blood on Yuanli Jing, and then you can make a contract directly. Since you can get Yuanli Jing's approval, then the contract with Yuanli Jing should be very fast."

Lu Yang nodded, he wiped the blood from the wound on his body just scratched by the thorns on the palm of his hand, and then he pressed his hand on the Yuanli mirror.

As Lu Yang's blood touched Yuanli Mirror, a golden light shone on the mirror surface of Yuanli Mirror, directly covering Lu Yang inside.

Just like the feeling of contracting the monster gathering banner at that time, Lu Yang, who was bathed by this ray of light, soon learned about the usage method and all the uses of this Yuanli mirror.

"It seems that we have succeeded." Taoist Yunbao finally breathed a sigh of relief, she had long wanted to get out of this Yuanli mirror.

Yuan Lijing itself is on the surface of the East China Sea, and in this sparsely populated East China Sea, almost no one can meet Yuan Lijing by coincidence. And even if someone encounters Yuan Lijing, there is a very low possibility that they will walk out of the white mist.

And even if someone can find Yuanli Jing which is hundreds of meters away from the coast from the white mist, the person who is qualified to enter the real Yuhun Lake is one in ten thousand, and among these people who are eligible to enter Yuanli Jing, there is a very small number of people who can have a relationship with Yuanli Jing.

In other words, if you want to wait until you can contract Yuan Lijing, the probability is almost negligible. Therefore, if Lu Yang is let go here, she may never meet the next person who can contract Yuan Lijing in her life.

Even when the God Nuwa thousands of years ago entered Yuanlijing, she was not eligible to enter the Yuhuntan where she was. Therefore, the existence of Lu Yang is definitely not to be missed for her.

After successfully contracting Yuanli Jing, Lu Yang also learned the difficulty of contracting Yuanlijing from the information Yuanlijing conveyed to him. But Lu Yang soon had doubts.

Who would have created the magic weapon of Yuan Lijing, who is so picky about the choice of users? The black water lily in the Yuhun Lake in Yuanli Mirror will only grow once every thousand years, and it will bloom naturally after another five hundred years if it is not picked.

And just now the Yuhuntan where Taoist Yunbao was was full of black water lilies, that is to say, the period when Yuan Lijing was born, at least it was born in the era when the chaotic gods of heaven and earth had not yet appeared.

Taoist Yunbao quickly learned about the doubts in Lu Yang's mind through his Yuanshen link with Yuanlijing. Because the vicinity has been confirmed to be safe, Taoist Yunbao directly explained to Lu Yang: "This Yuanli Mirror is actually a fragment that was born when the world first opened."

"Sure enough, it's very old." Lu Yang said with emotion.

Taoist Yunbao nodded: "Because it is connected to the power of heaven and earth, the Yuhuntan here is also the dividing point connecting the two worlds of yin and yang. It is not surprising that the black water lily here has almost omnipotent power."

Judging from what Taoist Rainbow said, it seems that the black water lily doesn't just have the ability to lift the curse. Considering the current situation, Lu Yang didn't ask any more questions, so he planned to leave Yuan Li Jing and return to Jinchan County to make a long-term plan.

Lu Yang immediately brought Fanfan and Taoist Yun Bao out of the Yuanli Mirror in front of him, but what Lu Yang expected was that, outside the Yuanli Mirror's mirror, Xiqiao was already sitting on the stone platform holding the Yuanli Mirror, waiting for them to come out.

Xiqiao was still wondering why there was a black water lily outside the Yuanli mirror but she couldn't see Lu Yang and Fanfan. Just when she was still hesitating whether to enter the Yuanli mirror and try again, Lu Yang had already walked out of the Yuanli mirror with Fanfan.

But what surprised Xiqiao was that there was another plump woman behind Lu Yang. After seeing the woman smiling charmingly at her, Xiqiao suddenly realized something, and immediately pulled her top tightly to cover the two humble protrusions.

"Who is this?" Xiqiao asked. Her attitude can be said to be quite polite compared to Fanfan, after all, she can also tell from the other party's attire that the other party's identity is definitely not an idle person.

"Since everyone is here, let me introduce you briefly." Lu Yang introduced the identities of the three people one by one, from Taoist Yunbao to Fanfan and finally to Xiqiao.

After hearing Lu Yang's introduction, Fanfan's mouth pouted slightly, just as she thought, this guy Lu Yang actually hooked up with another woman during the time she left!

Lu Yang also seemed to see Fanfan's dissatisfaction, but going to comfort Fanfan now would actually embarrass Reverend Yunbao, so Lu Yang changed the subject, pointed at the more than ten-meter-high Yuanli Mirror behind him, and asked, "So, how can I take it away?"

Taoist Yunbao immediately replied: "The size of the Yuanli mirror can be changed according to the user's thoughts. You just need to silently say it in your heart to make it smaller, and the Yuanli mirror will naturally become a size that you can take away."

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"Golden Cudgel?" Lu Yang felt that this setting seemed a little familiar.

He quickly walked to the side of Yuan Lijing again, and silently muttered in his heart to make Yuan Lijing smaller. But what made Lu Yang feel embarrassed was that no matter how much he silently recited the words to make Yuan Lijing smaller in his heart, Yuan Lijing in front of him showed no sign of shrinking at all.

This phenomenon made Taoist Rainbow also feel puzzled. As the mirror owner, she naturally felt Lu Yang's desire to make Yuanli mirror smaller. Obviously Lu Yang has successfully contracted Yuan Lijing, but why didn't Yuan Lijing listen to Lu Yang at this time

Taoist Yunbao quickly felt the situation in Yuanli's mirror, and within a few seconds, she discovered the problem.

In this Yuanli mirror, there seems to be something preventing Yuanli mirror from changing!