Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 7: Miss Princess, are you asleep?


When Lu Yang saw the dagger, he instantly woke up. He turned over and rolled off the bed. At the same time, the dagger was firmly nailed to the bed with a "boom".


Lu Yang couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, if he opened his eyes a second later, the dagger might have pierced his neck.

"I didn't expect someone to do something like a sneak attack." Lu Yang quickly regained his composure.

Looking along the jade hand holding the silver blade, that hand protruded from the hole in the window that he used for lighting during the day, because the hole is only the size of a fist, so if you want to put your hand into the window, there is no way to see the situation inside the house.

In other words, if the hole was a little bigger, the other party would have a chance to notice Lu Yang's movement of turning over and getting off the bed, and then he could chase after him. If this is the case, Lu Yang will definitely die.

Although he escaped a catastrophe, Lu Yang actually broke into a cold sweat.

He didn't expect his unintentional actions during the day to plant such a big hidden danger for himself!

"What? You don't plan to give up if you fail in one hit, Xiqiao!" Lu Yang questioned.

In this princess city, Lu Yang doesn't know many people, and even fewer women.

The hand holding the dagger was obviously a woman's hand, and the person who could do this kind of behavior in the middle of the night was probably only Xiqiao who was clamoring to take his life.

The other party was stunned for a moment after hearing the name Lu Yang said, and then Lu Yang was surprised. The other party didn't seem to want to take advantage of the victory and pursue it. Instead, he wanted to take the dagger nailed to the bed and escape from here.

How could Lu Yang let the other party leave so easily

Do you think this is a public toilet? Come and go as you want

Although Lu Yang was just an ordinary person, with his many years of conduct, he was not afraid. Instead, he rushed towards the hand holding the dagger, and he suddenly lifted his foot and kicked down towards the window.

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His idea is very simple, that is to kick open the window directly, so that he can see exactly what Xiqiao looks like, and if he traces Xiqiao's identity in the future, it will become very easy.

It's a pity that almost at the same time, the other party seemed to be aware of the strangeness in the room. The moment Lu Yang lifted his foot, that hand let go of the silver blade. However, because the hole was drilled with flint, the edges and corners were not smooth.

Blood was spilled on the window sill in an instant, and Duo Fang didn't stay too long because of this, just listened to the whoosh sound outside the house, and the sound went away, as if he jumped directly from the floor where Lu Yang lived to escape.

"Are you running away again?"

Lu Yang couldn't help feeling a little pity in his heart. If he can't take this opportunity to directly find out Xiqiao's real appearance, the other party will definitely take precautions against him, and Xiqiao will probably use a safer and more careful method to kill him in the future.

The foot that Lu Yang kicked out just now kicked hard on the window, making a muffled sound. The window that he was going to kick open did not expect to be motionless, without any trace of being kicked open by him!

Lu Yang stood there blankly for a long time: Xiqiao and I seem to overestimate myself...

Lu Yang, relieved from the embarrassment, couldn't help sighing, he never thought that Xiqiao would not play cards according to common sense, and continued to sneak into the princess mansion on the second day after the assassination failed.

It seemed that Lu Yang's appearance didn't interrupt the other party's plan at all, and the other party seemed to have sneaked into the princess mansion smoothly without any effort.

At this moment, Lu Yang suddenly realized a very serious matter.

etc! Xiqiao's purpose of infiltrating into the princess' mansion shouldn't be aimed at me!

Thinking of this, Lu Yang's hairs stood on end. After all, isn't Xiqiao's original purpose of infiltrating into the Princess' Mansion to assassinate the Princess! Coming here to find him was just a matter of passing by after assassinating the princess!

Now that Xiqiao has come to him in his spare time, does that mean...

Lu Yang didn't dare to wait for a long time, he hurriedly opened the door and rushed towards the room where the Princess is.

Fortunately, he managed to memorize the route to the Palace of the Princess in half a day. Although this route was deliberately recorded for escape, it finally worked at the critical moment!

Lu Yang, who was running in the dark, was not hindered at all, and within half a minute he arrived at the door of the Princess Palace with precision.

Lu Yang, who came to the princess hall, could hear his own heartbeat clearly, because the sound of his heartbeat was particularly obvious in the silent corridor after running wildly all the way.

But having said that, the relationship between Lu Yang and the Princess is actually just a one-sided relationship. Getting the princess's reward was nothing more than an equivalent exchange of information and money between the two, and they did not have a deep friendship.

The life and death of the princess is actually indifferent to Lu Yang.


As the most elegant man in the village, Lu Yang said that he is still somewhat enlightened. After all, isn't it the bounden duty of a professional man to save the beauty from danger

But the first thing to declare is that Lu Yang said that he has never thought about asking the other party to agree with him, or asking the other party to agree to his rude request!

Absolutely nothing (emphasis added)!

Lu Yang took a deep breath, and asked in a low voice outside the Palace of the Princess: "Did you rest, Princess?"

Lu Yang is still not sure whether Xiqiao came to the Princess Palace first, and then went to his side.

He was afraid that if Xiqiao took advantage of the fact that he might know the location of the princess, and used a trick to lure him to come here on purpose, it would undoubtedly be Lu Yang who exposed the exact location of the princess.

After all, Lu Yang deliberately remembered the location of the Palace of the Princess, but it is absolutely impossible for an ordinary person to find out the location of the Hall of the Princess in the dimly lit Palace of the Princess.

Lie on the outside of the princess hall and listen carefully to the voices inside the princess hall, but what Lu Yang heard was the same dead silence as outside the hall.

Because it is also late at night, Lu Yang cannot rule out the possibility that the princess has already rested. Lu Yang could only say "I'm sorry" in a low voice, and then directly pushed open the door of the Princess Hall.

As the gate of the Princess Palace was opened, the two rows of guards came into Lu Yang's eyes. The situation in the palace of the princess hardly changed from the daytime, and there seemed to be no sign of Xiqiao's presence here.

But looking at those neatly standing guards, Lu Yang couldn't help feeling suspicious: Didn't these people stand here this morning? Don't these guards need to rest

Lu Yang suddenly had an ominous premonition, he looked at the guards and asked tentatively: "Excuse me, is the princess here?"

Silence, deathly silence!

Lu Yang suddenly had a creepy feeling. Although these guards never moved, their eyes seemed to be looking at him all the time. No matter what they were asked, they didn't respond, not even blinking their eyelids!

Ever since Lu Yang walked into the princess mansion, Lu Yang felt that there was an indescribable weirdness.

He subconsciously took a step back, but he didn't expect to step on a puddle of liquid.

Lu Yang looked down, and under the dim candlelight, what the pool of liquid illuminated was actually a pool of blood...