Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 79: The man who went out to collect the harem?


"For the sake of my own face, did you really choose to let yourself stay at the seaside, and then send us back?" Lu Yang said that he had seen through the behavior of Firefox. In these inexplicable places, he did not expect Firefox to care so much.

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"Do you still want to go back?" Firefox said angrily, it's hard to imagine that there is such a face-saving soul in such a delicate body. Most importantly, she doesn't seem to want to admit it at all!

"We are ready, let's start!" Lu Yang did not answer Firefox's words, but directly stated that they could be teleported back at any time.

According to Lu Yang's calculation, it has only been six days since they set off. Compared with the fifteen days that Fanfan said, these six days only took up a small part of the time, and their schedule seemed to be much earlier.

If they go back so early, they don't need to worry about the affairs of the princess. But following the meeting with Firefox, another thing that made them feel very difficult was the meeting that the Three-legged Golden Chan would be invited to attend next month's Wanyao Pavilion.

Although Firefox told them that they don't need to worry about that meeting, and there is no risk of identity exposure. But Lu Yangzhong felt that the person who secretly helped them conceal the news that the three-legged golden toad was killed was a hidden danger.

I don't know if the appearance of Firefox is good news for them, but if they can use Firefox as their helper in the future, maybe they can be regarded as a backup when facing the person in the dark in the future.

Looking at it now, the identity of that person may not be an enemy, but it is worth noting that the other party might plan to fatten them up before slaughtering them. As for what that person is interested in in Jinchan County, only that person knows.

With the activation of Firefox's ability, a fire circle composed of gray-red flames instantly appeared under the feet of Lu Yang and the others. The fire circle seemed to spew out from the ground, and it directly turned into a pillar of fire to envelop Lu Yang and the others inside.

Before Lu Yang could realize what happened, the pillar of fire fell directly, and when they looked at the scene in front of them, they found that they were already on the city wall of Jinchan County.

Because it was only early in the morning, there were not many people coming and going on the streets of Jinchan County. Almost no one could notice them suddenly appearing on the city wall.

"It's broken, I seem to have forgotten something." At this moment, Lu Yang suddenly slapped his thigh: "I seem to have forgotten to ask Firefox how to contact her. If the plan changes during this period, how should we contact her?"

"It's indeed a question worth thinking about." Fanfan nodded: "But it's not the master's fault, it's Fanfan's thoughtfulness. Fanfan should remind the master of this kind of thing!"

"But if something really happened, surely she would come in the morning?" Xiqiao calmly analyzed from the side: "After all, all the information we have now is given by her. In various senses, her information should be very well-informed."

"You guys..." Just as Lu Yang and the others were still struggling with this matter, Firefox's voice suddenly came from beside them: "You guys look down on the height of this deity, so just say it straight? You don't need to speak ill of this deity like this, do you?"

Lu Yang and the others lowered their heads in surprise, only to see that Firefox had already pinched his waist and glared at them. In the teleportation just now, it seemed that Firefox was also teleported with them, but the height of Firefox was really out of their sight.

Even Fanfan and Xiqiao, who have the ability to feel the monster, didn't notice the existence of Firefox at the moment they were just teleported here.

"Uh, sorry, we really didn't see you." Lu Yang explained seriously.

"Master, telling the truth at this time will hurt people even more!" Fanfan said that his EQ is much higher than Lu Yang: "Don't worry, you are not short at all, you are the tallest among us!"

Taoist Yunbao silently wiped the cold sweat off his brow: "This is too false..."

Firefox was so popular that Lu Yang wanted to die.

"Speaking of which, why did you come back with us?" Lu Yang looked at Firefox and asked in confusion.

"Could it be that you really want me to sleep on the beach?" Firefox rolled her eyes at Lu Yang as she said that, but with her height, Lu Yang couldn't notice her rolling her eyes at all: "I have helped you so much, so why can't I stay here?"

"Yes, yes." Lu Yang felt that this matter should not be rejected, but when he thought about the teahouse he bought for temporary use, that teahouse was very crowded before Fanfan appeared, and now two more people live in, it will be really overcrowded.

"But let me tell you in advance." Lu Yang said: "The conditions where we live are extremely difficult. If you are more delicate, I suggest you find another place."

"You don't really think that this deity is a child, do you?" Firefox seems to have misunderstood the meaning of Lu Yang's words: "This deity is also a big monster who has experienced disasters. What kind of hardship has he not suffered? It's just a county town, how difficult conditions can it be?"

"Anyway, follow us first." Lu Yang knew that Firefox didn't know what he was talking about, and it was better for the princess to go back as soon as possible, so Lu Yang led them towards the teahouse he bought.

Because the place where they were teleported was the city wall, and the teahouse that Lu Yang rented was also on the side of the city wall, so after only a few steps, the five of them returned to the small teahouse.

At this time, the door of the teahouse was slightly open, as if the princess had already woken up. Lu Yang knocked on the door first, and after getting a response from the princess, Lu Yang confirmed that he would not see any welfare scenes when he opened the door, then he pushed the door of the teahouse open with confidence.

Firefox was very curious about how difficult this so-called residence was, but when she watched Lu Yang and others walk into the teahouse one by one, and when it was her turn to enter the room, there was already no place to stand in the room, and she was the only one who was pushed out the door.

How dare these small houses of a few square meters be called residences? !

Firefox can't believe it at all, the environment where the princess lives is too bad, right

But the princess who was in the room looked at Lu Yang who had come back and before he had time to express his surprise, he saw that there seemed to be two more girls leading behind Lu Yang.

The princess couldn't help but wonder: Did this guy go out to find an antidote, or did he go out to collect the harem