Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 8: This kind of thing still depends on the appearance


Seeing this pool of blood, Lu Yang couldn't help but his heart trembled, the thing he was most worried about really happened! But what surprised Lu Yang was that the pool of blood was right behind the door of the Palace of the Princess, that is, inside the Palace of the Princess.

But looking at the two neat rows of guards standing in the Palace of the Princess, Lu Yang couldn't help feeling puzzled. Under the watchful eye of so many guards, could the Princess be successfully assassinated by Xiqiao

This is obviously impossible!

Could it be that this pool of blood is not from the princess, but from Xiqiao who came to assassinate the princess

Lu Yang can only guess like this, but before seeing the princess, all this is still unknown.

Just when Lu Yang was still debating whether to go behind the curtain to see if the princess was there, the voice of the princess suddenly came out from behind the curtain, but her voice sounded very weak now.

"It's so late, why are you here looking for the princess?" the princess asked.

Lu Yang frowned and listened carefully to the other party's voice. After confirming that the voice behind the curtain was definitely not faked by Xiqiao, he asked, "Princess, why is your voice so weak? Did something happen?"

"My princess just went out and accidentally injured her head." The voice of the princess didn't sound as simple as just knocking: "But you don't have to worry, the princess has already sent someone to find the imperial doctor."

"Is it really okay?" Lu Yang always felt that something was wrong: "I called you twice just now and you didn't answer. I'm a little worried about your safety."

"Maybe the princess fell asleep because she was too tired just now." The voice of the princess became weaker and weaker: "By the way, what did you want to talk to the county just now? You should have something important to say in the middle of the night, right?"

Because the princess is always behind the curtain, Lu Yang doesn't know if there will be a rule that the princess can't let other men see her face.

Although Lu Yang really wanted to see the princess's injuries, but now he could only stand in front of the princess hall and talk to the princess.

"If I'm not mistaken, I just happened to be the assassin I told you about, and she should have been to the princess mansion." Lu Yang replied, "I thought she wanted to assassinate you, but she seemed to go to my place first. By the way, you shouldn't have seen anyone suspicious just now, right?"

The princess pondered for a while, as if she was trying to recall what happened just now. After a long time, she shook her head and replied: "This princess just went out for convenience before half a stick of incense. As for the suspicious person, this princess has never seen it before."

Looking at the blood behind the door of the Princess Palace, Lu Yang can roughly guess the origin of the pool of blood.

This pool of blood may have been left unintentionally by the princess after she was injured, or it may have been accidentally left by Xi happened to come when the princess was out, and when she saw that the princess was not here and left after seeing that the princess was not here.

Although I don't know why Xiqiao didn't come to assassinate the princess first, but anyway, Lu Yang was relieved to see that the princess was fine.

Although what happened tonight almost involved human life, but fortunately there was no danger, neither he nor the princess was seriously injured.

However, it cannot be said that tonight was fruitless for Lu Yang. After all, when Xiqiao assassinated him, his arm was scratched by the corner of the window, so the wound would definitely leave a scar, and it might be helpful to track down Xiqiao's real identity in the future.

"I'm afraid this princess mansion is not safe anymore." Lu Yang said after thinking for a long time: "I suggest increasing the manpower in the princess mansion! If you want, you can arrange two guards for me, and I won't mind!"

"I'll leave this matter to you and Mr. Ma." The princess sighed and said, "Although you are a guest, there are too many inconveniences for the princess. Hey, this year is really bad luck. I didn't expect that poor eyesight could cause injuries in my mansion..."

Hearing the princess's self-mockery, Lu Yang really didn't know how to answer the conversation. It was really difficult for a straight steel man like him to comfort others, so he agreed to the princess' request.

"Then Princess, you can rest first, and leave this matter to me and Master Ma." Lu Yang raised his hand and gave a slight salute before leaving the Palace of the Princess.

Lu Yang, who came outside the palace of the princess again, pinched his chin, looking back and thinking about the appearance of the guards in the palace of the princess, he always felt that there was an indescribable weirdness.

But it's not convenient to ask the princess directly in front of those guards, so Lu Yang can only put this question aside for the time being, and ask Master Ma again when he has a chance.

After leaving the Palace of the Princess, Lu Yang turned back to his room. Because Xiqiao was injured, Lu Yang was not very worried that Xiqiao would turn back. Since there are guards guarding the Palace of the Princess, the Princess should not be threatened.

So Lu Yang went back to the bed and pulled out the silver blade nailed to the bed board, and then rested.

Early the next morning, before Lu Yang fell asleep and woke up naturally, Master Ma knocked on Lu Yang's door.

"Lu Yang! Are you awake!" Master Ma's voice sounded a little anxious, "I heard that the princess was injured last night, and an assassin came to the county town yesterday, do you know about this?"

Lu Yang simply tidied up his clothes, pushed open the door and saw that Mr. Ma was out of breath, as if he had rushed all the way after getting the news.

"I know everything about last night." Lu Yang seemed much calmer than Mr. Ma: "Fortunately, the assassin came to my side first, and then went to the princess's side after being injured. But the princess's injury has nothing to do with the assassin, don't worry."

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"It's really a crime." Master Ma was already in a hurry, he was very annoyed why he slept until dawn last night without knowing anything. As a master, he didn't know about such a big matter!

"That assassin will come again, right?" Mr. Ma couldn't think of a countermeasure at all. Even Lu Yang, who was listed as a distinguished guest by the princess, was attacked. There is probably no one in Jinchan County who can deal with that assassin.

Lu Yang smiled and shook his head: "The assassin was injured last night, and he probably won't come again in a short time. Moreover, the princess has given you and me the task of expanding the guards. If the guards in the county are strengthened, it may be difficult for the injured assassin to get close to the princess' mansion."

"The princess actually agreed?" Mr. Ma looked at Lu Yang in shock and said, "But I suggested this matter to the princess before, and not only did the princess not agree, but she was quite disgusted with it. It's really strange..."

"Maybe this kind of thing has something to do with appearance." Lu Yang replied.

Master Ma gave Lu Yang a blank look and didn't answer Lu Yang's words. At this moment, his expression as if he remembered something suddenly became serious again: "Oh! correct! One more thing is weird! I don't know if it's a coincidence, since you appeared in this county, no one has disappeared in the county for two days! "