Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 81: Two volumes extra (1)


However, Xiqiao's seemingly awkward atmosphere didn't last too long. Before they stood outside the house for a few minutes, the closed door of the teahouse was pushed open.

Fanfan came out of the house, she gently wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, and said with a smile: "Everything is going well, mother and child are safe!"

"Did you go to the wrong set?" Lu Yang complained, but when he saw Fanfan coming out of the house, he immediately told Fanfan and Taoist Yunbao who was still inside the house about the inexplicable killing of those thieves and his guess.

The two also chose to avoid speaking after learning the news. What everyone can almost guess is that the secret manipulation of the affairs in Jinchan County must be stronger than all the people present!

As for whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, why he concealed the things in Jinchan County, and whether the other party is also on the list of the Wan Yao Pavilion's meeting, these things are all unknown.

"Lu Yang, I'm really bothering you." With the support of Taoist Yunbao, the princess came out of the teahouse. Judging from her slightly pale complexion, this treatment did not have any side effects on her.

"Are you all right?" Lu Yang reconfirmed.

Taoist Yun Bao, who was beside the Princess, nodded, "Fortunately, I came back in time. If we delay for a few more days, we may not be able to lift the curse on her with just this black water lily."

In any case, the three-legged golden toad is a monster with thousands of years of cultivation. Fanfan only knew that the black water lily was used to break the curse, but he didn't know that the amount of black water lily should be increased according to the strength of the curse.

If it weren't for the three-legged golden toad's primordial spirit being refined by Lu Yang, and they came back sooner, the current situation of the princess must be quite dangerous.

After all, Yuanli Jing, which was kept in Lu Yang's sleeve, would be useless for a while. As for what that monster in the Yuanli Mirror is, and who put that monster into the Yuanli Mirror, Lu Yang and the others don't know about it.

As for whether the person who put the monster into the mirror of Yuanli is the same person who concealed what happened in Jinchan County, Lu Yang and others also need to consider this matter.

If these two people are the same person, then the situation they will face in the future will be quite dangerous.

You must know that monster is an existence that all the people present cannot defeat. If someone can control that monster, that person's strength will be at least several times that of that monster. In the eyes of that person, they really exist like ants.

After putting the princess back into the room, Lu Yang took Fanfan and prepared to find a new place for them. Although Fanfan and Taoist Yunbao are both Lu Yang's magic weapons, Fan Fan still doesn't like to stay on Lu Yang's body in the form of magic weapons after all.

Yuan Lijing couldn't change into its original form for the time being, so Taoist Yun Bao could only stay outside Yuan Lijing. For that small teahouse, the number of people it can accommodate there is really limited, and it is indeed inconvenient for so many people to live together.

"If we change places to live, will Fanfan still have a chance to share a room with the master?" Fanfan looked at Lu Yang expectantly.

"Don't worry, definitely not!" Lu Yang resolutely refused.

Looking at the gradually restored streets, Lu Yang reckoned that in a few months, Jinchan County would be able to restore its former prosperity.

The streets that were destroyed during the battle with the three-legged golden toad have been repaired for more than half of the time, and the destroyed houses are also being repaired with the efforts of all the people. Except for the completely destroyed princess mansion, the recovery here is quite fast.

After searching the streets for a long time, Lu Yang found a relatively quiet place.

This place is located in the southeast corner of Jinchan County, and it happens to be similar to the teahouse that Lu Yang bought, and it is adjacent to the southern city wall. Because it is near the city wall, and the city gate is several kilometers away from here, there are very few people coming and going here.

This is a pagoda and temple that has been abandoned for a long time. As Lu Yang saw, because there are not many people coming and going around here, it has not been renovated for a long time. After a long time, it will naturally be idle.

Places like pagodas and temples are directly managed by the princess mansion, so even if someone wants to take this place, they have to go through the procedures of the princess mansion. Now it seems that this place is nothing more than an excellent place for them to settle temporarily.

After returning to the residence, Lu Yang told the princess his thoughts. Lu Yang thought that the princess would consider living in that place, but when Lu Yang mentioned that place just now, what he never expected was that the princess directly rejected it.

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"No, that place is absolutely not!" said the princess.

"Isn't that place pretty good?" Fanfan didn't expect the princess to refuse so resolutely.

Looking at the slightly nervous expression of the princess, Lu Yang seemed to have guessed something, and he asked, "Did something happen in that pagoda, so you don't want to live there?"

The princess lowered her head slightly, as if thinking of something she didn't want to recall. After a long time, the princess finally raised her head, with cold sweat streaming down her cheeks: "There are unclean things in the temple you saw, because of this, the temple has not been renovated for a long time and has been left unused for a long time!"

"Unclean things?" Lu Yang finally knew what the princess was worried about. The dirty things that the princess said should be the "dirty things" that people often refer to.

If it was before, Lu Yang would definitely choose to stay away after hearing such things. But the current situation is different. You must know who is beside him now, who doesn't have two brushes? How can mere ghosts matter in front of them

Lu Yang said confidently: "Don't worry, we will leave this matter to us. After we get rid of that dirty thing, we will move there to live!"

After talking, Lu Yang looked at Xiqiao: "What do you think!"

"Ah? Oh... Well, I'll leave it to you!" Xiqiao said tremblingly, as if she was worried about something.

Lu Yang immediately noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with Xiqiao's face, he stared carefully at Xiqiao's eyes and asked: "You are not afraid of ghosts, are you? Obviously you are a monster..."

"Ah, are you kidding me!" Xiqiao was instantly unhappy when he heard Lu Yang say this: "How could this girl be afraid of that little thing? Obviously that thing doesn't even have the ability to fight!"

"Okay, then leave this matter to me and Xiqiao tonight!" Lu Yang said.

"Ah?" Xiqiao exclaimed, then hesitated to speak.

Looking at her unlovable expression, she seems to have no confidence in herself...