Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 82: Pagoda Temple in Jinchan County (2)


If it wasn't for Xiqiao's brave words, she might have fallen asleep at this time. But sadly, Lu Yang didn't intend to let her go, so that night, Lu Yang pulled her out of the teahouse and headed towards the Pagoda Temple.

What surprised Xiqiao even more was that not only did Lu Yang not bring Fanfan on this trip, but even Taoist Yunbao didn't come with him. Xiqiao couldn't help doubting, could it be that Lu Yang planned to rely on the strength of the two of them to settle the things in the pagoda

No, to be precise, Lu Yang seems to want her to take full responsibility for this matter! You must know that if Lu Yang didn't bring the monster gathering banner with him, he wouldn't be able to use the power of the monster gathering banner. Lu Yang who lost the monster gathering banner is just an ordinary person.

Although Lu Yang had a precedent of defeating the three-legged golden toad without relying on any external force, what they are facing today is "that kind of thing"! To deal with that kind of thing, it is definitely not enough to rely on brain aura!

"Let me tell you." Xiqiao saw the pagoda and temple that Lu Yang mentioned from a distance, just seeing the dilapidated appearance of the pagoda and temple, Xiqiao didn't have a good impression of this kind of place.

This pagoda temple seems to have been abandoned for a long time, and most of the bricks and tiles used to decorate it have fallen off. Cobwebs fluttering in the wind can be vaguely seen through the incomplete wooden windows, but the pagoda is completely dark, so it is not a good place at first glance!

"What's wrong?" Lu Yang replied, he didn't seem to be panicked. After all, Lu Yang planned to let Xiqiao go in and deal with that guy from the very beginning. As for him, he just planned to stay outside the pagoda and wait and see what happened.

Although Xiqiao really wanted to tell Lu Yang that she didn't want to go to this kind of place, she didn't want to admit that she was still afraid of those things, so she said coyly: "If this kind of place is used to live, it will definitely be leaky. Let's move to another place?"

"Aren't you scared?" Lu Yang provocatively said, "I thought this kind of place would be easy for you, but I didn't expect that I wrongly blamed you and shouldn't bring you to this kind of place."

"Who, who's scared!" Xiqiao clenched her fists slightly, she knew that Lu Yang said this to her on purpose, but her temper couldn't help her to admit it: "Just go! Just stay outside!"

"Then I won't go in!" Lu Yang readily agreed.

Xiqiao looked at Lu Yang with eyes full of contempt. At this time, they were already standing in front of the pagoda. Because the location is relatively remote, and it is already late at night, there are not many lights that can illuminate the road here.

What's more coincidental is that the sky tonight is even more cloudy. If you enter the inside of this pagoda, there must be no lighting conditions.

Xiqiao gritted her teeth and was ruthless. After turning her head and giving Lu Yang a white look, she walked directly into the pagoda.

Gently pushing open the door of this pagoda, the dust accumulated over the years slipped down from the wooden door in an instant, and a few spider threads fell on Xiqiao's head along the dust.

Although Xiqiao didn't look embarrassed, it was really not a good start for Xiqiao in this situation.

"If you don't want to go in, we can really go back!" Lu Yang said again.

"It's so noisy! Just wait outside!" Xiqiao said and walked into the temple without looking back.

As she entered the temple, the door behind her closed with a bang. This loud noise directly scared Xiqiao into a shiver. Although the monster clan she belongs to has strong night vision ability, but in this completely dark condition, the place where her eyes can only see is within two meters of her side.

"Lu Yang, are you trying to scare me?" Xiqiao asked in a low voice, but when she sneaked to the door and looked at Lu Yang sitting outside the pagoda, twiddling with her fingers, she realized that the door was not closed by Lu Yang, but closed by itself!

Although this classic plot is old-fashioned, I still feel the inner panic when I am on the scene. Xiqiao thought it was over, there were really unclean things in the pagoda.

But now that she has walked in here, if she ran out in a few seconds, that guy Lu Yang would definitely laugh at her even more.

I have no choice but to bite the bullet and go on! The so-called ghosts are nothing more than ordinary spirit bodies, they have almost no fighting ability, and they have almost no unique skills except for hiding in the dark and gaining spiritual power by scaring people.

As long as the ghost hidden in the pagoda can be captured, her mission is over.

The internal structure of the pagoda is not complicated. On the first floor of the pagoda is a hall with a very wide field of view. A rough estimate is only less than 100 square meters in area.

In the center of the first floor of this pagoda temple, there is a pedestal, which should be the place where the gods were enshrined before. It's just that the current pedestal was not taken care of here, so the enshrined god was also taken away with the people here.

Apart from this pedestal, there are no other decorations on the first floor. After all, it is not difficult to understand that there are fewer decorations in this kind of place for worship.

When standing outside the door with Lu Yang, Xiqiao noticed that the pagoda looks very tall, but the actual number of floors is only seven floors. According to common sense, the probability of the ghost hiding on the top floor is the greatest.

As a monster, Xiqiao is different from ordinary people. If those ghosts are placed in the eyes of ordinary people, they are completely transparent existences. So many people don't understand what happens in front of them when they face ghosts.

But if those ghosts were placed in Xiqiao's eyes, they could be seen with the naked eye. Even with the help of Ju Yao Banner, Lu Yang couldn't do this.

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It's just that Xiqiao doesn't know what those ghosts look like and whether they are scary. Even though she has the ability to defeat those ghosts, if she faces those guys suddenly, she will definitely be startled.

Xiqiao's current situation is as if she has entered a real-life puzzle game that is very common in shopping malls alone. She clearly knows that those so-called ghosts are pretended by people, but when the real people pretending to be ghosts appear in front of her, she still cannot avoid being frightened.

This is what Xiqiao is most worried about now. But even so, if she didn't get rid of the ghosts hiding in this pagoda, she definitely couldn't take Lu Yang back directly.