Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 87: erased memory


·As the light of the purple magic circle gradually became stronger, Lu Yang's figure disappeared from the city wall. Of course, for Lu Yang, he didn't notice that his position had been transferred at all.

With the disappearance of the purple magic circle under his feet, Lu Yang realized that the scene in front of him had changed in astonishment.

It was obviously noon when he was waiting on the city wall just now, but when he was transferred here, he realized that it seemed to be night here.

No, to be precise, it is very likely that this place is always in the state of night, and the location of the Wanyao Pavilion is very likely to be in a hidden corner of another space similar to Yuhuntan!

Lu Yang originally thought that he would be directly teleported into the Ten Thousand Monsters Pavilion. When he arrived at the Ten Thousand Monsters Pavilion, it was estimated that the Ten Thousand Monsters Pavilion was already full of monsters. But in fact Lu Yang was not sent to Wan Yao Pavilion.

At this time, he was in a stone forest, and the overall style of this world was almost all lavender. Whether it is the stones around him or the weeds growing in the crevices of the stones, they are all a uniform lavender.

Looking up at the sky, the sky is indeed lavender. Compared with the outside world, the sky here is extraordinarily clean. Although it is night, there are no stars in the sky here, and not even a trace of cloud can be seen.

The whole world is illuminated by the lavender light in the sky. If it weren't for the fact that this place was called Wanyao Pavilion, Lu Yang might have recognized it as a fairyland at first impression.

"For the rest of the way, I can only trouble Master Jinchan to go there in person." The person who brought Lu Yang from Jinchan County didn't seem to have any intention of taking Lu Yang to Wanyao Pavilion.

The man raised his finger and pointed to the magnificent palace on the mountain peak in the distance, and said: "The master of the palace and all the adults are over there. After the meeting is over, the young one will pick up Lord Jinchan and go back."

The man wanted to turn his head and leave as soon as he said that, but Lu Yang always felt that he would not feel at ease if he didn't ask that person for some information, so he hurriedly turned around to grab the person who was about to leave.

But when his hand touched the man's cloak, the man disappeared as if out of thin air. The moment Lu Yang's hand was about to touch that person, the cloak on that person fell to the ground as if it had lost its strength.

As the cloak fell, there was no one standing under the cloak. The person who brought Lu Yang here disappeared under Lu Yang's nose, as if he disappeared out of thin air.

"It seems that the other party doesn't intend to let me know something." Lu Yang said to himself with a wry smile. It was outrageous for him to attend the Wan Yao Pavilion meeting, so Lu Yang didn't think too much about it, and walked towards Wan Yao Pavilion after that person disappeared.

Because the mountain road here is not so easy to walk, it took Lu Yang a little time to reach the gate of the Wanyao Pavilion palace. It's just that what Lu Yang is particularly concerned about is that he has never seen other monster races along the way.

Maybe it was just as the person who brought him said, the time was running out. Now Lu Yang is probably already late. The meeting in the Wanyao Pavilion might have already started.

So Lu Yang didn't stop in front of the palace gate too much. After all, the longer he hangs around here, the more likely he will be suspected. You must know that all the monster clans in the Ten Thousand Monster Pavilion are as powerful as the three-legged golden toad, and those who can have such a powerful cultivation base are naturally not ordinary people.

Lu Yang took a deep breath, and then pushed open the door of Wan Yao Pavilion in front of him.

The heavy door of Wanyao Pavilion did not make any sound, and was gently pushed open by Lu Yang. However, something incredible happened soon.

Before Lu Yang stepped in through the gate, a message came from his mind that he wanted to open the gate. This information was obviously something he was thinking just now, but Lu Yang felt baffled, why did he want to open the door again after he had already pushed it open

The movements of his hands were almost subconscious, Lu Yang didn't even understand what he was thinking, his hand had already "re-opened" the door in front of him, and as the door opened, the scene in front of him was astonishingly the scene outside the Wanyao Pavilion just now.

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As the door opened, Lu Yang only felt a mysterious force pushing him from behind. Immediately afterwards, he staggered out of Wanyao Pavilion again, and the door behind him was also closed directly as Lu Yang walked out.

"What's the situation?" Lu Yang looked at the closed door of the Wanyao Pavilion behind him in surprise. When he was still wondering if he was rejected by the Wanyao Pavilion, he suddenly felt that he was holding a round object in his hand.

This thing seemed to be held by him all the time, and he just felt something in his hand. And when Lu Yang lowered his head, he was instantly dumbfounded. The thing he held in his hand was obviously exactly the same as the Dragon Clan Demon Pill described by Firefox!

"Could it be that… "

Lu Yang instantly understood the current situation. The dragon demon pill in his hand has already told him enough information. What he experienced just now was not rejected by Wanyao Pavilion, but that he had already stayed in Wanyao Pavilion for half a day!

Because Firefox also told him that even the demon clan who participated in the Wan Yao Pavilion meeting will be erased by Wan Yao Pavilion from the memory of the meeting, so his memory is not coherent. Naturally, he connected the memory before entering Wan Yao Pavilion with the memory of walking out of Wan Yao Pavilion.

If you want to ask what the erased memory is, it must be everything he experienced in the meeting. It's just that Lu Yang never thought that being erased from his memory would feel like this, even he himself didn't notice it at that moment just now!

Looking at the Wanyao Pavilion with the closed gate behind him, Lu Yang guessed that the other monsters who could come out of the meeting of the Wanyao Pavilion had probably been sent back in batches. As for what happened in the Wan Yao Pavilion meeting, I am afraid that only the owner of the Wan Yao Pavilion knows.

Although it is very lucky to be able to come out of the Wanyao Pavilion alive and get the Dragon Clan Demon Pill. But I have to say that Lu Yang still feels uneasy after being erased out of thin air. After all, the more this kind of thing is deliberately concealed, the more hidden behind it is the superficial phenomenon!

But for some reason, after experiencing this incident, Lu Yang felt relieved. It seems that this mysterious Wan Yao Pavilion meeting is not so scary after being erased...