Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 90: Lu Yang's conditions


Lu Yang looked at the Dragon Clan Demon Pill that Firefox handed him again and shook his head with a smile: "Since this thing has been promised to give to you, how can I have any reason to take it back? Besides, even if this Dragon Clan Demon Pill is given to me, I won't be of much use."

"But..." Firefox was a little impatient. You must know that on Lu Yang's side, perhaps only Fanfan, who was transformed from gathering demon banners, has a little fighting power, and besides Fanfan, there are only Taoist Yunbao and Xiqiao.

The identity of Daoist Yunbao is what Firefox has heard from Lu Yang, and her identity is actually the mirror master of Donghai Yuanlijing. Although the mirror owner of Yuan Lijing sounds more famous, in fact, he basically has no fighting power.

Although Xiqiao is also a demon clan, he also showed impressive combat effectiveness in the previous battles. But in terms of cultivation, Xiqiao's cultivation is not even one-tenth of hers. Just this kind of cultivation base is not enough to look at in front of a big monster who has cultivated for thousands of years.

Once Lu Yang was captured one day, Fan Fan and Taoist Yun Bao would lose their fighting power, and it would definitely not be enough for Xiqiao to fight alone.

The most important thing is that although Lu Yang holds this dragon demon pill, it is not very useful, but if Xiqiao can refine it, Xiqiao can improve his cultivation by eight hundred years at least.

This means that Xiqiao's strength has directly multiplied dozens of times, and she can also become a big demon in her own right.

Lu Yang must be very aware of this point, but Lu Yang still insisted on giving her the dragon demon pill, which made Firefox very puzzled.

"I've actually thought of what you thought of." Lu Yang saw that Firefox was still struggling, so he continued to explain: "If she is handed over to Xiqiao, maybe this Jinchan County will not be violated by other little monsters."

Lu Yang paused, and said: "But judging from the current situation, among those monsters who have thoughts about Jinchan County, which one has not been cultivated for thousands of years? Just relying on these 800 years of cultivation, it is really a bit unreasonable."

"That is to say, you hope that this dragon demon pill under this venerable can help Jinchan County at a critical moment?" Firefox finally understood what Lu Yang meant.

What I have to say is that what Lu Yang said is indeed reasonable. But it's a bit far-fetched for her to accept such a valuable thing for such a reason alone.

What Lu Yang is doing now is equivalent to splitting the bonus with a passerby after winning the lottery.

"It also depends on whether you are willing to help us." Lu Yang smiled.

"It's not impossible to ask the deity to help you, but such a generous gift." Firefox still resisted in his heart. If what Lu Yang gave her was just an ordinary dragon demon pill, then five hundred years of cultivation would still be acceptable to her.

But what you need to know is that the Yaozu have to go through a small catastrophe every 100 years of cultivation, and a major catastrophe every 500 years, and each time the catastrophe they endure will rise to a higher level. Many monster races were unable to pass the thousand-year cultivation level.

Although the five-hundred-year cultivation base is only three hundred years away from the eight-hundred-year cultivation base, it can directly allow the monster clan that devoured this demon pill to safely survive the five-hundred-year catastrophe. The difference between these two demon pills is not a simple matter of numbers.

Firefox feels that although Lu Yang said so, but Xiqiao should have an idea about this dragon demon pill, right? After all, what Lu Yang said just now was Lu Yang's own thoughts, and for Xiqiao, this demon pill was actually the right choice for her.

But when Firefox looked back at Xiqiao, she was surprised to find that Xiqiao didn't seem to care about this matter at all! As if she didn't hear what Lu Yang just said, she didn't care about it at all.

This surprised Firefox very much. Could it be that Xiqiao doesn't want her strength to become stronger

"Don't you want to fight for this dragon demon pill? This is a full eight hundred years of cultivation!" Firefox couldn't hold back in the end, she asked Xiqiao.

"This thing is not that important to me." Xiqiao scratched her head as she said that. This attitude that has nothing to do with me is even somewhat similar to Lu Yang's style of handling things.

"Don't you want your strength to become stronger?" Firefox was a little confused about what Xiqiao was thinking. As a demon clan, in this world, the weak have only the fate of being killed by the strong.

The so-called law of the jungle is exactly the truth. Once they have nearly a thousand years of cultivation, it means that in this field they are in, ordinary monsters dare not invade.

And according to Firefox's knowledge, the Black Cat Clan itself is a small race. Although their number is not small, their average cultivation level is only about 300 years.

But having said that, the Black Cat Clan has a very long history. If you want to go back, you can even go back thousands of years. At that time, the black cat tribe once gave birth to a strong man whose cultivation base was only a thousand years old, but whose strength was comparable to that of tens of thousands of years.

If it weren't for the fact that the big monster clans worked together to squeeze out the black cat race, perhaps the current world has been ruled by the black cat clan. And what happened ten thousand years ago, not many people know about it, maybe they are only passed down as myths among the black cat clan.

What I have to say is that the black cat race is definitely not a weak race in terms of blood. The blood of this race is even above her Firefox or Golden Toad.

It is such a powerful group, Xiqiao, as the only surviving member of the black cat clan, doesn't she want her strength to become stronger to revitalize the black cat clan

"Instead of relying on the power of this demon pill to become a strong person." Xiqiao explained: "I hope to improve my strength through my own experience. Eight hundred years of cultivation is indeed very attractive, but for me, I want to see the process of my hard work."

"Yo, I didn't expect your idea to be quite inspirational." Lu Yang gave Xiqiao an approving look.

"I can't hear you praising me from your tone!" Xiqiao gave Lu Yang a blank look, and then continued: "And I also respect Lu Yang's choice. Lu Yang's ability to see the current situation is much better than mine. I trust his judgment."

Lu Yang couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed to be praised by Xiqiao like this. After hearing Xiqiao's words, Firefox seemed to have made a decision in his heart.

Firefox looked at Lu Yang and asked, "If I have successfully refined this dragon demon pill, is there anything else you need my help for?"

Hearing what Firefox said, Lu Yang smiled slightly, and saw that he took out the Yuanli Mirror that had been shrunk to the size of a palm from his pocket, and said, "Of course there is."

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