Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 97: It's molting!


"How could this speed attack that black dragon..." Taoist Rainbow looked at the group of colorful foxfire released by Firefox and muttered in a low voice. Although the group of foxfire released by Firefox was very imposing, its speed was not satisfactory.

Although this fox fire has the ability to incinerate everything, the speed at which it is released is really too slow. This speed is far behind the movement speed of Firefox when it was fighting the fire dragon just now. This kind of attack will definitely be easily resolved by the fire dragon.

Lu Yang looked at the fox fire released by Firefox and had the same thought as Taoist Yunbao, but soon Lu Yang thought of Firefox's intention in doing so, and he couldn't help laughing: "It seems that this is the trump card. Indeed, if you do this, the black dragon will not be able to avoid it no matter what."

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org

"Master, have you seen any tricks?" Fanfan asked. Looking at Lu Yang's confident eyes, Fanfan is sure that Lu Yang definitely knows that Firefox's trump card is not just a simple thing like this fox fire.

"It's not easy." Lu Yang said, "You must know that her ability can teleport anything to any place!"

"Could it be?" Xiqiao instantly understood Firefox's intentions.

"That's right." Lu Yang nodded: "Just now she must have been using her ability to go around behind the black dragon, so it gave the black dragon the illusion that Firefox can only teleport herself. But in fact, Firefox can also teleport that black dragon to any place."

"In this way, this foxfire is not trying to attack the black dragon, but wants to send the black dragon directly into this foxfire?" Taoist Yunbao couldn't help thinking carefully and became terrified.

The combination of this all-burning fox fire and Firefox's teleportation ability is simply a perfect match. As long as it is caught by Firefox's ability, no matter who it is, it must suffer from this deadly fox fire!

And the black dragon they were facing now obviously didn't notice Firefox's thoughts. It didn't even intend to use its own abilities!

As the most powerful monster clan, it is very common for dragons to have multiple abilities. Before the opponent can use the ability of the opponent, they must beat the opponent by surprise!

As expected by Lu Yang and others, the black dragon did not have any thoughts at all when he saw the approaching fox fire. In its eyes, that group of fox fire was as slow as a turtle. Even if it flew in front of its eyes, it felt that it could dodge it in an instant.

But what the black dragon never expected was that the fox fire suddenly disappeared from its field of vision when it was still more than ten meters away! Immediately afterwards, a severe burning sensation came from its body instantly!

In an instant, it was surprised to find that at some point, it had been surrounded by that group of foxfire!

Heilong looked at Firefox in surprise, with a look of disbelief on his face. But soon it realized the current situation. It seems that the foxfire didn't attack it all of a sudden, but its body flew directly into the foxfire!

"Did it work?!" Xiqiao exclaimed.

"Hey! Wait! This sentence is falg!" Lu Yang looked at the black dragon that was gradually devoured by the fox fire, and couldn't help but shed a cold sweat. But in that group of foxfire, the black dragon didn't seem to have any power to fight back.

This all-swallowing fox fire was constantly eroding the scales on the black dragon's body, and the crackling sound of the scales bursting could be heard continuously in the sky, and the sound rose and fell in the sky like firecrackers.

In just three seconds, the scales of the black dragon kept falling like rain in the sky. Countless scales fell to the ground, covering the ground in a blink of an eye!

"This guy is indeed a bit difficult to deal with." Firefox quickly turned into a human and stood beside Lu Yang: "This is also the final blow of this deity..."

Lu Yangneng could tell from Firefox's expression that using this Foxfire's ability had exhausted all of Firefox's energy. It seems that it is very difficult for her to use Firefox. But it's no wonder, after all, what Firefox controls is the strongest colorful foxfire among the foxfires!

According to Taoist Yunbao, no matter what it is, it can be swallowed by the colorful fox fire. Looking at the speed at which the scales were burned off, the black dragon would probably be burned to ashes in less than five seconds!

"Wait! It's a bit strange!" Taoist Rainbow stared at the black dragon in the sky that was constantly being devoured by the fox fire and exclaimed: "That black dragon looks a little strange!"

Hearing what Taoist Yunbao said, everyone couldn't help raising their heads to look at the sky. The black dragon eroded by the black fox fire in the sky seemed to be frozen, motionless in the fox fire. Although the scales on its body kept falling off, it didn't let out any painful wails.

This is obviously a bit unreasonable. It is reasonable to say that the pain caused by the fox fire that can burn anything in a few seconds must be thousands or even tens of thousands of times higher than the burning sensation of ordinary flames.

Since the black dragon doesn't have human thinking, it stands to reason that it would roar naturally at this time. But the strange thing is that the black dragon didn't react at all in the foxfire.

Under the puzzled eyes of Lu Yang and others, the fire dragon swallowed by the fox fire slowly shrunk. The dragon scale on the top of the head suddenly collapsed. Lu Yang and others took a closer look, but were surprised to find that there was no flesh under the dragon scale!

"It's shedding its skin!" Taoist Rainbow instantly sensed the situation of the black dragon.

Like snakes, dragons have the ability to shed their skin. Although the temperature of this fox fire is extremely high, if you want to completely burn the black dragon, you can only continuously devour it from the outside to the inside.

And that black dragon must have escaped from the fox fire before all of them noticed while his scales had not been burned through by the fire!

"Be careful and get out of the way!" Fanfan frowned suddenly, she subconsciously pushed all the people in front of her out.

Fanfan's explosive power was astonishing, before Lu Yang and others noticed, everyone was pushed away by Fanfan more than ten meters away, and Fanfan also turned back into a monster-gathering banner at the moment she pushed everyone out, and flew back to Lu Yang's waist.

The retreated Lu Yang and the others turned their heads in surprise, and at the same time they heard a loud bang, and a black claw instantly landed on the spot where they were standing just now! A huge pit one meter deep was stepped directly on the ground!

If it wasn't for Fanfan's timely response, they would have been trampled to pieces now!