Purvaviheda’s Tale of Sealing Demons

Chapter 98


On that giant claw, the black dragon also looked at Lu Yang and the others with surprised eyes. It seemed that it didn't expect that Lu Yang and others would see through its shedding trick so quickly, and accurately deduced that it would attack them immediately.

The person who was pushed away by the sail finally landed safely on the ground, and they looked towards the black dragon. I saw that the skinned black dragon was still covered with black scales. The opponent's recovery ability was amazing, and the fox fire just now hardly caused any damage to it!

"It seems that the deity lost after all?" Firefox clenched his fists unwillingly. As long as the other party still has the ability to shed its skin, her fox fire can't do anything to this black dragon!

And the last teleportation ability she can use now does not guarantee that she can defeat the black dragon with the method just now.

"No, we may still have hope of defeating it." Lu Yang looked at the brand new scales on the black dragon and said, "Look at the newly grown scales, they are not as strong as before. If I'm not wrong, it will take some time before it fully recovers!"

Hearing what Lu Yang said, everyone couldn't help but carefully observed the black dragon's scales. When they saw it clearly, they found that the black dragon's scale armor was indeed as Lu Yang said, it didn't look very strong.

Although the newly grown scales looked shiny and bright on the surface, they were actually very soft in texture, as if they could be easily pressed down with a finger.

Regarding this situation, Taoist Yunbao is not very clear. After all, her understanding of the Dragon Clan is only hearsay about the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas, and there are very few cases where the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas can really be forced to shed their skin.

"In other words, this black dragon doesn't seem to be as difficult to deal with just now?" Taoist Rainbow also felt that it was not impossible for them to fight.

After hearing the analysis from Lu Yang and others, Firefox's expression remained unchanged and became optimistic. Although what Lu Yang and others said was not unreasonable, she still had to tell Lu Yang and others a reality that they had to face now.

"Although what you said is correct, have you noticed that the black dragon whose heavy scales have been removed has moved faster?" Firefox's tone became more and more serious.

But she also knew that Lu Yang and others could not see any actions of the black dragon. In her battle with the black dragon just now, because she kept moving relative to the black dragon and always moved in the same direction as the black dragon, she could barely see the black dragon's figure.

But as the black dragon's scales receded, she dared to believe that the speed of the black dragon attacking them just now was faster than when she was fighting! With the current speed of the black dragon, they would not be able to detect the movement of the black dragon at all!

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What's even more frightening is that the black dragon hasn't used its ability yet! And now among all of them, the only one that can be used to fight is her last chance to teleport!

Firefox is very tangled in her heart now, she knows that the use of teleportation ability is very important this time!

The group of fox fire released by her in the sky has not been extinguished, which means that the group of fox fire still has value to use. If this black dragon could be teleported into that group of fox fire, maybe it could still inflict heavy damage on that black dragon.

But the black dragon's ability to shed its skin was too much to restrain her fox fire. If the black dragon could shed its skin again, they would completely lose the chance of defeating the black dragon.

And this last teleportation opportunity is to teleport all the people present to a safe place, so that they can directly escape the black dragon's attack.

However, they also analyzed at the beginning that with the speed of this black dragon, no matter where they fled, it could rush to them and kill them before the time for her ability to refresh.

What's more, the speed of this black dragon that has shed its skin once will become faster, and perhaps the time to catch up with them is only the effort of the front and rear legs.

Firefox's complexion gradually became dignified. No matter what the current situation is, they can only die!

Cold sweat gradually rolled down Firefox's forehead, and now she didn't even have to think about the possibility of defeating the black dragon, or the chance of leaving alive.

What she is most concerned about now is, who will hide this black dragon in the mirror of Yuanli? The strength of this black dragon can be called a mythical existence no matter what, but what kind of strength is the person who can subdue this black dragon

Most importantly, what is the purpose of that person to place this black dragon in the mirror of Yuanli? And when Lu Yang and others were looking for the black water lily in Yuanli Mirror, the black dragon obviously had so many chances to kill Lu Yang and others, but why didn't it take so long

The more Firefox thought about it, the more she felt dizzy. She felt that she would not know the truth of this matter before she died.

"Isn't it too early to give up now?"

Lu Yang, who was standing beside Firefox, said suddenly.

Firefox raised her head and looked at Lu Yang in surprise. Based on her analysis just now, no matter what the current situation is, they will only have a dead end! This Lu Yang won't want to give up until now, right? Obviously the disparity in strength between the two sides is already that big!

"This deity has exhausted its monster power and is unable to fight at all. How can we defeat it?" Firefox couldn't help sighing when he said this. She hoped that Lu Yang could understand that relying on her was useless now.

She thought that swallowing the dragon demon pill that could devour eight hundred years of cultivation would make her strength improve by leaps and bounds, and it would be easy for her to defeat the monster in Yuanli mirror.

But when she saw the black dragon, she found that things were not that simple. It is a pity that it is easy to release the black dragon but it is difficult to lock it in. Now they are at the end of their way.

"How many chances do you have to use your abilities?" Lu Yang asked.

Firefox looked at Lu Yang's face that hadn't changed at all, looked at Lu Yang with suspicious eyes and said: "I only have the last chance to use it, if I use this chance to escape, maybe I can escape to a safe place where the black dragon can't find us for the time being."

However, the possibility of the black dragon not being able to find them is really very low. The sense of smell of this kind of dragon is very sensitive. The possibility of escaping to a safe place and waiting for her ability to refresh is really slim.