Put the man down!

Chapter 119: 120 Perfect imitation (more updates added)


The young artist successfully landed a minor role with a few scenes, and the harvest of the day was already much better than expected. And the dinner that night is a treat for an acquaintance of the manager. Even though the opportunity is rare, the young artist will not know the importance of it and will be shameless enough to follow it... Besides, doesn't all the contacts the manager gets have to be given to the artist? !

So after the audition, the young artist was very obedient and took the initiative to send a text message saying that he would go back to the hotel to familiarize himself with the script. Only Luo Che followed Ye Shuang to have a meal.

Director Zhou is here, Luo Tianwang is also here, and naturally the crew and other leading actors will come. Even with a group purchase order, Ye Shuang still paid more than a thousand yuan for this in the blink of an eye. He opened the middle screen door of the two private rooms and finally managed to seat nearly twenty people.

At the dining table, Luo Che and the crew were introduced to each other, and then they started eating. Everyone took note of this person, and just made it convenient when it was convenient in the future...

The next day, Luo Che, who had received the default permission, began to take his own artists to the director Zhou's crew. In name, he came to visit Ye Shuang and the costars for filming, but in reality... Haha, everyone knows it.

Of course, Luo Che's company has no objections. The agent has relatively free time, and there are no forced announcements. In addition, Luo Che is already on a business trip. It is rare to have an opportunity to join Director Zhou's team. With such a good relationship, other people wasted.

So when Ye Shuang came to the filming location from the hotel, she would see her cousin communicating with the scriptwriter and other people outside the filming location. This scene did not seem so strange.

"Cousin, is it so early?" Ye Shuang greeted.

Luo Che: "..." Is this person familiar with everyone? ! Yesterday it was Brother Luo’s…

"Well, it's early for you too." Thinking that Luo Che should ignore the little issue of address, it would be a matter of time anyway, so he smiled and said: "Do you have a role in the show today?"

"No." Ye Shuang said hello to several staff members who were surprised to see him coming, and then went to find two seats nearby with Luo Che to sit down: "To be honest, I can't act, so I came to see if I can You can’t improvise.”

Ye Shuang is a special guest member. Because she is not an actor in the crew and has no preparation for development in the industry, no one makes many demands on her. She can come and go as she pleases...

If you want to change to an artist like Luo Che who really wants to make progress, it is necessary to take the initiative to show more presence. Not to mention whether it can leave a good impression on the crew, at least it can't leave a bad impression on others, such as feeling you. Not diligent enough or something like that.

To describe it in a relatively straightforward way, Ye Shuang is determined without desire. Because he is not involved in this industry, he does not feel pressured by Director Zhou and Luo Tianwang's status in the circle, so he does not need to be diligent and cautious in order to be appreciated and supported.

Luo Che was surprised: "You can't act at all? Then this is a bit troublesome. Director Zhou seems to think that this is a very important role. If Luo Tianwang is the backbone of the film, then your character is the soul of the film. If you can't act good… "

"Well, it will be miserable if the performance is not good. Director Zhou will definitely hate you and me to death." Ye Shuang said miserably, but her expression looked disapproving.

"What's none of my business... Well, you introduced me here." Luo Che couldn't laugh or cry. There is indeed such a thing in Chinese culture. It's simply too inhumane.

Suddenly discovering that Ye Shuang is a newbie than he thought, Luo Che suddenly felt some pressure.

Everyone knows how much Director Zhou has placed on the role of "brother", otherwise he wouldn't be ecstatically promoting the call online as soon as he saw Ye Shuang.

It’s not uncommon for directors to use newcomers to shoot or even play leading roles. Maybe it’s because they feel that the current stars in the industry don’t have the feeling they want, or maybe it’s because the role itself needs some greenness. In short, no matter what the reason, I’m looking for it all over the country. It is not uncommon for people to have their own character.

Of course, this kind of "willfulness" is generally something only big-name directors or screenwriters dare to ask for. The mainstream public still prefers famous stars with guaranteed box office.

But no matter how you say it, casting a new person in a soul role that only plays a few scenes but plays a significant role is still a bit risky even for the most famous director.

The protagonist has many roles, and the entire plot revolves around the perfect and plump character, so it is easy to get involved and get used to it. Even if one or two scenes are not mature enough, there are still enough scenes and plots to supplement the plot and characters.

But the so-called soul character is different. Ye Shuang is only briefly mentioned in memories. Everyone doesn't know what kind of experience, life, and personality "brother" has had, so they can't think of what kind of story happened to him. Relying on the superb acting skills of the actors, in just a few scenes, the emotions and pride that are not written in the script and that no one knows, but that this person should have... are shown.

-Although no one knows what kind of achievements and honors this man has had, as long as he sees him for the first time, he can already feel his nobility and honor without saying a word.

This is not a requirement that a newcomer can easily meet with his acting skills.

Feeling inexplicable pressure, Luo Che thought about it more and more and felt that the problem was getting serious. If acting was so easy to practice, the entertainment industry would be too delicious, not to mention that Ye Shuang still has to reach the level in a few days. At least he's at the top level, otherwise no matter how handsome his brother is, he can only be a backdrop.

"I just heard from the production manager that King Luo Tian needs to rest for three weeks? So during this period, your scenes will be filmed in the villa?" Luo Che pondered for a moment, and finally couldn't help but make some suggestions: "It's too late to hone your acting skills. But if you really have to improvise, you should be able to grind out the shots one by one... How many scenes do you have in total?"

"I died as soon as the play started, and then there will be three flashback scenes in the middle. In the end, if the quality is good enough, my soul will have to eat the tofu of one scene of the King of Heaven." Ye Shuang summed it up simply, and finished with no sense of confidentiality. He asked, "What do you mean, cousin?"

"... What I mean is that you may not have enough time to figure out the performance yourself, but for these scenes, you have decided on the expressions and movements you will have scene by scene, and then practiced these movements, you should be at this level. question."

Ye Shuang understood immediately after hearing this: "Plan in advance?!"

Acting skills are divided into innate and acquired, and actors are also divided into their true qualities and their acting styles. The best performance is, of course, when the actor embodies his own feelings and understanding of the character, but if there are not many scenes, using some quick shortcuts is the only option and the easiest option.

In other words, Luo Che means that Ye Shuang does not need to know how to play this role. The other party only needs to know what expression and posture he should adopt at what time.

Knowing what it is, not knowing why it is... This is not a compliment, but if you want to improvise, just "knowing it" is enough.

Anyway, my cousin-in-law doesn’t plan to eat this bowl of rice for a long time.

After making up his mind, Luo Che began to explain to Ye Shuang: "If I were bringing artists, I would definitely not suggest this, because no matter what the scene is, it is an opportunity for them to accumulate experience. But if you don't plan to enter this industry, then There’s no need to hone your acting skills, as long as you can cope with it... The focus now is how to cope with it to the satisfaction of others.”

Ye Shuang was speechless: "I think things are actually not that complicated... Cousin, doesn't he just want to imitate? Am I summarizing?!"

imitate? !

This explanation is correct. I imitate the expressions and reactions that "brother" should have, and then practice these expressions and movements to make them natural. Although this lacks room for free expression, at least it will not make mistakes.

Luo Che was very satisfied with Ye Shuang's superiority, but he didn't understand what Ye Shuang meant by summarizing. He thought for a while and said: "Xiaoye, your summary here may not be useful. After all, each character has a different personality, so they The expressions and reactions he is performing are not very suitable for 'brother'..."

"That's not what I meant." Ye Shuang scratched his head, how to explain this: "For example, what does my cousin think of Luo Tianwang's title of Electric Eye?"

"Wang Luo Tianwang is famous for his superb acting skills. Of course, this look in his eyes cannot be easily imitated by others." Luo Che was confused by the topic. It seems that he is a little crooked now? !

"But in my opinion, the so-called 'eyes' are just an idealistic and perceptual term..." Ye Shuang smiled: "To put it bluntly, an eye is a gel-filled lens, with an outer layer of iris, sclera and cornea... All the dramas are In those eyes?! Could it be that Luo Tianwang’s eyes also change the refraction of light or self-projection?! To put it bluntly, his ‘play’ is in his muscles.”

"Muscles, muscles?!"

The first time he heard this statement, Luo Che couldn't react for a moment.

"The tightening or relaxing of the muscles around the eyes causes a certain arc change in the shape of the eyelids, and more importantly, the eyebrows... All in all, human expressions are determined by facial muscles. For example, a smile, some people smile It has to be good-looking. Some people smile obscenely just because they mobilize their muscles to different degrees. Of course, I don’t deny that there is a certain appearance factor.”

Ye Shuang glanced at Luo Che, who was stunned. After thinking for a while, it seemed difficult to understand using words alone, so he turned his body sideways and lowered his head slightly, showing a melancholy and deep expression that was somewhat familiar to the other person, and lowered his voice. Like an affectionate prince, he summed it up: "So the so-called acting skills are how much you can control your own expressions..."

Luo Che was not only shocked by Ye Shuang's arrogance, but also by the other party's current expression.

This sad and profound gaze, this affectionate expression... It seems to be the closing shot of the last scene in Luo Tianwang's famous work, and it is also the reason why his nickname of "Electric Eye" was given.

It's... a perfect imitation. (To be continued)