Qing Kuang

Chapter 127: Operation licking the sea 2


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127 Chapter 6

"Sorry, I didn't see it." Jiang Lei immediately apologized to this person.

Ordinarily, in this case, Jiang Lei was not responsible alone. Jiang Lei turned to face him, he could see clearly, and he bumped into it, and Jiang Lei immediately apologized.

Ordinary people will definitely say that it's okay, or something to indicate, but this person just pushed Jiang Lei aside and strode forward.

"Fuck?" Jiang Lei was somewhat unhappy, "What's going on with the people now."

Kou Chen turned his head and glanced in the direction the man was walking. After a short while, the man had already walked out of the carriage.

He was a little confused: "Don't every car have a boiling water room and toilet, why do people still wear several?"

"Who knows," Jiang Lei sat down unhappily, forgetting that he just got up to challenge Kou Chen, "but my mood won't be affected by a little shit."

Huo Ran stretched his legs and stretched his waist. The first row was quite comfortable and spacious, and there was no shaking head or face that suddenly turned around.

In this way, he and Kou Chen can touch me and give you a hug from time to time. Anyway, Xu Zhifan and Jiang Lei next to them have turned a blind eye to their actions.

Huo Ran yawned, put his leg on Kou Chen's lap, and leaned against the back window sill: "They're going to the beach at night, are you okay?"

"We can just set up our tent a little farther from the sea," Kou Chen said.

"Still a little scared, right?" Huo Ran asked.

"It's a little bit, after all, I haven't seen the sea at night," Kou Chen said. "Wow."

"Then let's retreat to the roadside. I looked at the photos on the guide," Huo Ran said. "The roadside is quite far from the sea, and there are not many people."

"Don't go too far, it's not safe," Kou Chen said. "If a thief comes when we are both exhausted in the middle of the night, you may find that your legs are too weak to catch up..."

Huo Ran smiled and didn't speak. After a few seconds, he suddenly stopped smiling, sat up straight, and shouted at the opposite: "Leilei!"

"What?" Jiang Lei glanced at them, "I have something to say, I don't want to see you two."

"Where is your wallet?" Huo Ran asked.

"In the pocket..." Jiang Lei touched his trousers pocket, and then jumped up, "Fuck me!"

"That person just now!" Kou Chen reacted instantly, jumped up and ran to the car behind.

"Do you remember what that person was like?" Huo Ran also jumped up, running back and asking Jiang Lei.

"...I don't remember." Jiang Lei said.

Several people followed, and the compartment space was limited, so they could not run away, so they all changed to brisk walking.

"Kou Chen, do you remember what that person looked like?" Huo Ran asked behind Kou Chen.

"I don't remember," Kou Chen said, "I didn't look at his face at all. So many people came over, who looked at that?"

"Do you remember what clothes to wear?" Xu Zhifan asked.

"Light-colored." Jiang Lei replied affirmatively, "I remember this very clearly."

"You remember this useless thing very clearly," Huo Ran turned his head and suppressed his voice, "Look at the clothes in this carriage, in summer, how many clothes are not light-colored?"

"Then I never thought he would steal my wallet. I must know that I must be staring at him!" Jiang Lei said.

"You know he's going to steal your wallet, shouldn't he be caught on the spot?" Xu Chuan asked.

Kou Chen listened to the music in front of him and laughed out loud.

"I beg you, what's going on here, you still laugh at me." Jiang Lei said.

"It shows that we have no false brotherhood in recycling plastic," Hu Yi said. "Brother, we are serious."

"Shut up!" Jiang Lei cursed back.

After walking four carriages, Kou Chen stopped and glanced at Jiang Lei by the sink: "What's in your wallet?"

"Money." Jiang Lei thought for a while.

"What about the documents?" Huo Ran asked.

"It's here with me," Xu Zhifan said. "Before getting in the car, he didn't have time to collect it, so he put it in my pocket."

"How much?" Wei Chaoren asked again.

"One... More than a hundred," Jiang Lei scratched his head, "I didn't bring much cash."

Several people were silent.

Two seconds later, Kou Chen took out his wallet, pulled out two hundred dollars from it, took Jiang Lei's hand, put the money in his hand, and clenched it tightly: "Leilei."

"Well." Jiang Lei looked at him.

"It's just over 100 yuan," Kou Chen said. "It's not bad that the thief didn't turn around to fight with you. Why are you so embarrassed to drag us to chase?"

"I... I'm sorry everyone." Jiang Lei said sincerely.

When the few people walked back, he suddenly turned around and said, "Isn't Kou Chen the first to chase it out! No one asked me what was in my wallet!"

"Let's go!" Huo Ran pushed him.

"...Fuck." Jiang Lei was very depressed, "Actually, there is still a picture of me in my wallet. I took it when I was a freshman in high school. It was the best ID photo I took when I grew up."

"Put a photo of yourself in your wallet?" Xu Zhifan couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"What's the matter," Jiang Lei was not convinced, "Why do single dogs hurt each other?"

"I also let it go," Wei Chaoren said, "mainly because I think it's so handsome, I can't help but look at it all the time."

Several people laughed in a car.

When he got back to his seat, Hu Yi probably finally gave up his drowsiness and finally noticed that the seat next to him was a beautiful girl, but his way of talking was very unique.

"What's this?" he asked, pointing to the package of snacks the girl was eating.

"Raisins," the girl said.

Before the girl asked him politely if he wanted it, he said again, "Can you give me some?"

"...Okay." The girl said and poured a small handful into his hand.

"Fuck," Kou Chen whispered, turning his head to look back from the middle of the chair, "Is this a top-level pick-up skill?"

"It's mainly still youthful." Huo Ran said with a smile.

"Yeah." Kou Chen nodded, reaching out and hooking his face.

Although Jiang Lei didn't have anything important in his wallet, and the wallet was just thirty-five canvas wallets in the small supermarket at the entrance, but a thief just disappeared in front of seven people. For the unjust seven-member group, it was still a bit depressing.

They even stuck at the exit stairs for ten minutes, staring at the passing passengers one by one, trying to see if there was any face that would give them a sudden flash of inspiration.

Of course, there was no flash in the end.

"Don't be depressed," Kou Chen said, "We can't catch everyone, and we're not professionals. We came here for tourism, not to catch thieves."

"Yes." Wei Chaoren nodded.

"Anyway, we are a lot better than others," Xu Chuan stretched, jumped again, and moved his legs. "Are you going to start licking the sea now?"

"Yes," Xu Zhifan looked at his phone, "According to what we checked before, we should stop at a certain exit for an underground taxi..."

"We seem to have come out now?" Huo Ran asked.

"Yes," Xu Zhifan looked at them, "and it seems that it came from the mouth where taxis are not easy."

"Go to a place where you can take a taxi." Jiang Lei waved his hand.

There was no car to receive orders on the mobile phone, no place to park for rental, and they were not convinced by the sky-high price of black cars.

"Hey!" Kou Chen sighed forcefully when he got into the car, and reported his address, "It's considered to be sitting in the car."

"Go camping by the sea?" the driver asked.

"Yes," Huo Ran nodded, "Brother, will it not rain at night?"

"No, the weather is good these days," the driver said. "Just pay attention to safety, don't go to the sea at night, and don't go to deep places if you really want to."

"I don't go to the sea to play during the day." Kou Chen replied succinctly.

The driver laughed: "You can't swim, right? It's okay, many people who can swim can't swim in the sea, so I asked you to pay attention to safety."

Kou Chenlai thought that he couldn't swim and might never learn to swim, but he still didn't speak.

A little embarrassed.

Especially when I think of the scene I fell into the pool last time.

The beach found in the guide is said to be "Wild Beach". According to the guide, the scenery is very beautiful and quiet. Tourists don't know this place so they don't come. The local people think it's too far, so they don't come...

It is a good place to play in the sea.

However, when he was in the car, Kou Chen was a little suspicious of the authenticity of this information. The driver did not express any surprises about the few out-of-towners going to this beach.

When they got to the place, the group of them got out of the two cars, and when they saw a row of shops next to them and the cars in front of them that were all parked and blocked, they all looked at Xu Zhifan together.

"Zhifan," Xu Chuan looked at him, "is this a wild beach? A wild beach where tourists and locals don't come?"

"That's what the guide said," Xu Zhifan took out his phone, "Didn't I post it in the group, you all read it."

Indeed, the seven of them have read this guide several times.

But when I opened this guide for the nth time, Huo Ran saw the date under the title of the guide for the first time.

He raised his head in shock: "Damn it, it seems like a strategy from six years ago."

After everyone confirmed the date, the group fell into silence, and then burst into laughter.

"Fuck!" Kou Chen kicked Xu Zhifan's ass while enjoying himself, "How can you be a scholar!"

"You have lowered your IQ," Xu Zhifan couldn't help laughing, "What should I do?"

"It's right here," Kou Chen said. "It's just that there are more people. Let's walk to the edge. People must be gathered in the store. It's convenient to buy things, and we're not afraid to buy things far away."

A few people crossed the path that had turned into a parking lot, kept going forward, and stopped after walking for almost 20 minutes.

The lights and crowds are already far behind, and the closest to them is a public toilet.

"It's fine," Wei Chaoren said. "You don't have to run too far to go to the toilet."

"Let's set up camp." Jiang Lei said, looking at Huo Ran.

"Why are you looking at me?" Huo Ran said.

"Shouldn't this kind of tent be done by an outdoor bird like you?" Xu Chuan said.

"Is the old bird an off-site guide!" Huo Ran said and walked over to the beach, "Besides, I have no experience in beach camping..."

Just after taking two steps, he suddenly felt that the soft sand under his feet had a different softness, with a slight Q bomb... It seemed that he stepped on some living thing.

There are no street lights here, only relying on the moonlight, and he suddenly panicked in the darkness surrounded by moonlight.

There are no ghosts in the wild.

But there are... sea monsters by the sea

"I stepped on something!" Huo Ran roared, jumped to the side, bumped into Kou Chen, and was caught by Kou Chen.

"What..." Before Kou Chen could ask, he heard someone speak.

"You stepped on someone..."

The sound came from the ground.

Several people immediately took out their mobile phones, and the lights of the seven mobile phones were all turned on and took pictures of Huo Rangang's place.

Then I saw an uncle who was half buried in the sand raising his hand to cover his eyes.

"No, uncle," Kou Chen was very difficult to understand this kind of behavior, "Where can you bury you, you can't bury it in the middle of the road? Did you get hurt when you stepped on it?"

"It's okay, stepped on my arm," the uncle sat up and pointed to the side, "That's the road, I'm sleeping outside the road, you didn't follow the road."

A few people turned the lights of their mobile phones in the direction the uncle pointed, only to find that there was a gravel road buried in the sand that was almost invisible, leading all the way to the beach near the sea.

And at the same time, they found that even if they got here, there are not too many people, and there are more than ten tents wherever the lights go.

"Fuck, there are a lot of people here," Wei Chaoren said.

"Of course there are quite a few. There are so many tourists in summer, and there are still people in the inn next to come here to spend the night," said the uncle. "In peak season, there are no places with less people, but there are relatively fewer people here, and there are all kinds of people there. next to each other."

"What are you taking photos of—" someone in front of him shouted.

They hurriedly turned off the lights.

"Come on, slow down." Kou Chen said.

The eyes of several people adjusted to the darkness with great difficulty, and walked towards the beach in a thief's attitude, slowly and quietly.

In order to avoid the crowd as much as possible, they went out at least two or three hundred meters, and finally found a deserted beach.

Kou Chen waded the beach again, making sure not only that there were no tents, but also no one burying himself in the sand, and then he waved his hand: "Set up camp!"

This time everyone brought three double tents, and Hu Yi Jianglei and Xu Zhifan could still sleep in a double.

After the three tents were set up in a triangle, Huo Ran took another telescopic pole, inserted it into the sand in the middle, and hung a small light above it.

A few people sat around the lamp, and after a while, Xu Zhifan said, "What are you doing? The sea is next to it, so are we sitting here?"

"Shit!" Jiang Lei jumped up, "I'll just say something's wrong! Walk around... Going around the seaside, isn't it a licking action? Of course, the first thing is to lick it and taste it salty."

Everyone put their valuables in their small bags and carried them on their backs, then happily walked towards the sea.

Huo Ran and Kou Chen walked at the end, not because they would not be found out because of what they did in the back, they are now kissing deeply in front of this group of people, I am afraid that they will not be able to make them fluctuated. .

The main thing is to worry about Kou Chen.

Kou Chen grabbed his hand and held it tightly as he walked towards the sea.

"We won't go into the sea," Huo Ran said, "just take a look at the side, you don't have to change your clothes after getting wet for a while, I think the fresh water showers are all over there, the body is full of sea water, and it's uncomfortable to sleep. ."

"No." Kou Chen said.

"Huh?" Huo Ran looked at him.

"I'm going into the sea." Kou Chen said firmly.

"How far?" Huo Ran asked. "It's too deep to be safe. It's still night."

"Go to..." Kou Chen gritted his teeth, "Knee!"

"...Okay." Huo Ran nodded.

The beach is fairly quiet. From time to time, you can hear people laughing and talking, and there are people shouting to the sea in the distance, but this thin sound will make the surroundings more peaceful.

Huo Ran raised his head and took a deep breath: "It's a little cold."

"Well," Kou Chen also raised his head, "the weather is really good today, you see, the moon is really round."

The first few people had already stepped into the sea, kicking each other happily.

Hu Yi also licked the back of his hand seriously: "This sea water is saltier than the last time!"

"Really?" Everyone stopped, licked the backs of their hands together, and then pooh pooh together for a long time.

"But radish, you're amazing," Jiang Lei said. "Do you remember the smell of the sea last time? It's been over a year."

"I remember the taste very clearly." Hu Yi said, "Even if this is my only strength."

"That's not the only one," Xu Chuan said. "Today we've opened our eyes. It's so good to chat with beautiful girls."

"I haven't been rolled my eyes yet." Xu Zhifan said.

"I just wanted to take a bite," Hu Yi said, "I just asked, she's quite generous."

"Do you want WeChat?" Wei Chaoren asked.

"No," Hu Yi said, "Why do you want that?"

"I-fuck!" Everyone shouted in unison.

When Huo Ran and Kou Chen walked to the water's edge, a group of people had already reached thigh-deep. Xu Zhifan controlled the group of people who were starting to get excited and wanted to jump into the deeper water.

"Let's go over there." Kou Chen pointed to the right.

"Okay." Huo Ran nodded.

The two walked to the side along the beach, the wet sand reflected a soft light in the moonlight, the waves rushed up and back, and the light changed from flickering to soft.

He could also feel Kou Chen froze slightly every time the waves hit their feet.

After walking forward for about thirty meters, Kou Chen slowly relaxed, stopped and turned to look at the sea.

"Have you ever noticed that you can still see the horizon line in the dark at night?" He held his phone facing the front. "You can still take pictures, I'm really cool."

"Well," Huo Ran looked at him, "are you still nervous?"

"Don't be nervous." Kou Chen replied coldly.

"Oh." Huo Ran smiled and took two steps forward slowly.

Kou Chen's hand immediately grabbed his shoulder: "What are you doing!"

"Take two steps forward." Huo Ran said.

Kou Chen didn't say a word, and took two steps forward, looking quite calm and calm.

"Aren't you afraid?" Huo Ran asked.

"Actually, the last time I came out of the pool, I found that I was less nervous," Kou Chen said. "Is it considered desensitization?"

"I don't know," Huo Ran thought for a while, "Why don't you go to find some water pools, how many times do you jump into them?"

"Go away!" Kou Chen said.

Kou Chen had already performed very well compared to when he returned to the beach last time. He and Huo Ran walked forward together and walked into the knee-deep sea water.

"Just here." Huo Ran stopped.

"Well," Kou Chen nodded, lowered his head and took a picture of his leg with his phone, "Look..."

A wave hits.

The water reached their thighs, and the waves slapped their waists.

"Damn it!" Huo Ran wiped the sea water that splashed all over his face.

Then he found that Kou Chen was no longer by his side.

Just as he was about to look down to see if he had fallen into the water again, Kou Chen grabbed his arm one step behind him, dragged him and ran back.

Huo Ran didn't have time to turn around, and he staggered and pulled him directly back to the beach.

"Are you all right?" Huo Ran asked.

"Scare me!" Kou Chen frowned, "Why is this wave so surging! Hit so high! The water has only reached my knees! A wave can actually wash my face!"

"It just happened," Huo Ran laughed, "the previous waves were not that high, and occasionally one or two waves were a little bigger."

"Did you feel," Kou Chen looked at him, "when the waves came over just now, people seemed to be floating?"

"... This kind of feeling must be at least as deep as the waist?" Huo Ran said.

"Forget it," Kou Chen sighed and sat on the beach, "This matter can't be rushed, let's just watch the moon side by side here and tell our lovesickness."

"Okay." Huo Ran sat down.

Kou Chen took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket and slowly peeled it off: "I don't know if there is sea water in it... Probably not..."

He was holding the peeled chocolate, and when Huo Ran was about to reach for it, he put the chocolate to his mouth and licked it.

"Sweet," Kou Chen handed over the chocolate, "it didn't go into the sea."

"You licked it for me?" Huo Ran glared at him.

"What's the matter," Kou Chen said, "Do we still care about this? I've licked your teeth, but you're a fart when you lick a mouthful of chocolate?"

Huo Ran was speechless by what he said.

"Open your mouth." Kou Chen said.

Huo Ran opened his mouth, and Kou Chen stuffed the chocolate into his mouth.

A gust of sea breeze blew over, and they felt a little cold with their wet clothes on their bodies.

Kou Chen leaned close to him, put his arms around his waist, put his hands under his clothes, and hooked him lightly around his waist.

Huo Ran turned his head and rubbed his face.

Kou Chen immediately turned his head and kissed him.

This romantic deep French kiss under the moonlight by the sea was interrupted halfway through, and Kou Chenlai's plan to take a bite of chocolate by the way was unsuccessful.

Someone passed behind them.

When Kou Chen wanted to take the hand from Huo Ran's waist away, Huo Ran grabbed his hand: "That's it."

"Yeah." Kou Chen didn't move, just picked up half a shell beside him and began to draw back and forth on the beach in front of him.

The painting is very simple, just six grids.

But Huo Ran immediately knew what these grids meant.

"Today you touched my waist on the train," Huo Ran scratched his head and made a move to put something in the first grid, "Then I touched your crotch."

Kou Chen didn't speak, he lowered his head and smiled for a long time.

"Kou Chen, who is afraid of water, has made great progress today," Huo Ran scratched his head again and put it in the second grid, "I actually walked into knee-deep water, but immediately fled."

Kou Chen kept smiling and didn't speak, just looked at him.

"Later we wanted to kiss, but it was interrupted," Huo Ran said while biting into the chocolate, "I guess Kou Chen still wanted to eat chocolate, but he didn't, sorry."

"Yeah." Kou Chen nodded.

"These three... let's think about it," Huo Ran looked at the grid on the sand, "what else should I put in there?"

"I like Ranran," Kou Chen put it in the grid, "I like Ranran very much, especially Ranran... It's full."

"Okay," Huo Ran closed the lid, "put it away."

Kou Chen lay back on the beach.

Huo Ran also lay down, next to him, looking at the sky together.

"Comfortable." Kou Chen said.

"Happy." Huo Ran said.


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