Qingye Supernatural Office

Chapter 1: No. 091-Face in the water 1


Incident number 091

Event name: Ghostface in the water

Client: Fang Guoying

Sex: Male

Age: 35 years old

Occupation: Company employee

Family relationship: Married with one daughter

Contact address: Room xxx, No. x, Anjiu Homestead, Zhongfang Road, Minqing City

Contact number: 138xxxxxxxx


On July 3, 2015, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 09120150703.wav.

"I... um... the thing, the thing is... it should have happened three months ago. I mean it should have started three months ago.... On the weekend three months ago, I took my family to the park to play. It was the forest park on the outskirts of the city. The little girl wanted to paddle, so we rented a park boat, a small boat with an electric motor, but also a paddle. We drove to the middle of the lake, and she wanted to paddle, so I paddled with her. Paddling... hoo-hoo- paddling, I hit something. Huh... huh... "

"Mr. Fang, what did you encounter?"

"Well, I, I thought it was garbage at first. There are people littering in the park and in the lake, right? There are also heavy garbage, right? Ha, haha... I really thought it was garbage, so I turned around and looked at it. look.… "

"Mr. Fang, please continue."

"Oh... oh, go on... garbage... I thought it was garbage, so I looked... and when I looked, I saw in the water... next to my oar, there was a human head... I didn't know it was a human head at the time! Her long black hair was floating, and her face was so pale that I couldn’t see any facial features! It was sunny, and the entire lake was reflecting light, so I couldn’t see clearly! It looked like garbage! I even had a paddle. After dialing it, it swayed, as if it was heavy and did not move. I, I... I... "

"Mr. Fang, drink some tea, relax and speak slowly."

"Tea? No! No! Gulu... No, no water!"

"Mr. Fang, calm down. Take a deep breath and relax."

"Hmm... Hu-hu-"

"Can you continue?"

"Okay, okay. At that time, I wanted to take a closer look, but other people's boats came over. They were driving their motors, there were sounds, and there were waves in the water, so I looked up. When I looked down again, the thing was gone. . It’s really gone! I paddled again and didn’t hit anything! Tell me, can you blame me for this? I really don’t know! The thing is gone, and I don’t worry about it! Who would care? "

"Well, you're right."

"But that thing got stuck on me! It got stuck on me! After our family went back, probably for two or three days, when I boiled water... you know that kind of electric kettle, right? The one we have at home, maybe It's so big, it has a stainless steel liner, it's silver, it doesn't reflect light. Then the kitchen sink is like this, a long inverted U-shaped faucet. When I take the water like this, I can see the upper part of the liner. Partially. That’s it. Usually you can’t see anything, right? It’s just a silvery color, right?”

"Yes, I understand."

"Then I saw..."

"Mr. Fang, what did you see?"


"Mr. Fang?"

"I...I saw that head again...it was upside down, as if the water it received was reflected on the inner tank, with black hair below and a white face above...um...wow, hiss..."

"Can't you still see your facial features clearly?"

"Huh... um... I can't see clearly... I still can't see clearly... I... I threw the kettle when I saw it, and threw it into the pool. The water inside came out, and I, I saw that face... that face followed. It's flowing out! Really, it's like... that kind of shampoo and shower gel, that kind of thick, just flowing out like that!"

"What happens after it comes out?"

"If it goes into the sewer, it's gone."

"Did you see that face again after that?"


"Mr. Fang?"

"I also saw it! At first, I saw it for a long time, maybe once or twice a week. Sometimes when I was taking a bath. I have a shower at home, and the water rushed to the tiles, and I saw... I saw that face on the tiles. superior."

"You can't see the facial features either?"


"What about the others? Are they all when there is water?"

"Yeah. I saw them all in the water. In the toilet, when I flushed, I saw that face being pumped down! And in the goldfish tank! When I was feeding the fish, I saw that face floating on the water. .I was so scared that I fell down! When I looked again, it disappeared... "

"Do you only see it in your house?"

"At first I only saw it at home, but then not anymore! I was washing my hands in the company, and something came out of the water pipe... "

"That face?"

"No, no, just, just the hair!"

"Did you just see it like before, or did you encounter it this time?"


"Mr. Fang, did you encounter him this time?"

"I... I touched it... It's hair... Wu, Wu Wu..."

"Mr. Fang, please use a tissue. Don't worry, we are safe here. If you want to solve this problem, please tell us your experience in detail, so that we can solve the problem for you."

"Okay, okay. Thank you. Phew...I'll go on."


"I started to touch that thing after that time. When I wash my hands, take a bath, or touch the water, I may touch the hair. Also, I see it more often! It turns out that I saw it in the water, like If it’s a drink, you won’t see it. Then when I was drinking coffee, I suddenly saw that face!”

"Still a pale face with no facial features and black hair?"

"Yes! It's very clear! The coffee is brown. I just drink ordinary coffee, which is brown, but inside the cup, it's black and white... it's a human head very clearly!"

"Yes, I understand. Is this the case above?"

"That's it."

"I would like to ask, do you have a history of mental illness? Or, have you seen a psychiatrist or sought help from others after these things happened?"

"No! I'm not crazy! I really saw those! I also thought about whether I was crazy... But I really saw it! And I saw it more and more often! I even touched it! That hair... sticky , so wet... yuck!"

"Please calm down, this is a routine issue. Many times, the supernatural events that people think are caused by illusions or other reasons. If we want to investigate, we have to find out all possibilities."

"Huh... ok... I'm really not crazy... but I haven't seen a psychiatrist."

"So, have you ever been to a temple or other place to ask for help?"

"Yes. I told my wife and she accompanied me to offer incense."

"How is the result?"

"That day... nothing happened that day, but then it started again. We asked for consecrated beads, but... "

"but what?"

"My daughter broke the rope..."

"Have you never gone to the temple to worship again?"

"My wife went there on my behalf and begged for Buddhist beads, but it was of no use. I went there again later and asked Master to perform rituals. I felt better for a few days, and then I started to see it again. I really couldn't stand it anymore... I kept seeing it all the time... I told my wife, and we even went to the park to burn incense and worship by the lake, but it was no use!"

"I understand. We will investigate the Forest Park first. During this period, you can use the amulet made by our firm."

"Ah? Ah! Thank you! Thank you!"

"You're welcome. I also need to confirm that the first appearance of this head as you know it was in the lake in Forest Park, right?"

"Yes! It started from that time!"

"The human head you see only has black hair and a white face. There are no facial features. You can't determine the appearance and gender, right?"


"Except for you, your family hasn't been in the same situation?"

"They didn't."

"Okay, we will investigate as soon as possible and keep in touch with you at any time. Please also contact us in time if anything happens."


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