Qingye Supernatural Office

Chapter 118: Never Peace 1


I woke up instantly, and when I sat up from my bed, I found that not only was I soaked to the skin, but I was also cold, as if I had taken a cold shower in the middle of winter, without any heat at all.

I wiped the sweat from my face, because my palms were wet, and it didn't make much difference.

I can feel the anger of the dead. The anger reaches the extreme. Just like their form in the dream, they are burning flames that may burn everything within the time limit at any time.

This kind of emotion and power is terrifying.

When I stood under the shower head and washed away the cold sweat, I still hadn't recovered from that emotion.

During breakfast, my sister saw that I looked bad and asked with concern.

"I'm fine. I had a nightmare yesterday and didn't sleep well." I twitched the corner of my mouth.

After sending my sister to school, looking at her back, and then looking at the teaching building, my heart became heavier and heavier.

My sister can see the problem, so can the thin guy.

"Brother Qi, what's wrong with you? Something happened?" the thin man asked with concern.

I said solemnly, "I am a student in that class."

The fat man took a breath and said, "Everyone in that class?"

I took the phone and called Xiao Gu directly, "Xiao Gu, this is Lin Qi. I want to ask you about the incident at No. 18 Middle School that you asked about last time. Yes, it was about the fire. How many victims were there? Um... I understand. Thank you. It's nothing, I just suddenly thought of it. What's the name of the one who survived in their class? Can you give me the contact information? I'm still a little worried about my sister. Okay, okay, bye." Hang up the phone , I looked at the fat man, "Everyone, a total of thirty-four students."

In that case twenty years ago, thirty-four people died, out of a total of thirty-five in that class, the only one who survived was the suspect, Jiang Yongning.

I specifically counted thirty-four living people in my dream. There was an obvious vacancy in the queue, which should be Jiang Yongning's seat.

"Are you going to find that person?" Guo Yujie asked worriedly.

"Of course." I nodded.

"Brother Qi, I'll go with you." The thin man volunteered.

The fat man also wanted to talk.

"No need. It's just a phone call to ask about the situation, not negotiation." I shook my head.

Because it had nothing to do with work, Xiao Gu gave me Jiang Yongning’s mobile phone number. It was impossible for him to give me an address. The Jiang family is rich. After the verdict was handed down twenty years ago, they would be chased and intercepted by the angry family members of the victims and had to move out of Minqing City. Xiao Gu said this last time. Jiang Yongning appeared in No. 18 Middle School. I don’t know where he lives in Minqing City, or even whether he is still in Minqing City.

I'm not going to rush into anything. Jiang Yongning was acquitted twenty years ago. Twenty years later, I, a small civil servant in the demolition office, will not be able to be a messenger of justice in the dark and enforce the law. I just want to confirm Jiang Yongning's situation. If Jiang Yongning is surrounded by evil ghosts, it goes without saying. If he is too ordinary, I will definitely find a way to let him go to No. 18 Middle School again.

If the dead want to rest in peace, let them rest in peace so that they will not harm innocent people again.

Jiang Yongning's cell phone was dialed quickly, and the voice on the other end of the phone was gloomy and desolate.

"Hello, are you Mr. Jiang Yongning?" I asked politely.

"It's me. Who are you?" Jiang Yongning's tone was lazy and listless. That kind of gloominess seems to be innate, engraved in the bones. Just like some people are born cheerful and enthusiastic, even when they are sad, you can be sure that they will laugh again soon. Jiang Yongning is in another situation.

I recalled what Qingye had done and said calmly: "I am a reporter from the magazine "Weird Stories". I would like to disturb you. I wonder if you have seen what happened at the 18th Middle School in Minqing City two days ago. Student spontaneous combustion incident?”

The thin guy and others looked sideways, and the thin guy gave me a thumbs up and winked.

Jiang Yongning was surprised, "What?"

"There was a student in No. 18 Middle School who spontaneously combusted for no reason and suffered severe burns all over his body. He is still lying in the hospital. According to our magazine's investigation, more than 20 years ago, there was an arson case in No. 18 Middle School. A class of thirty-three students in the senior year Four students died, and you were the only survivor in that class. Not long ago, you also went to No. 18 Middle School to find Qin Yijuan, the then head teacher. Is that right? "

"That student, is Qin Yijuan's student?" Jiang Yongning's breathing became rapid.

I was startled, "This... we don't know... He is a student in Class 2, Grade 2, and his classroom is in the fourth room on the second floor of the teaching building."

"The fourth room on the second floor..." Jiang Yongning's voice was dazed.

"That was your old classroom, right?" My heart tightened.

"It's... it's our senior year... it's the classroom where they had the accident." Jiang Yongning said in a low voice.

"Mr. Jiang, can we meet and talk face to face? You seem to know a lot of things. You can..." In the middle of my words, Jiang Yongning hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone on the other end of the phone, I felt empty in my heart.

"What's wrong, Brother Qi?" the thin man asked quickly.

"What did he say?" Guo Yujie asked immediately.

"That student's classroom was the one where the fire occurred. He..." I frowned.

Jiang Yongning doesn't look like that kind of vicious person. This is just my feeling. I feel like I can’t do anything sometimes. Old man Li deceived a senior criminal police officer and turned out to be a crazed murderer. I am an ordinary person, what’s the use of this feeling

The only thing that is certain is that Jiang Yongning cares about Qin Yijuan.

Was it because he was the head teacher at that time? A bullied student not only hates the person who bullied him, but also hates the teacher who does nothing about school violence or simply ignores it. The last time he went to school was to find Qin Yijuan. Do you want to take revenge on Qin Yijuan? What happened to the student who spontaneously combusted

I rubbed my forehead and said, "I'll contact him later and have a look."

"You have to be careful. If he is really a murderer, don't touch him casually." Guo Yujie reminded.

"Don't worry, I know."

During my free time at work, I opened the web page and subconsciously entered Qin Yijuan's name. Qin Yijuan's online public information is the resume released by No. 18 Middle School. As a teacher, she is experienced and responsible. However, as her sister said, the professional title and awards were more than 20 years ago. She was commended as a young teacher. Mainly All in terms of teaching results. After that case, her resume became blank. It was not until three years ago that she was promoted to the dean of education by the school, and her career took a turn for the better. Forums and other places have mixed praise and criticism for Qin Yijuan. There are two types of teachers that students like, those who are funny and those who are dedicated and loving. The former has nothing to do with Qin Yijuan. She is serious and has a standard dean's face, while the latter is the reason why some students like her. She cares deeply about students, especially those with complicated family circumstances or who are not well-liked at school. Maybe it was because of Jiang Yongning's incident that she had this change.

"Teacher Qin is Yan's mother."

This sentence is the common understanding of Qin Yijuan among students.

Will former students be moved by a reformed teacher, or more indignant

This question popped into my mind.

Narrow-minded people will blame everyone and always have one thought in their mind: Why wasn't Qin Yijuan like this when she taught me? If Qin Yijuan had been like this at that time, this kind of thing would not have happened.

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