Qingye Supernatural Office

Chapter 155: No. 075-Heavenly Song 4


"Mr. Terling, you don't want hris to be unable to enter heaven after his death, right? You don't want hris' commemorative album to be tainted by other evil spirits... in your words, devils and evil spirits, right? If you can cooperate with me, I will Handle this in a gentler way.”

"What else do you want?"

"I just want to resolve this matter and save my companions."

"The gramophone is in the next room."

"thank you for your help."

Beep beep... rustle... clack! Kara... beep... rustle...

"Mr. Terling, what's going on with this record?"

"I have no idea."


"I really don't know. When the company wanted to make a commemorative album, they found the master tapes from the warehouse. They were like this at that time. It should be a storage issue."

“Are all master tapes like this?”


"Then how did you make the commemorative album?"

"It's made from other records, not master tapes, but front-page records. The first batch of front-page records produced are also kept in the warehouse. In fact, there is no difference between the two. The master tape is just a gimmick."

“Where’s the front page record?”

"Sent it to the president. He liked it very much and kept it."

"You can't get a front page record?"

"I do not know what to do."


"what are you up to?"

"Huh, what do you think?"

"Please wait a minute! Are you going to make a big fuss? The president of the company is not an old guy like me who has half his foot in the coffin. If I hadn't made a commemorative album, I would have been completely forgotten by the industry. The president doesn't Will cooperate like me."

"Mr. Terling, do you have a good relationship with the president?"

"I just don't want to see young people like you... that child, that black child, and other people from that period, black and white... You are all crazy... hris is dead, no more people... "

"There's nothing to say, Mr. Terling. I'm not a racist. Black, white, yellow, it makes no difference to me. I have things I want to do and things I want to do. And I will do it. I I am very rational and know exactly what I am doing. Even in a few years, or even when I die, looking back on it now, I will make the same decision."

"...I will find a way. Please give me some time."

"I can only give you one day. Don't forget, your grandson is in danger now."

"I know... I also have the front pages of hris's records. They were all produced by the same batch."

"Then let's listen to it now."

"This is the last one. You've heard it all."

"Those are fine. I need to hear the record that was copied."

"This is from the same batch, it's the same!"

"It's the same in your eyes, but not in my eyes."

"You... okay, okay! I'll find a way for you to go!"

"One day."

"I see… "

On January 21, 2013, I received a call. Telephone recording 201301211504mp3.

"Mr. Terling."

"I can take you into the president's office. Chris's records are placed in the office."

"Your mobility is admirable."

"...I have my own way."

"So, what about time?"

"Now. They get off work at five, so you better hurry up."


On January 21, 2013, went to the office building. Audio file 07520130121wav.

"You see, these are the records, exactly like the ones I have, they're the same."

"I need to hear it."

"There's no time! We have to..."

“I need to hear these records.”

"You... okay. Fortunately, I made preparations. It's just the ones I collected. You can change them."

On January 21, 2013, it was confirmed that there were no abnormalities in the company's front-page records.

On January 24, 2013, it was confirmed that the song of heaven was copied and produced by the front page record.

On January 25, 2013, it was confirmed that there were no abnormalities in the Heavenly Songs production factory.

On January 27, 2013, Christina's body was released. Confirm that there is no problem with Christina's former residence. The location of Christina's death was confirmed to be OK.

On January 28, 2013, an investigation was conducted on 35 people around the world who were suspected or confirmed to have disappeared due to the singing of heavenly songs, but no common ground was found.

Attached: List of 35 people’s information.

On January 29, 2013, it was confirmed that the 17 albums of heavenly songs had no problems.

On February 11, 2013, it was confirmed that 224 albums of heavenly songs were correct.

On February 24, 2013, it was confirmed that there were no problems with the original location and current office building of Planet Brokerage Company.

On March 8, 2013, it was confirmed that 831 albums of heavenly songs were correct.

On March 13, 2013, it was confirmed that there was no problem with the record company’s office building.

On March 27, 2013, it was confirmed that 943 albums of heavenly songs were correct.

On April 4, 2013, it was confirmed that there were no problems with Christina's original record company and production factory.

On April 5, 2013, the murderer who caused Christina's death could not be found, and methods such as summoning ghosts, chasing ghosts, supporting stilts, and fortune-telling all failed.

On April 5, 2013, the investigation was suspended. Result of the incident: The missing listener of the Heavenly Song has not been found. The source of the incident has not been found. The missing person of the Heavenly Song, Gu Mo, has disappeared. This incident is classified as "unfinished". Long-term monitoring of the singing of the Kingdom of Heaven is carried out. The keywords "Christina", "disappearance", "Singing of the Kingdom of Heaven" and "murderer" are set. The recording m4a file and the record played at that time are separately sealed and erased. There are traces of the ancient road’s reality.

I silently looked at the series of time records. With no clue and no solution, we can only use the stupidest way to search all over the place, explore every possibility, and make endless futile attempts.

What was the mood of the remaining four people in Qingye listening to those nearly a thousand records

Expect yourself to disappear as well

That's probably it.

If the same thing happened to my sister, parents, or Shouzi, I would probably do the same thing. Even though I knew it was useless, I still hoped for a miracle.

But in the end, the hope was dashed and turned into despair.

No, Ye Qing was not desperate.

My eyes fell on the last sentence of the file.

What does this sentence mean by "erasing all traces of the ancient road's real existence"

Ye Qing would not do this without any aim.

I can’t figure it out, and I don’t know what the heavenly singing is all about. Is Christina's ghost haunting us? Or something else

I subconsciously opened the web page and searched for Christina.

This year marks the 40th anniversary of Christina's death. However, Planet Management Company has not planned any activities or the release of a new commemorative album. The anniversary of Christina's death also happens to be Christmas, a day with no shortage of news. Entertainment reporters are not likely to make headlines about her. Even fans, not many people remember her.


This is the outcome for most people.

I touched the disk with a red label, sighed, turned off the computer, and closed the file.

I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep that night, but I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.