Qingye Supernatural Office

Chapter 195: No. 089-Teddy Baby 1


"It's very troublesome to hear what she said. The victims and their families are in very bad moods." Guo Yujie expressed sympathy.

But for ordinary people, this is just the end of it.

We cannot understand the true feelings of those families and victims. Psychiatrists can at most provide counseling based on psychological knowledge.

Liu Miao, maybe she has never met a psychiatrist, right? More than 20 years ago, psychiatrists were not so popular. Mental illness was the same as madman. No one cared about a person's mental condition. It was a good thing to get a few words of comfort. Fortunately, Liu Miao met Ye Qing. Or maybe he was unlucky enough to meet Ye Qing and embark on a path of no return.

Incident number 089

Event name: Teddy Baby

Client: Lu Qiaolan

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Occupation: White-collar worker

Family relationships: parents

Contact address: Room No. Kangtai Garden, Minqing City

Contact number: 139


On February 27, 2015, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 08920150227wav.

"Miss Lu, can you tell me what happened to you?"

"I like teddy bears. I collect teddy bears. Teddy bears made in China, as well as various regional special editions, limited editions, commemorative editions... Sorry, I like teddy bears. I really like them. They. My first birthday gift after I was born was a Teddy, a limited edition Christmas Teddy in 1988. I was born in December of that year. My mother specially bought it for my birthday. Although it was second-hand, it was saved It was very good. Its original owner regarded it as a collection. Our family was not that particular about it. I didn’t understand it at the time. I held it all day long and it still had my saliva on it. When I grew up, I had to put it away. Send them back to the original factory for repair and cleaning... I... I really love them... "

"Miss Lu, please calm down, drink some water, and tell us what happened to your teddy bears?"

"They... are so scary... they have human internal organs, baby's... internal organs... vomit..."

"Are you saying that your teddy bears have human organs inside them? Did someone use your teddy bears to dispose of corpses?"

"No, the police wouldn't be able to find out if they weren't disposing of the body..."

"Miss Lu, how about this? Can you tell me everything you encountered from beginning to end?"

"...Okay. At first, I first realized something was wrong at the end of last year. I buy a limited edition Christmas Teddy every year and keep it with my original one for several years. Last year, I didn't buy it, my friend gave it to me. Since then, I noticed a strange smell in my house. I cleaned the house and checked the newly bought Teddy. I thought there was something wrong with that Teddy. I didn't buy that one in a specialty store. Although it has all the gold earrings and certificates, it looks like it's made in China... I've smelled it, but it has no smell. I dry and clean the other Teddy regularly, and I don't do it in winter. How come there is a smell... If I had discovered it earlier... "

"Since that time, bears have organs inside their bodies?"

"Yes... it took me some time to determine that the smell was coming from those teddy bears. I cleaned them, but there was still a smell. I touched them, and those teddy bears felt fine at all! I didn't expect... I was I decided to send them to the original factory for cleaning, but there was a guest at home. A cousin came with a child, so I put the bears away first. They stayed at my house for two days. The child was still very well-behaved. I told him not to touch my teddy, but he didn't touch it. He just stood in front of the glass cabinet and looked at it. I just thought about buying him a new one. When he left, he took it and gave it to me. He looked at the new teddy he bought for a long time. My cousin asked him to say thank you to me, so he looked at me and asked me if there were any bugs in this teddy... "

"Those Teddy's of yours..."

"There were maggots in those teddy! He stared at the cabinet because he saw those maggots! He saw those maggots squirming inside the teddy, and saw those maggots crawling out of the sewing gaps... Phew... Oh my God ... I was really going crazy at that time... I couldn't help but cut one of the teddy dogs into pieces... Those teddy dogs were all intact, no one had touched them at all, and there was no one else in the house except me! But, Every one of them has internal organs and a brain inside! My first teddy bear also had a bone inside, a child's finger bone... "

"What did you do with those bears?"

"At the police station. We called the police, and the police took them all away. I went to see... took a look... them, them... My bear was cut open... It can't be repaired even if it's sent back to the original factory... And The police did not return them to me as evidence and they still need to investigate..."

"Have the owners of those organs been found?"

"Found it... Before the Spring Festival this year, the police found those children... Those children were all abducted babies. The police destroyed the den of a trafficking organization and found... abandoned corpses... inside the bodies of those abandoned corpses... the child in the body of Xiong Xiong. He was also found, only he was missing a phalanx.”

"You came to us to investigate the truth of this matter?"

"No, not only... the police couldn't find out, but I had no interaction with those people at all. There were no external injuries on my Teddy or those bodies. The internal organs of those children appeared in my Teddy for no reason. I... I felt terrible... I thought the scariest thing was this... But a few days ago, I started hearing sounds."

"What did you hear?"

"Children's voices. I heard the cries of little children, one, two, a lot of cries. Sometimes there was laughter. They were crying and laughing... just in my room... I... I can't stand it. … I moved, I found another temporary place to live. But I can’t pretend that these things didn’t happen… Those voices… and my Teddy… I want to know what is going on, and I also want, want peace. "

"We understand. We will get to the bottom of this trafficking case. In addition, we want information about your teddy bears, when and where you purchased them."

"Some have invoices, some don't, they are second-hand."

"Give us as much information as you have saved. We will investigate the rest through other channels."


"Also, we need to check out that house of yours."

"Are you going... there..."


"...Okay. I can take you there now."

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you."

On February 27, 2015, went to the client’s residence. Audio file 089201502271wav.

"This is the house. The key..."


"Come in. I..."

"Please don't worry, we will be with you and can protect you."

"Where did you hear the sound?"

"You can hear it everywhere. Those sounds appear suddenly, not necessarily in the place."


"Is this the cabinet where you keep Teddy?"

"Yes, there is another room over here, which is my collection room."


"It turns out that this place is full of teddy bears. Now...my bear is here...I often take it out and hold it..."

"The yin energy is very strong."

"What's the meaning?"

"This is the darkest place in the whole house. But I didn't see any children. Do you hear the children's voices now?"

"Ah... no."

"Well...that's it..."