Qingye Supernatural Office

Chapter 197: No. 089-Teddy Baby 3


"I don't want to talk about it. The loss of my son is too heavy for our entire family. My wife has been in poor health since then. She has a hereditary heart disease. We were very careful, but she After receiving the blow..."

"Have you ever thought that your son's disappearance might be related to the 116 child trafficking group? Your memories may help the police find more clues."

"I don't know... he disappeared when we went to the park to play. There were not many people that day, and he was already a big kid. My wife gave him change to buy a drink, and when we turned around to talk, he disappeared. ”

"This way of disappearing doesn't look like getting lost."

"I guess so… "

"Can you recall carefully? Was there anyone else around at the time, was there anyone suspicious?"

"We called the police. The park staff also helped us search and broadcast the radio. There was a concierge watching at the entrance of the park. After that, the police also searched the surrounding area. He... Sometimes I even hope that he is lost. That place... next to the canteen , there is a pond full of duckweeds, which looks like grass from a distance... I didn't think about it at the time, but if... if he is actually... "

"You suspect that he fell into the pond? There should be movement."

"I don't know... I don't know where he went. Please leave. I don't want to talk about this anymore."

"Can I ask where that park is?"

"It's Forest Park."

"Sorry to bother you, Mr. Tian."

Suspicion cannot be ruled out.

On March 27, 2015, we investigated the Minqing City Forest Park and found the pond Tian Mingchun mentioned, and discovered the Yin Qi. The source of the yin energy cannot be determined. Audio file 08920150327wav.

"...Drowning... It seems possible. I have seen people salvage it before, and police cars and fire trucks came."

"... We have done it many times. We released grass carp, fished, and planted other plants, but there is no way. People come here often to fish, the water is stagnant, and there is sewage pollution. When the weather is hot, the duckweed grows like crazy. We have surrounded it. The railings were installed, but some people didn’t listen to the advice and didn’t even read the sign. Not to mention the pond here, the same goes for the lawn over there. People stepped on it during the grass raising period. We were all helpless. Originally there was a pavilion here. In order to reduce the number of tourists, we have dismantled them. But there are still people wandering here, not walking properly, and walking over there. We want to send people to watch 24 hours a day, but we have to have people and can afford it. Salary, right? Now the park doesn’t charge any money, it’s all funded by the municipal government. Our parks also spend a lot of money, and money needs to be used in many places.”

"Do you remember a child falling into the water?"

"Huh? Children? Um, no... The two times I remember, they were both adults. Children were watched, but little happened."

"thank you."

On March 30, 2015, I received a call from Li Xingfang. Telephone recording 201503300837mp3.

"Good morning, Captain Li."

"I... dreamed..."

"Which victim did you dream about again?"

"It's not a human being. I dreamed about bears, those bears of Lu Qiaolan."

"...are they alive?"

"Yes, they are alive, walking in front, and they still look like... they were cut apart by our police... "

"That's pretty miserable."

"I was serious!"

"How can you be sure that they are caused by your special ability and not ordinary dreams?"

"Similar to the previous dreams, they led the way and took me to the place where the kidnapping gang buried the child's body. They formed a circle and looked down at the land. They didn't have those organs in their bodies, they were all cotton, but those cotton It was red, like human flesh... I could feel it, they had emotions. I couldn't even wake up! This was the scariest dream I've ever had."

"Yeah. When they lead the way, do you remember which one is in front?"


"Which bear is the leader?"

"Let me think about it... It's red... It's wearing red clothes... It's Christmas, it should be Santa Claus's clothes."

"Oh, I know. Thanks."

"Wait, what do I do with this dream? I won't see them again tonight, right? What do they want?"

"I want the murderer to die. Isn't this the same wish for the victims in your dreams?"

"Who is the murderer...?"

"I'm not sure yet."

"Huh... okay..."

On March 30, 2015, the client visited. Audio file 08920150330wav.

"Miss Lu, are you okay? Do you need to wash your face?"

"No, no need... I'm fine... I just... I had a dream last night. I dreamed about my teddy bears. And my bears. They... they all looked like that... they were holding them I... I... I really... Have you found out the results? Why are they like that? I really haven't done anything, they are just teddy bears. I bought many of them from specialty stores. They are not there at all. , It’s simply impossible... Why is this happening... "

"Please have your condolences, Miss Lu. We are investigating. At present, it seems that the most suspect is your Xiongxiong."

"what do you mean?!"

"I mean, it's probably because of your bear that this happened. Do you remember who its original owner was? That's probably important."

"The original owner of Xiong Xiong... I asked my mother, and she couldn't remember it. She should be a girl, younger than me. I mean, when I was born, she was younger than me now, a college student. I don't know anything else. Not sure anymore.”

"That's it..."

"Do you have other ideas? Is it really because of Bear Bear's original owner?"

"This is our guess. If you are not sure, we may need to use some special means to investigate the identity of its original owner."

"What special means?"

"You can understand it as divination. Use your bear as a medium to divine the current location of its original owner."

"This...then my bear...can you do this?"

"Okay. Don't worry, this kind of divination will not harm your bear."

"But now Xiong Xiong is at the police station..."

"We'll figure it out."

"thank you all."

On March 31, 2015, I contacted Li Xingfang and temporarily got the opportunity to interact with the 1988 Christmas limited edition teddy bear for divination. The result is death.

On April 3, 2015, I went to the den of the 116 child trafficking group and found a large amount of yin energy, but no trace of ghosts.

On April 4, 2015, I received a call from Li Xingfang. Telephone recording 201504041352mp3.

"I got a message."


"Not far from where the children's bodies were found, many hand-sewn bears were found buried in the soil. The number was the same as the number of dead children we confirmed."

"You mean, someone buried those bears as grave goods with those children?"

"They were not buried together, they were buried separately. The police over there have interrogated the captured prisoners. There are several women in their gang who are responsible for abducting and taking care of those children. Those bears were brought by one of those women. Her husband is the founder and founder of this trafficking gang and comes from a trafficking village."

"That woman was kidnapped many years ago."
