Qingye Supernatural Office

Chapter 203: No. 057-Missing friend 3


"A person, a person in their team. I saw the newspaper and the investigation report. They all said that the team was twelve people, but the list my son showed me was thirteen. My son also mentioned, A businessman named You funded their mountaineering trip and wanted to take his son with him. There was no one named You in those newspapers or surveys! My son must have been killed by him! I have also conducted surveys over the years, but... I can't find it. As for... I, an ordinary citizen, don’t know how to investigate. Those private detectives and entrusted friends are all liars, and they can’t find anything!"

"What did the rest of the team say?"

"I asked them... they didn't say... they colluded! They all colluded!!"

"Please express your condolences. We hope to restore the truth at that time and will also interview those members. If there is any news, we will inform you."

"good… "

On October 18, 2009, Tang Youzhi’s climbing partner Yang Guofu was contacted. Audio file 05720091018wav.

"Mr. Yang, we want to talk about the death of Mr. Tang Youzhi that year. As a national mountaineer and an experienced mountaineer, his death was shocking and unexpected at the time. Mr. Tang's father has been Insisting that he was murdered, you..."

"That was an accident. That was just an accident! Mr. Tang couldn't accept his son's death, and Tomo Nao's death hit him hard. I am also very sad about Tomo Nao's death. But accidents are accidents."

"So, do you know about two more accidents that happened in Bailong Mountain this year?"

"I saw the newspaper and asked someone about it. The terrain of Bailong Mountain is relatively stable. Although some areas have not been developed, the safety level there is still very high. However, mountaineering is risky. Let alone climbing, just walking On the road, if you obey the traffic rules, you may get hit by a car, right? It cannot be said that it is very safe, but there are no accidents at all. These two accidents just prove this point."

"Your logic is very clear."

"...Thank you for the compliment. Without clear logical thinking, it is very dangerous when climbing. Any extreme sports have risks, and it cannot be completed with well-developed limbs and a simple mind as laymen think."

"That makes sense. But there's one thing you said wrong."

"Oh? Which point?"

"Those two accidents can be said to be accidents, or they can be said to be murders."

"What... do you mean? Did your newspaper get any inside information?"

"It should have been written in the newspaper. The two victims, including their companions at the time, saw the light for help, so the two victims climbed down the gentle slope and disappeared."

"In this case, the police should intervene in the investigation. What Tomonao encountered was a pure accident, not like this. He slipped his foot..."

"Did he really slip his foot?"

"… you… "

"Perhaps Mr. Tang Youzhi did not die soon after he slipped. He did not leave Bailong Mountain after his death."

"what are you saying… "

"Seven years have passed. The number seven actually has a lot of symbolic meanings, and therefore has special power. Westerners believe that God created the world in seven days, and our customs also have the concept of the first seven."

"Stop joking. What newspaper company do you belong to? Do you still write this kind of thing?"

"Mr. Yang, the place where the two accidents occurred was not where Tang Youzhi's body was found, but closer to the foot of the mountain. Do you think he was going down the mountain?"

"... Phew... Don't be kidding... I'm not superstitious about this kind of thing. If you keep talking nonsense, there's no need for us to continue talking. I will never accept this kind of interview."

"Some things will not happen if you don't accept them. Have you had a good life these seven years, Mr. Yang? Mr. Tang has been tortured a lot. I don't know what he will do after he comes down from the mountain."

"me… "

"Then we'll say goodbye. If you change your mind, you can call us. Here is our business card."

"Qingye... Paranormal Agency? Are you not a reporter?"

"Haha, of course not. We were hired by a friend of the victim of the two recent accidents. His friend disappeared inexplicably and there was no body left, so he used some special methods and entrusted us to investigate the truth of the matter. Ghosts and evil spirits, only Only by calming down the grievances can one achieve transcendence. This concept is also common to both the East and the West."


Da da da…


"Is there anything else?"

"Tomonao... did die in an accident. It was really an accident."

Da da da…


"Okay, please tell me in detail."

"There is a man in our team, a second-generation rich man. His father paid us to protect him and take him mountain climbing. His family is very rich..."

"The last name is You, right?"


"It's the You family that makes you dare not speak up until now, right? You members, after that incident, have had some relationship with the You family. Your wife now works in the financial department of the You family company."


"What did his son do?"

"What can he do? He is a self-righteous second-generation ancestor. He ignores the things we remind him and walks wherever he wants in the mountains. He dislikes this and that. He wishes we could be a sedan to carry him. We climbed intermittently for at most two hours every day before leaving. We finally reached a height of 2,000 meters, where there was a cave, a natural cave, with many bats in it. We told him about the danger, and he turned on the flashlight. , took a photo, and alerted the bats inside. He was frightened, and ran directly outside, and we had to chase him. I didn’t catch him, but Yu Zhi chased him. Yu Zhi endured all the way, and finally couldn’t help but say There was a fire. The two people quarreled and almost got into a fight. We decided to go down the mountain. No matter what the second generation ancestor said, we didn't continue climbing. Because we were tough, he had to compromise and go down the mountain with us. It was already dark at that time , we decided to go down the mountain the next day and sleep outdoors in the mountain one night."

"Then what?"

"In the middle of the night, he went to relieve himself and never came back."

"Did he act without permission?"

"Yes. He deliberately left for a while and hid. We couldn't leave him directly, so we had to search separately. Tomonao went to find him, and something happened just like that. He knew that Tomoko was killed, and he was very frightened. I think It turns out that he was really scared, and he didn’t kill anyone. When Yu Zhi didn’t see him, he even mocked her, and when he knew that something had really happened to Yu Zhi, his expression changed. That was an accident. "

"The You family gave you hush money to erase the cause of this incident and make it a pure accident."

"This was an accident! No one killed anyone, it's just... just..."

"Well, it was just an accident."

"You... It was really just an accident. No one killed anyone. The second generation ancestor made a prank and made a bad joke. We never thought that something would happen to Yuzhi. Yuzhi fell because of an accident! He slipped, just slipped A moment... This is not uncommon in mountaineering."

"Tomonao may not think so."


"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Yang."

"You... Tomonao really..."

"In fact, we are not sure yet. But making the truth public, at least letting Mr. Tang know, is what a person should do, right?"


On October 21, 2009, I contacted You Liankang. Audio file 05720091021wav.