Qingye Supernatural Office

Chapter 205: No. 057-Missing Traveler 5


"He's gone... He's gone! Not long after you hung up the phone, someone called a flashlight outside our window. My husband called you, but you didn't answer! He went to see... He opened the window to see, and then At once… "

"Just disappeared...?"

"No... he jumped... he, he fell down, he fell down..."

"Why... why did he fall down? Doesn't he know the danger?!"

"Our house is on the first floor, what's the danger?"

"No, it's not a floor problem, it's... it's..."

"He went down through the window, the light was gone, and he was gone... What exactly did you do? Did you kidnap him? What do you want? Do you want money? Do you want money?"

"No, I didn't kidnap him. Didn't he tell you? We...our companions were killed..."

"Your companions were killed?! Someone was killed in your first two mountain climbs?! He didn't say... He didn't tell me... Wuwuwuwu... Wait... Wait, what do you mean? The accident has something to do with this incident? What's the relationship? Tell me clearly, what's going on?"

"Before they were killed, we all saw the distress light and the distress signal from the flashlight. Some of us went to rescue, and then disappeared... Suddenly... disappeared... "

"What nonsense are you talking about... What do you mean... Stop joking! How is it possible..."

It was confirmed that two people were missing that night, namely Niu Hao and Hu Wenxin.

On October 24, 2009, audio files were analyzed. Audio file 05720091024wav

"... There is a yin energy. A ghost has been here. ... The wind is really strong tonight... "


click! click!

"... Huh... Huh..."


"Mushroom, is there something wrong with this rumor?"

"Well, I heard calls for help, shouting for help, and Luo Zhencheng's name was also called."

"Did you call your name?"

"Yes. Acheng and help, help me. The voice is very vague, like an echo."

"If it's someone Luo Zhencheng knows, it's probably Zhu Zhitao and Pan Jun."

"At that time, shouldn't they have left the downstairs of Luo Zhencheng's house and gone to find Hu Wenxin?"

"Mushroom said it was a response. Most likely, they have left, but the sound is still there."

"Let me tell you something."


"The first time, Luo Zhencheng and the others saw a beam of light, the second time they saw two beams. The deceased should have become an accomplice. So this time, three people should be missing, right?"

"Maybe Luo Zhencheng missed someone when he called."

"No, we are all watching and aware of this problem."

"Did you not show up, wasn't discovered, or did you find a new target?"

"You Liankang?"

"We will check on You Liankang's condition later."

Analyze phone recordings. Audio file 200910232318wav.

"...Brother Niu is coming! He is coming!..."



"It's also life-saving, and Brother Niu."

"So the first ghost didn't appear?"

"I just didn't go to Luo Zhencheng's companions."

On October 24, 2009, it was confirmed that You Liankang encountered no abnormal conditions.

On October 27, 2009, the client organized an online gathering and invited participants of the two mountain climbing activities to explain the current situation they encountered. Members provided information that members of the mountaineering club who did not participate in the two mountaineering activities disappeared during the night of October 23 and the early morning of the 24th.

On October 28, 2009, a survey was launched to understand the experiences of previous members of the Capital Jiaotong University Mountaineering Club.

On October 29, 2009, it was confirmed that participants in two more mountain climbing activities saw the distress signal light at 11 o'clock at night. They saw abnormal situations for a total of 7 days but ignored them.

On October 30, 2009, it was confirmed that 6 members of the mountaineering club had disappeared.

On November 1, 2009, an unusual small earthquake of magnitude 47 occurred in Bailong Mountain. There had never been any earthquake phenomenon in Bailong Mountain and surrounding areas before.

You Liankang died unexpectedly on November 4, 2009. He stepped on the air while going downstairs, broke his cervical vertebra, and died on the spot.

On November 5, 2009, it was confirmed that there was Yin Qi on You Liankang's body.

On November 6, 2009, it was confirmed that 12 members of the mountaineering club saw an abnormal distress signal at around 11 o'clock at night and ignored it.

On November 9, 2009, 12 members of the mountaineering club disappeared.

On November 10, 2009, we contacted Zeng Hui, the wife of the late mountaineering club member Li Jia. Audio file 05720091110wav.

"Hello, Ms. Zeng."


"Sister Zeng, they are the professionals I told you about."

"Xiaocheng, what you said... ugh... I don't want to believe such a thing..."

"Twenty-four people from the mountaineering club have gone missing, and more and more people are missing, and... we used to take the initiative to approach people before they disappeared, but now everyone ignores them, and even pretends to sleep without looking, but some people are still missing. Already…”

"...I know. You told me about this, and I..."

"Ms. Zeng, your husband Li Jia was the founder of the Mountaineering Club of Capital Jiaotong University. He died of cancer five years ago. Now that you are contacting us, do you know anything about him and Bailong Mountain during his lifetime?"

"You should have heard from Xiaocheng that after graduation, my ex-husband joined the rescue team, the National Rescue Team. Xiaocheng, you all think that he chose this career because he loves mountain climbing and has a strong sense of responsibility and justice, right?"

"Well. Sister Zeng, could it be that..."

"He was feeling guilty... When he was young, when he was in a mountain climbing club, he saw a distress signal one night, but he didn't go... He didn't go to the rescue immediately... The man died... "

"Sister Zeng, this can't be said to be Brother Li's fault! Is that why that ghost, that ghost has entangled our mountaineering club because of this?"

"Ms. Zeng, please continue telling."

"He told me that he did not dare to go down to rescue people that night. At that time, he was climbing alone without a companion. He was afraid. He called the person, talked to him, asked him about the situation, and explained to him clearly , he would go down to rescue him at dawn and be able to see the situation clearly below. At that time, his equipment was not as good as later. The man's name was Luo Haojie, and they talked all night. He also threw some for Luo Haojie Food and water. Luo Haojie sprained his leg and broke his hand. He couldn't move, but his life was not in danger. However, before dawn, Luo Haojie fell again."

"Falled again?"

"Maybe he was exhausted, or maybe he was careless. In short, he fell from where he was lying before. My ex-husband heard his yelling and shouted several times, but he didn't hear Luo Haojie's response. He took the risk to go down and take a look. The terrain below was actually very stable and not as dangerous as he feared. He found Luo Haojie's body on the rocks below. Luo Haojie broke his head and died on the spot. He had always been very confident. Responsibility. If he had gone down earlier, Luo Haojie would not have died."

"This has nothing to do with Brother Li..."

"Yeah, it had nothing to do with him, but he took it to heart. I thought he was just guilty, so he chose the rescue team as a career. When he was dying, I thought he was so guilty that he was obsessed with it. But at that time, he I have terminal lung cancer and I won’t be around for long, so I just followed his words.”

"What did he say?"

"He said that every time he went climbing alone, he saw Luo Haojie."