Qingye Supernatural Office

Chapter 208: The most painful place for a man


Even the fat man didn't know the red-haired man's name. Hongmao didn't know the fat man's full name either. We just happen to be friends in the same club, and we have no intention of getting in touch and becoming friends.

But Hongmao is a very enthusiastic and talkative person. He can chat with anyone and is also keen on chatting with others. To put it simply, he is a talker.

However, he is not an annoying chatterbox.

"Oh, you two brothers haven't been here for a long time. Brother Qi, Slim, right?" Hongmao first greeted Slim and me, then looked at Guo Yujie and Zheng Xinxin, winking at Fatty, "You are beautiful, and there are two of them. He's capable! Tell me honestly, which one of you is your girlfriend?"

"They're colleagues, we're here to play together. This is Xiaojie, and this is Xinxin." Fatty introduced, and pointed at Hongmao, "This is Hongmao."

Guo Yujie and Zheng Xinxin, both generous and outgoing girls, greeted Hongmao.

"Hello, hello. We finally have a beautiful woman here." Hongmao made an exaggerated expression of happiness and patted the fat man's thick back. "Well done, fat man, you should be named the outstanding member of the club." Member!" After saying that, he turned around and smiled brightly at the girl at the front desk, "Sister Qin, you are also a beauty, but it's a pity that I can't see you when I shoot." He shook his head and sighed, turning the Qin girl My sister made the branches tremble with amusement.

"Don't be poor. Are you leaving, or have you just arrived?" The fat man took out his membership card and indicated that he wanted to apply for temporary membership cards for the four of us.

The shooting club operates a membership system, and there are also temporary members who do not need to pay an entrance fee and are charged by the bullet. Of course, informal members use poor guns and venues, and there is no separate coach to guide them. But if a member is brought in, temporary members can also use the members' resources, but the fees are more expensive. If any unpleasant problems occur, the members will be implicated. Generally speaking, there won't be any problems.

Come play this time, Fatty’s treat. On the way, he made an agreement with Guo Yujie and Zheng Xinxin to ask them to help slap him in the face, and by the way, it would be best to play a side drum for him.

In fact, it was the thin guy who kept talking and coming up with ideas at the time, while the fat guy was in the middle of a high school student's crush, was shy, and had a short circuit in his brain.

When Hongmao heard what the fat man said, he smiled and said, "I was about to leave, but when I saw you guys, I must have played for a while. Sister Qin, register for me." He threw out his wallet in a smart way.

Sister Qin covered her mouth and smiled, took out Hongmao's membership card, and pretended to register again.

I have been here before, and I can tell at a glance that Hong Mao has just arrived, has already registered, and is now performing. That sister Qin is also a wonderful person, so she cooperates like this. It's a club for rich people, and the service staff are all highly qualified.

After completing the formalities, our group entered the club.

Hong Mao struck up a conversation with the two ladies and talked about all kinds of topics. He could talk a few words on any topic.

The thin man and I looked around, trying to find the fat man's lover.

We went to the area in the shooting club, which is a novice member area.

I couldn't help but ask the fat man: "Is that person also in the area?"

Hong Mao heard this question and turned around to answer: "Those are the two Bichi. They want to go to the district, but the coach won't agree. If they want to go to the district, they don't have the money."

The district is a live ammunition zone, and so is the district, but the district environment is better, the guns are more advanced, and ordinary members cannot enter.

These letter areas are all indoor shooting venues, which are relatively dull, with a row of targets and a row of people. The outdoor ones include flying saucer shooting and actual combat simulations, which are similar to police training. There are moving targets and hunting in one scene, including hunting pheasants, wild ducks, and hares.

The first two times Shouzi and I came, we couldn't go to the actual combat zone or hunt because our skills weren't up to par. We only played skeet shooting outdoors and missed one of the ten bullets. We were all frustrated and bored. It was purely to experience the feeling of a shotgun.

The fat man didn't say much about those two people, but the red hair started to speak freely. To sum up, they are just two bitches, with mean words and mean people. They are not here to play with guns, but to show off their wealth. But who can get a membership here, who is short of money? They failed to show off their wealth, so when they discovered the girl with glasses, they had a new target. Every time they met the girl with glasses, they would ridicule her.

Girls with glasses are the ones fat men like.

"The girl with glasses has such a good temper, she's like a holy mother, she won't get angry. I help her speak, and she acts as a peacemaker to persuade me." The red hair circled his slightly longer red hair, with a puzzled look on his face, " I don’t know what she does. This is the first time I have seen the living Virgin Mary.”

It doesn't sound right to me.

"How is her technique?" Zheng Xinxin suddenly asked.

"Huh? It sucks." Hongmao covered his eyes, "It really sucks. I guess I was hit by those two bitches. I met such people the first time I came here, and I have been harassed by them ever since. , my grades haven’t improved and I’m still in the zone.”

Fatty and Red Hair usually play in the area, and sometimes go outdoors.

They first met the girl with glasses in the lounge outside, which was also the first time they met the pair of bitches.

"Well, it's a bit strange." Zheng Xinxin said.

The four of us looked at Zheng Xinxin together.

Hongmao didn't know why.

The fat man asked nervously: "What's weird?"

"that is… "



We happened to be at the entrance of the area and heard the screams of a man and a woman coming from inside. The man's scream was a scream, and the woman's was a scream.

No soundproofing equipment could block the sound, and the dull sound of gunfire in the area stopped.

Several of us also stopped.

Although there are no live ammunition in the area, the person hit will be injured and hurt. If the hit area is not correct, it may cause disability or even death. We didn't know what was going on inside, and we didn't dare to go in for a while.

A staff member hurriedly ran over from the other side of the corridor and opened the door to the area.

We happened to see what was going on inside.

A man was lying on the ground holding his stomach, and a young, beautiful, scantily clad woman was slumped on the ground shivering.

When I saw it, I guessed it was the two bitches we just talked about, because this woman is a typical young model.

Looking around, I also saw the only girl with glasses in the venue, holding a gun and staring blankly at the two people on the ground. You can't tell what she looks like at a glance, except that her hair is long enough to cover most of her face. Her aura and appearance look a bit dull and old-fashioned.

The behavior of other people in the field was similar to that of the girl with glasses, they were all confused.

Coaches and staff set those two up. The woman was completely limp and the man was howling. He was curled up just now, but now someone moved him, exposing the part he was covering that hurt the most.

I couldn't help but trembled, and all the men present were shocked.

"What's going on?" Hongmao didn't gloat, but showed sympathy.

The coach mouthed at the woman, "Hit."

"Oh." Hong Mao sighed meaningfully, finally feeling a bit gloating.