Qingye Supernatural Office

Chapter 22: No. 078 - Follow like a shadow 2


"I didn't find anything wrong when I came out that day, it was all normal."

"Then, there were a few more times... At first, I saw it in the mirror, but later it was no longer a mirror... "

"Not a mirror?"

"Yes! It's like a glass window! Our school's classrooms have windows in the corridors. The upper part is transparent and the lower part is frosted glass. That one definitely can't illuminate anyone. At most, someone can lean on it and then another I could see shadows on one side. I... when I was walking through the corridor, I felt... I felt like there were shadows in the classrooms all the way, right next to me."

"I saw it, and there's nothing like it."

"You two walked together?"

"Yes, we are together. Our class is in the middle of the building. To go to the toilet, go to and from school, and change classrooms, we have to pass through two classrooms with about... four windows. Xiaorui always says that something is following her . I’ve seen it, and sometimes I see shadows of classmates leaning against the window. I thought she was talking about that. At that time, she hadn’t told me about the mirror yet.”

"After talking to Miss Duan, Miss Duan confirmed that at that time, did the shadow you noticed disappear?"

"Ah... this... it seems so. After I say it, it will be fine."

"When I go with her now, I always tell her that there is nothing suspicious around, but I can't be with Xiaorui all the time... "

"Other than that? Are there any other phenomena?"

"I don't know what to say. Maybe... maybe I became suspicious after seeing it once."

"It doesn't matter. You can tell me whatever you feel."

"In my home, there is a floor-to-ceiling window between the balcony and the living room, and some clothes are drying in the balcony."


"The clothes are just hanging. When the sun is bright, the shadows of the clothes will shine on the living room floor."


"I... I felt that the shadow was staring at me... Not only the shadow, but also the clothes! The wind should have caused the clothes to sway, but I seemed to see the clothes turn 180 degrees and follow me... I started from From the bedroom to the kitchen, it rotates 180 degrees! It's obviously impossible for an ordinary clothes hanger to hang like this to rotate 180 degrees!"


"There is also street greening, the kind of small trees that are so tall."


"Yes, even the bushes. When I passed by, I felt like something was staring at me."

"Is it a feeling this time?"

"Yes! The hairs on my back stood up. I was so scared that I started running. There was a rustling sound in the bushes next to me, and I ran with me. Then I ran to the end. When I reached the intersection, there was a red light in front of me, but when I turned, it was still bushes. I I wanted to cross the road and crossed from the side, but as soon as I turned around, I was suddenly hit!"


"I... I almost got hit by a car... I almost fell on the road and got hit by a car..."

"The cat that hit Xiaorui that time was a wild cat. It followed Xiaorui all the way. When Xiaorui was about to cross the road, it jumped out of the green belt and hit Xiaorui. There was a moped that was turning at that time, and it almost happened. Just ran over Xiaorui's head..."

"Hmm. What does that wild cat look like? Have you caught it?"


"No, he ran away a long time ago. Xiaorui didn't see it either. It was the moped driver who said it, and he was also shocked."

"In other words, this time the thing has a physical body?"

"Well, it's not just this time. Xiaorui said that the dogs, wild cats in the community, and the sparrows she encountered on the road all look weird to her now. I... I think they are quite normal... "

"So, have you ever encountered similar dangers?"

"No, they just stared at me..."

"Ms. Zheng, did you do anything special before you encountered this situation for the first time?"

"Wu... Huh-something special?"

"For example, have you ever been to a cemetery? Have you seen a dead person? Or been to a murder scene?"

"No, I've never been to that kind of place!"

"Don't get excited. Judging from our experience and knowledge, there is a reason why you encounter this kind of thing. The root cause may be a small thing that you don't care about. Please also carefully recall what you have done before this What happened?"

"I don't know... I really don't know..."

"Where is Miss Duan? What impression do you have?"

"No, I don't remember what we did. We just went to and from school and went out to play normally."

"So, what about your family? Have any family members or friends had any supernatural experiences?"

"No, our family is normal."

"If there are no clues, we can only conduct a blanket investigation."

"Don't you have any special methods? For example, the dish fairy, the soul summoning board..."

"Ms. Duan, we are a firm, not a psychic shop."

"What... how long will it take to check like this? Xiaorui is in a very bad condition right now!"

"If you can provide more clues, then we can have a clear investigation target."

"Ms. Zheng, if it's convenient, can we go to your house and have a look? The first time you had this feeling was in the toilet of your house, right?"

"Well. I...my parents don't know that I'm coming to see you. Can you wait until they are not at home before you come?"


"This is the amulet made by our office. You should wear this on your body first."

"What is this?"


"What… "

"Can you two please write down where you have been and what you have done before these things happened?"

"There are so many...and I can't even remember them."

“No invoices kept or photos taken?”

"There are some..."

"Write as much as you can for the time being."

On December 4, 2013, the client’s background information was investigated and it was confirmed that there were no abnormalities among his immediate relatives.

On December 5, 2013, we visited the middle school where the client attended, investigated and confirmed that the school was founded in 1953. After several restructurings, it was changed to the current Huangnan District No. 1 Middle School in 1998. There were a total of 21 deaths of teachers and students. Since then, 5 of them died in an off-campus car accident in 2001, 3 committed suicide at school, 7 died in different car accidents, and 6 died from different diseases.

In addition, the investigation revealed that there were three supernatural legends in the school, none of which had anything to do with "shadow", "surveillance", "mirror", "animal", etc.

On December 6, 2013, the client's current address was investigated and it was confirmed that there was no death of a resident in the residence.

On December 9, 2013, the suspicion of Huangnan District No. 1 Middle School was eliminated, and there were no abnormalities in the 21 death cases.

On December 12, 2013, the client’s whereabouts in the past six months were investigated.

Attached: List of checklists.

On December 13, 2013, the investigation of Duan Shishi’s whereabouts and background information in the past six months yielded no results.

On December 14, 2013, I received a call from the client. Telephone recording 201312141931.mp3.


"Hello, Miss Zheng."

"Well, my parents will be going out this weekend, you can come over tomorrow."

"Okay. Can we get there early? Preferably before you usually wash up."

"Ah? Oh, then... let's have it the day after tomorrow. They will go on a trip tomorrow morning. You can come the day after tomorrow. The time I saw... it was at a quarter past six in the morning."

"Then we will arrive at your home at half past five the day after tomorrow."

"OK, all right."

On December 16, 2013, went to the client’s residence. Audio file 07820131216.wav.